Package-level declarations

Exception types like com.pspdfkit.exceptions.PSPDFKitException and all of its subtypes.


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Thrown when the used layout is missing a required view, or makes wrong use of internal view ids.
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Thrown when attempting to open a password protected PDF document with wrong password.
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Thrown when invalid license is passed during PSPDFKit initialization.
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Thrown when attempting to open a document using an invalid signature.
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Thrown when the used Context uses a theme incompatible with PSPDFKit.
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Exception thrown when there is an error adding long term validation to a document.

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Thrown when the dependency is missing from the project.
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Top level class for all PSPDFKit exceptions.

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Thrown when current device isn't supported by PSPDFKit (Android version too old, wrong ABI).

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Thrown when PSPDFKit calls are invoked without initializing the SDK first.