Pdf Configuration
Configuration for the core of PSPDFKit rendering engine. To create the configuration use the Builder.
Indicates whether multiple bookmarks per page can be added or not, defaults to false
. If disabled only one bookmark will be allowed to be added per page, otherwise multiple bookmarks can be added.
Indicates whether page changes triggered by tapping the page edge cause an animation. Defaults to false
disabling page change animations when changing the page by tapping the page edge.
Which parts of the annotation replies UI are enabled. See AnnotationReplyFeatures.
Document paper color (white is default).
Returns a list of annotation types that should be editable. Empty list here means "All annotations are editable."
Returns a list of annotation tools that should be enabled. Note that empty list here means that all annotation tools are enabled.
The enabled CopyPasteFeatures. Defaults to all features being enabled.
Indicates which supported share features are enabled in the UI.
Indicates whether we should automatically detect the stylus. Enabling this will automatically disable all other inputs once we detect stylus use. Enabling this will also allow for swiping between pages with the finger during annotating and automatically turn on the "Use stylus for annotating" switch, if it is off. Disabling this setting allows for drawing with both the stylus and the finger but prevents swiping with the finger during annotating unless the "Use stylus for annotating" setting switch in the document has been manually turned on. Defaults to true
Returns a list of annotation types that will be excluded from rendering. Empty list means "All annotations are rendered."
Fit mode of the document (fit-to-screen is default).
Returns fixed low resolution render pixel count or null
Defines guide line on/off intervals sizes. Must have an even number of entries (>=2). Even indices are specifying the "on" intervals, the odd indices specifying the "off" intervals. "On" intervals specify length of the line dashes, "Off" specify length of the line gaps.
Indicates whether the annotation editing is enabled or not.
Indicates whether the annotation creation and editing inspectors are enabled.
Indicates whether the annotations are limited to the page bounds.
Whether the annotation popup toolbar is enabled or not. This appears when you long press a selected annotation
Indicates whether the annotation rotation is enabled or not.
Whether we automatically generating link annotations for links in the document text is enabled or not. If true
we will automatically parse the text and generate clickable links for all URLs and eMail addresses in the document text. Defaults to false
Whether document autosave is enabled.
Indicates whether the auto select next form element functionality is enabled or not (defaults to false
Indicates whether the content editing is enabled or not.
Whether copy and paste operations are enabled for annotations. If true
we will show copy and cut actions in the editing annotation toolbar. Defaults to true
Whether the first page should always be displayed as a single or not, false
by default.
Indicates whether the form editing is enabled or not.
Indicates whether the date and time pickers should be enabled for according form elements (defaults to true
If the page colors should be inverted (defaults to false
Controls whether JavaScript processing is enabled. Defaults to true
Whether restoration of the last viewed page when reopening a document is enabled or not. If true
, the last viewed page will be restored when opening the document a second time. If false
, the document will be opened at page index 0
. Defaults to true
Indicates whether the magnifier is shown when:
Indicates whether the measurement tools are enabled or not.
Controls whether multithreaded rendering is enabled, defaults to true
Whether handling for AnnotationFlags.NOZOOM flag for note annotations is enabled.
Whether playing multiple media instances is enabled or not.
Whether redoing undone edits is enabled. If true
we will show redo actions in the toolbar. Defaults to true
If the default document scrollbars should be enabled (defaults to true
If text selection (programmatically and via long-press) is enabled (defaults to true
Whether the text selection popup toolbar is enabled or not. If disabled and used by some com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivity, the activity will fall back to using the old text selection toolbar.
Should the page colors be converted to grayscale (defaults to false
Whether undoing edits is enabled. If true
we will show undo actions in the toolbar. Defaults to true
Whether video playback is enabled in document. (defaults to false
Indicates if file access is allowed in webview via WebSettings.setAllowFileAccess(). Defaults to false
Layout mode of the document (PageLayoutMode.AUTO is default).
Returns drawable resource for the throbber displayed while loading the document.
Maximum zoom scale in the document.
Size of the memory cache (defaults to 1/4 of the available heap size).
Indicates whether the outline elements expanded or collapsed.
The padding between pages (defaults to 16dp).
Defines aggressiveness of snapping to guide lines. How many pixels around guide will snap to guide when resizing. Defaults to 30f.
Scroll direction of the document (horizontal is default).
Scroll mode of the document (per-page is default).
Indicates whether tapping on the page edge causes the page to scroll. Defaults to true
enabling navigating the document by tapping the page edges.
The margin in DP in which taps on the page edge trigger page navigation. Defaults to 24dp
Indicates whether the font scaling when resizing Freetext annotations with the bottom right handle is enabled. Defaults to true.
Indicates whether the selected annotation resizing is enabled or not.
Indicates whether the annotation selection resize guide lines are enabled or not. Defaults to true.
Should the zoom out below the minimum zoom have a bounce-back effect on a page.
Whether to show gap between pages in double page mode or not. Defaults to false
(join pages together).
Indicates whether the NoteEditor should be shown automatically when creating new note. Defaults to true
Indicates whether the sign here overlay is shown on signature form fields. Defaults to true
Defines the signature color options available when using the "Draw" or "Type" signing UI. Defaults to black, purple, and blue.
The ways in which the user can choose to add their signature.
The orientation to use for the signature picker, defaults to SignaturePickerOrientation.AUTOMATIC.
The saving strategy used when adding signatures. When the Electronic Signature component is available, saving defaults to SignatureSavingStrategy.NEVER_SAVE. Meanwhile, if the license used is still on legacy signatures, the property will default to SignatureSavingStrategy.SAVE_IF_SELECTED.
The scale at which the document should start.
Theme mode of the whole app (ThemeMode.DEFAULT is default).
Indicates whether cubic interpolation should be used for ink annotations. Defaults to true. If set to false, quadratic interpolation will be used, which is a bit faster, but less smooth.
Indicates whether the annotations are limited to the page bounds.