
Experimental API - Might change in the future.

This fragment provides the same UI as PdfActivity. It can be used inside any view hierarchy but use is limited to one instance per Activity, unless pdfFragmentTag is used to set a unique fragment tag for each instance.


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open val implementation: PdfUiImpl
The current implementation of the PDF UI.


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Returns the PdfActivityConfiguration that was provided while launching this pdf UI.
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open fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent)
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Call this from your activity to properly close the UI when pressing back.
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open fun onCreateOptionsMenu(@NonNull menu: Menu, @NonNull inflater: MenuInflater)
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open fun onCreateView(@NonNull inflater: LayoutInflater, @Nullable container: ViewGroup, @Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle): View
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open fun onDestroy()
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Called when the user taps / clicks on the document, not the page itself but on the side (if visible).
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open fun onDocumentLoaded(@NonNull document: PdfDocument)
Called when document is successfully loaded and the document view has been laid out.
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open fun onDocumentLoadFailed(@NonNull exception: Throwable)
Called if document loading has failed.
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open fun onDocumentSave(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @NonNull saveOptions: DocumentSaveOptions): Boolean
Called before document will be saved.
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Called if document saving has been cancelled.
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open fun onDocumentSaved(@NonNull document: PdfDocument)
Called after the document has been saved.
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open fun onDocumentSaveFailed(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @NonNull exception: Throwable)
Called if document saving has failed.
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open fun onDocumentZoomed(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, scaleFactor: Float)
Called when a user zooms a document.
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open fun onGetShowAsAction(menuItemId: Int, defaultShowAsAction: Int): Int
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open fun onPageChanged(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int)
Called when user scrolled to a new page.
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open fun onPageClick(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, pageIndex: Int, @Nullable event: MotionEvent, @Nullable pagePosition: PointF, @Nullable clickedAnnotation: Annotation): Boolean
Called when user taps / clicks on the page.
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open fun onPageUpdated(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int)
Called when content of page with pageIndex has changed (for example due to annotation or form field being updated).
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open fun onPause()
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open fun onResume()
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open fun onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull outState: Bundle)
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Called when activity title must be set - before and after document was loaded.
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open fun onStart()
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open fun onStop()
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Called when user interface visibility have changed.
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Replaces activity configuration.