Package com.pspdfkit.ui
UI components (activities, fragments and views).
See: Description
Interface Summary Interface Description OnAnnotationCreatorSetListener This listener interface needs to be implemented by any class that wishes to handle AnnotationCreatorInputDialogFragment specific dialog events. OnPasswordSubmitListener Listener for entered password being submitted. OnDocumentsChangedListener Listener for changes made to documents managed by DocumentCoordinator. OnDocumentVisibleListener Listener for document becoming visible in the DocumentCoordinator. OnDocumentCoordinatorEmptyListener Listener for the last document being removed from the DocumentCoordinator. DocumentCoordinator Coordinates loading and display of multiple documents in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivity. PSPDFView Shared interface of all auxiliary views (search view, thumbnail bar, grid, etc. PSPDFKitViews Interface for convenient access to views in a PSPDFKit activity. EditTextListener Listener interface for events on the FloatingHintEditText. OnAnnotationTapListener Annotation list tap listener. OnOutlineElementTapListener Outline element tap listener. OnEmbeddedFileTapListener Embedded file tap listener. DocumentOutlineProvider Interface to objects that provide outline elements. PdfUi The API that is shared between PdfActivity and PdfUiFragment. OnPopupToolbarItemClickedListener Listener for menu item clicks. PageObjectProvider Base class for com.pspdfkit.ui.drawable.PdfDrawableProvider and . OnPageChangedListener Listener for receiving page changes caused by the user touching or dragging the . OnPageClickListener Listener for observing a PdfThumbnailGrid page click. OnDocumentSavedListener Listener for document saving inside PdfThumbnailGrid. ImmersiveModeCallback -
Class Summary Class Description AnnotationCreatorInputDialogFragment AnnotationCreatorInputDialogFragment facilitates setting the annotation creator. PdfPasswordView Password view used when accessing password protected documents. LocalizedTextView This is a TextView that will use registered com.pspdfkit.listeners.LocalizationListener to localize its contents. FloatingHintEditText An AppCompatEditText extension containing a floating hint text, a colored underline and bottom error text. AppCompatTextViewTint TextView class that extends support to drawable tint for Android API lower than 23 by using style attribute pspdf__drawableTint
.PdfDocumentInfoView OutlinePagerAdapter A state pager adapter controlling the pager items (outline view and annotation list view) that saves and restores View states. PdfOutlineView A layout containing the tab on the top and a view pager for switching between the outline, the list of annotations and the bookmarks. PdfFragment Fragment that actually displays the PDF document. LocalizedButton This is a Button that will use registered com.pspdfkit.listeners.LocalizationListener to localize its contents. LocalizedEditText This is an EditText that will use registered com.pspdfkit.listeners.LocalizationListener to localize its contents. PdfYouTubeActivity An activity for displaying YouTube content within the PDF. PdfFrameLayout Custom implementation of framework FrameLayout that correctly supports window insets. PdfUiFragment Experimental API - Might change in the future. PopupToolbar A class used for displaying a toolbar as a popup. ConvertToDrawable Reactive function that converts a Bitmap to a Drawable with fade effect if needed. PdfThumbnailBar Bar showing thumbnails of pages for quick selection. ViewStatePagerAdapter A simple implementation of PagerAdapter that automatically saves and restores view states when returning to pages previously removed and after view pager's state restoration. EmptyPdfActivityView The view that is displayed in the PdfActivity when no document is set. PdfActivityIntentBuilder Builder used for creating an intent for starting PdfActivity. DocumentDescriptor Describes a document and its UI state. LocalizedSwitch This is a Switch that will use registered com.pspdfkit.listeners.LocalizationListener to localize its contents. PdfFocusRelativeLayout Implements custom focus searching logic to make keyboard navigation in PdfActivity more intuitive. PdfMediaDialog A dialog used for displaying media playback. PdfThumbnailGrid Scrollable grid view of document pages. FloatingHintPasswordEditText An AppCompatEditText extension for passwords containing a floating hint text, a colored underline and bottom error text. PdfUiFragmentBuilder Builder used for creating an PdfUiFragment. PdfActivity Activity with fully integrated views and behaviour. PdfReaderView Reader View component containing a styled web view for showing the reflowed text. RecyclableFrameLayout A FrameLayout that dispatches recycle calls to its child views. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Type Known auxiliary view types.