Package com.pspdfkit.forms
Interactive forms API.
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description Builder Builder used to construct PushButtonFormConfiguration instance. PushButtonFormConfiguration Configuration class of PushButtonFormElement for the creation of a FormField using addFormElementToPage. Builder Builder used to construct ListBoxFormConfiguration instance. ListBoxFormConfiguration Configuration class of ListBoxFormElement for the creation of a ListBoxFormField using addFormElementToPage. TextFormElement Represents a text control in a PDF form. PushButtonFormElement A simple push button that responds immediately to user input without retaining any state. CheckBoxFormElement A single checkbox form control which can be toggled to on or off. RadioButtonFormField A group of radio buttons in a PDF form that are mutually exclusive. CheckBoxFormField One or more check boxes that can toggle between two states - on and off. BaseBuilder Base builder to be used for all builders declared in the FormElementConfiguration subclasses. FormElementConfiguration Base class for all form element configuration classes. FormField A form field. ListBoxFormElement A form control which displays scrollable list with choices. ChoiceFormField Represents a choice form field in a PDF form. RadioButtonFormElement A single radio button in a radio group represented by RadioButtonFormField. ListBoxFormField A form field which displays scrollable list with choices. Builder Builder used to construct TextFormConfiguration instance. TextFormConfiguration Configuration class of com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement for the creation of a using addFormElementToPage. UnknownFormElement Represents a form element that is currently not recognised and handled by Nutrient. ButtonFormElement Represents button in a PDF form. ComboBoxFormField A form field which displays drop-down list. SignatureFormField Represents a signature field in a form. ButtonFormField Represents button form field in a PDF form. FormProviderFactory Factory intended for internal usage only. Builder Builder used to construct RadioButtonFormConfiguration instance. RadioButtonFormConfiguration Configuration class of com.pspdfkit.forms.RadioButtonFormElement for the creation of a com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField using addFormElementsToPage or addFormElementToPage. ComboBoxFormElement A form control which displays drop-down list. SignatureFormElement Form element representing a signature field. Builder Builder used to construct SignatureFormConfiguration instance. SignatureFormConfiguration Configuration class of SignatureFormElement for the creation of a FormField using addFormElementToPage. FormOption Represents one entry in form options array. PushButtonFormField A simple push button that responds immediately to user input without retaining any state. Builder Builder used to construct ComboBoxFormConfiguration instance. ComboBoxFormConfiguration Configuration class of com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormElement for the creation of a com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormField using addFormElementToPage. EditableButtonFormField Represents editable button field in a PDF form - i.e. EditableButtonFormElement Represents editable button in a PDF form - i.e. FormElement A visible form control. TextFormField A text form field in a PDF form. ChoiceFormElement Represents a choice form control in a PDF form. Builder Builder used to construct CheckBoxFormConfiguration instance. CheckBoxFormConfiguration Configuration class of com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormElement for the creation of a com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormField using addFormElementsToPage or addFormElementToPage. -
Enum Summary Enum Description TextInputFormat Supported types of text input for forms. FormType All supported form types. -
Interface Summary Interface Description FormProvider Handles all form related operations on the owning document. OnFormFieldUpdatedListener Listener for form fields updates. OnFormTabOrderUpdatedListener Listener for form tab ordering updates. OnButtonFormFieldUpdatedListener Listener for ButtonFormField updates. OnChoiceFormFieldUpdatedListener Listener for ChoiceFormField updates. OnTextFormFieldUpdatedListener Listener for TextFormField updates. FormListeners Collection of form listeners.