Package com.pspdfkit.annotations
Annotation API (with all available annotation types).
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description SquareAnnotation Represents a square rendered on the page. SoundAnnotation Represents an audio file added to a page. InkAnnotation Represents a freehand drawing on the page. RichMediaAnnotation RichMedia annotations are defined in the ISO32000 Adobe Supplement and are the modern way of embedding video content. LineAnnotation Represents a line on the page. ShapeAnnotation Abstract base-class of all shape annotations: LineAnnotation, SquareAnnotation, CircleAnnotation, PolygonAnnotation, PolylineAnnotation. PolylineAnnotation Represents a polyline on the page. SquigglyAnnotation Represents a squiggly text underline on the page. CircleAnnotation Represents a circle on the page. LinkAnnotation Link type of annotation either carrying an URI or a page destination. WidgetAnnotation Represents the appearance of a field in interactive forms. FreeTextAnnotation Represents a free text annotation on the page. AssetAnnotation Abstract subclass that contains an asset from a link. BaseLineAnnotation Abstract base class for PolygonAnnotation and PolylineAnnotation. RedactionAnnotation Represents a redaction annotation on the document. HighlightAnnotation Represents a text highlight annotation on the page. UnderlineAnnotation Represents underlined text on the page. StrikeOutAnnotation Represents a strike-out text on the page. StampAnnotation Represents a stamp or annotationBitmap annotation on the page. BaseRectsAnnotation Abstract base-class of all markup annotations: TextMarkupAnnotation and . Annotation Represents a generic annotation in the PDF document. TextMarkupAnnotation Abstract base-class of all text markup annotations: HighlightAnnotation, , UnderlineAnnotation and StrikeOutAnnotation. NoteAnnotation Represents a note (shown as an icon) on the page. MediaAnnotation Abstract annotation class holding a media file asset. ScreenAnnotation A screen annotation (PDF 1.5) specifies a region of a page upon which media clips may be played. FileAnnotation Represents an annotation associated with EmbeddedFile. UnknownAnnotation Represents an annotation that is currently not recognised and handled by Nutrient. PolygonAnnotation Represents a closed polygon on a page. -
Enum Summary Enum Description VerticalTextAlignment Possible values for the vertical alignment of the text. AnnotationZIndexMove The possible z-index moves that can be applied on the annotation. BorderStyle Border style types for annotations. BorderEffect Border effect types for annotations. MediaWindowType The type of the window to display the media in. FreeTextAnnotationIntent Possible styles of free text annotation. FreeTextTextJustification Possible values for the alignment of the text. BlendMode List of blending modes available for the annotations that can be set by setBlendMode. LineEndType Types of available line ends in annotations. AnnotationFlags Specifies various characteristics of the annotation. AnnotationType All currently supported annotation types. -
Interface Summary Interface Description OnAnnotationUpdatedListener Listener for annotation update events inside AnnotationProvider. AnnotationProvider Handles all annotation related operations on the owning document. -
Annotation Summary Annotation Description IconName Denotes possible constants for sound annotation icons. IconName Denotes that a parameter must belong to on of these strings defined in : COMMENT, RIGHT_POINTER, RIGHT_ARROW, CHECK, CIRCLE, CROSS, INSERT, NEW_PARAGRAPH, NOTE, PARAGRAPH, HELP, STAR, KEY. IconName Denotes that a parameter must belong to on of these strings defined in : PUSH_PIN, PAPERCLIP, GRAPH, TAG.