Package com.pspdfkit.ui.note
Visual annotation contents hint for supported annotations.
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description NoteHinterDrawable Drawable used by AnnotationNoteHinter to visually notify text contents property for supported annotation types. NoteStampAnnotationHinterDrawable Drawable used by AnnotationNoteHinter to visually notify text contents property for com.pspdfkit.annotations.StampAnnotation. NoteLineAnnotationHinterDrawable Drawable used by AnnotationNoteHinter to visually notify text contents property for com.pspdfkit.annotations.LineAnnotation. NoteShapeAnnotationHinterDrawable Drawable used by AnnotationNoteHinter to visually notify text contents property for SquareAnnotation and CircleAnnotation. AnnotationNoteHinterThemeConfiguration Wrapper class for extracting annotation note hinter theme attributes. NoteTextMarkupAnnotationHinterDrawable Drawable used by AnnotationNoteHinter to visually notify text contents property for TextMarkupAnnotation. AlignedAnnotationHinterDrawable Note hinter drawable with configurable note alignment in both horizontal and vertical dimensions. NoteMultilineAnnotationHinterDrawable Drawable used by AnnotationNoteHinter to visually notify text contents property for InkAnnotation, PolygonAnnotation, and PolylineAnnotation. AnnotationNoteHinter PdfDrawableProvider creating visual contents hints for supported Annotation. -
Enum Summary Enum Description HorizontalAlignment Enum with possible horizontal icon alignments. VerticalAlignment Enum with possible vertical icon alignments.