Package-level declarations


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open class SettingsOptions(var scrollDirection: PageScrollDirection, var scrollMode: PageScrollMode, var layoutMode: PageLayoutMode, var themeMode: ThemeMode, var screenTimeoutMillis: Long, val visibleItems: EnumSet<SettingsMenuItemType>, var snapToPoint: Boolean, var snapToSelf: Boolean, var showSmartGuides: Boolean) : Serializable

Data class that represents the options to be shown in the com.pspdfkit.ui.settings.SettingsDialog. Generally you wouldn't need to deal with this class, as it's automatically created by the internal com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi implementation from values of the active com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.


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const val TIMEOUT_DEFAULT: Long = 0

Parameter for .setScreenTimeout used for restoring screen timeout to its default system value.

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Parameter for .setScreenTimeout used for disabling screen timeout.