Package com.pspdfkit.document.sharing
PDF sharing support.
See: Description
Enum Summary Enum Description ShareAction Defines supported share actions. -
Class Summary Class Description DocumentSharingManager Manager for handling pdf document sharing to other applications. DocumentSharingController Base class for sharing controllers. DocumentSharingProviderProcessor Prepares data in DocumentSharingProvider for sharing via Android's share framework. DocumentSharingProvider Provider allowing access to shared files. DefaultDocumentSharingController Default implementation of DocumentSharingController. ShareTarget Defines single target for share action. SharingOptions Options for document processing during the sharing process. DocumentSharingIntentHelper Helper for creating share intents. -
Interface Summary Interface Description PdfProcessorProgressListener Listener for PdfProcessor progress updates used when preparing PdfDocument for sharing. SharingOptionsProvider Allows you to provide default share options when the user hits the share button in the toolbar.