Interface AnnotationCreationController

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.base.FragmentSpecialModeController , com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.base.SpecialModeController

    public interface AnnotationCreationController
     implements FragmentSpecialModeController

    Default controller given when entering annotation creation mode. Used to control annotation creation mode properties and actions.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getActiveAnnotationTool

        @Nullable() abstract AnnotationTool getActiveAnnotationTool()

        Returns annotation creation tool that is currently active.


        Active annotation tool. NONE if annotation creation mode is active but no annotation tool is selected, null if annotation creation mode is inactive.

      • getAnnotationManager

        @NonNull() abstract AnnotationManager getAnnotationManager()

        Returns an annotation manager which you can use to register listeners from the controller.


        Annotation manager managing the annotation editing listeners.

      • getColor

        @ColorInt() abstract int getColor()

        Gets current color set to the annotation creation mode.


        Annotation creation mode color, displayed in the color circle starting up a color picker.

      • setColor

         abstract void setColor(@ColorInt() int color)

        Sets color for the annotation creation mode.

        color - Annotation creation mode color.
      • getFillColor

        @ColorInt() abstract int getFillColor()

        Gets fill color set to the annotation creation mode.


        Annotation creation mode fill color.

      • setFillColor

         abstract void setFillColor(@ColorInt() int fillColor)

        Sets fill color for the annotation creation mode.

        fillColor - Annotation creation mode fill color.
      • getOutlineColor

        @ColorInt() abstract int getOutlineColor()

        Gets outline color set to the annotation creation mode.


        Annotation creation mode outline color.

      • setOutlineColor

         abstract void setOutlineColor(@ColorInt() int outlineColor)

        Sets outline color for the annotation creation mode.

        outlineColor - Annotation creation mode outline color.
      • getThickness

        @FloatRange(from = 0.0) abstract float getThickness()

        Gets thickness set to the annotation creation mode.


        Thickness in PDF points (font size for FREETEXT annotations).

      • setThickness

         abstract void setThickness(@FloatRange(from = 0.0) float thickness)

        Sets thickness to the annotation creation mode.

        thickness - Thickness in PDF points (font size for FREETEXT annotations).
      • getTextSize

        @FloatRange(from = 1) abstract float getTextSize()

        Gets text size set to the annotation creation mode.


        Text size in PDF points.

      • setTextSize

         abstract void setTextSize(@FloatRange(from = 1) float textSize)

        Sets text size to the annotation creation mode.

        textSize - Text size in PDF points.
      • setAlpha

         abstract void setAlpha(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float alpha)

        Sets alpha to the annotation creation mode.

        alpha - Alpha in percent from 0 to 1.
      • getAlpha

        @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) abstract float getAlpha()

        Gets alpha set to the annotation creation mode.


        Alpha in percent from 0 to 1.

      • setFont

         abstract void setFont(@NonNull() Font font)

        Sets the font to the annotation creation mode.

        font - The font to use.
      • getFont

         abstract Font getFont()

        Gets the font set to the annotation creation mode.


        The font set.

      • setOverlayText

         abstract void setOverlayText(@NonNull() String overlayText)

        Sets the overlay text to the annotation creation mode.

        overlayText - The overlay text to use.
      • getOverlayText

        @NonNull() abstract String getOverlayText()

        Gets the overlay text set to the annotation creation mode.


        The overlay text that is set.

      • setRepeatOverlayText

         abstract void setRepeatOverlayText(boolean repeatOverlayText)

        Sets if the overlay text should be repeated.

        repeatOverlayText - If the overlay text should be repeated.
      • getRepeatOverlayText

         abstract boolean getRepeatOverlayText()

        Returns whether the overlay text should be repeated or not.


        Whether the overlay text should be repeated or not.

      • shouldDisplayPicker

         abstract boolean shouldDisplayPicker()

        Whether annotation inspector toolbar icon should be visible.

      • toggleAnnotationInspector

         abstract void toggleAnnotationInspector()

        Displays/hides an annotation inspector for the selected annotation type.

      • showAnnotationEditor

         abstract void showAnnotationEditor(@NonNull() Annotation annotation)

        Shows annotation editor for the passed annotation.

        annotation - Annotation for which to show the editor.
      • displayScalePicker

         abstract void displayScalePicker()

        Displays/hides an annotation inspector for the measurement annotation types.