Class AnnotationReviewSummary

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class AnnotationReviewSummary

    Summarizes the information about an annotation’s review state. It holds the data of currently set states mapped by the author and the author state for the current user.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AnnotationReviewSummary

        AnnotationReviewSummary(Map<AuthorState, List<String>> reviewNames, AuthorState currentUserState)
        Creates a new summary for the annotation review state.
        reviewNames - Map between the set state and a list of authors whose last set status is that one.
        currentUserState - The state set by the current user.
    • Method Detail

      • getReviewNames

        @NonNull() Map<AuthorState, List<String>> getReviewNames()

        Get's the map between the set state and a list of authors whose last set status is that one.


        A map that maps currently set author states with the list of authors that have set it.