| Name | Description |
 | Author |
Specifies the name of the person who created the document.
 | ConvertDocxComments | Specifies that the comments from DOCX documents should be converted as comment annotations in the PDF.
 | DocxImageQuality | Sets the level of quality used to compress images with a lossy compression scheme, which are embedded in the newly produced DOCX document when converting/saving the currently loaded document to DOCX format.
It must be a value from 0 to 100. 0 means the worst quality and the best compression, 100 means the best quality and the worst compression. |
 | DropGdPictureAnnotations | Specifies if present GdPictureAnnotations objects in the loaded document should be copied before further processing. |
 | EmailAutoFitWidth |
Specifies whether the width should be automatically adjusted to fit the content of the resulting document when converting from the source Email file.
 | EmailCustomJavaScript |
Specify JavaScript code to execute once the page is loaded and before the print to PDF step
 | EmailInjectHeader |
Specifies whether the email header should be injected in the output document.
 | EmailPageHeight |
Specifies the page height, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source Email file.
Default value is 1080.
 | EmailPageMarginBottom |
Specifies the bottom page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source Email file.
 | EmailPageMarginLeft |
Specifies the left page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source Email file.
 | EmailPageMarginRight |
Specifies the right page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source Email file.
 | EmailPageMarginTop |
Specifies the top page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source Email file.
 | EmailPageWidth |
Specifies the page width, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source Email file.
The default value is 792.
 | EmailPreferOnePage |
Specify whether if the output document should contains one page
 | EnableICC | Specifies if the ICC profile should be preserved during the conversion if it's present in the loaded document. |
 | HTMLBlockNetworkAccess |
Specify whether the browser should emulate internet disconnection by blocking network access.
 | HTMLConversionDelay |
Specify a delay in milliseconds before the print to PDF step
 | HTMLCustomCookies |
Sets given cookies.
 | HTMLCustomCSS |
Custom CSS to add in the page before the print to PDF step.
 | HTMLCustomHTTPHeaders |
Specifies whether to always send extra HTTP headers with the requests from this page.
 | HTMLCustomJavaScript |
Specify JavaScript code to execute once the page is loaded and before the print to PDF step
 | HTMLDefaultBrowserStartupArguments |
Specify additionnals flags or settings to browser instance at process creation time.
 | HtmlEmulationType |
Specifies a type of a media to emulate.
 | HtmlPageHeight |
Specifies the page height, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source html file.
Default value is 810.
 | HtmlPageMarginBottom |
Specifies the bottom page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source html file.
 | HtmlPageMarginLeft |
Specifies the left page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source html file.
 | HtmlPageMarginRight |
Specifies the right page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source html file.
 | HtmlPageMarginTop |
Specifies the top page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source html file.
 | HtmlPageWidth |
Specifies the page width, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source html file.
The default value is 1440.
 | HtmlPreferCSSPageSize |
Give any CSS @page size declared in the page priority over what is declared in HtmlPageWidth and HtmlPageHeight.
If set to false, the renderer will scale the content to fit the paper size.
 | HtmlPreferOnePage |
Specifies whether the output document should contain a single page.
 | HTMLScale |
Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1.
 | HTMLScriptsExecutionDisabled |
Switches script execution in the page.
 | HTMLSnapshotLoadEvent |
Defines the load event to wait for before printing the page to PDF.
 | HTMLTaggedPdf |
Whether to generate tagged (accessible) PDF.
 | HTMLUserAgentHideHeadLessMode |
Whether to hide the headless mode in the HTTP User-Agent header or not, preserving the real UA browser name.
 | HTMLUserAgentOverride |
Allows overriding user agent with the given string.
 | HTMLViewPortHeight |
Sets the viewport height size to use when converting.
 | HTMLViewPortWidth |
Sets the viewport width size to use when converting.
 | JBIG2PMSThreshold |
Specifies the threshold value for the JBIG2 encoder pattern matching and substitution between 0 and 1. Any number lower than 1 may lead to lossy compression.
Default value is 0.75.
 | Keywords |
Specifies keywords associated with the document.
 | LoadOnlyFirstPage | Specifies that all executed actions with the loaded document will be processed using only the first page of the document. |
 | Metadata |
Specifies medatada of the produced document that must be represented in Extensible Markup Language (XML).
 | PageRange | Specifies individual pages or page intervals related to the loaded document for further processing.
The required page numbers need to be defined in the matching pattern, for example use the string of "1-5" for pages 1 to 5, or use the string of "1,5,6" to specify pages 1 and 5 and 6. You can use the string of "1,5,8-12" to specify pages 1, 5, 8 and all pages from page 8 to page 12, etc. |
 | PdfBitonalImageCompression | Sets the scheme to be used to compress bitonal image data when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format. |
 | PdfColorImageCompression | Sets the scheme to be used to compress color image data when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format. |
 | PdfEnableColorDetection | Enables or disables the automatic color detection feature when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format.
The purpose is to automatically detect the original color of documents scanned in color mode and convert the B/W and/or grayscale ones to the appropriate bpp (bits-per-pixel) encoding. The result is allowing preservation of image quality while considerably reducing the file size. |
 | PdfEnableLinearization |
Specifies whether pdf encoder is applying linearization (aka fast web view).
Default value is false.
 | PdfForceImageDPI | Specifies the DPI for images when converting them to PDF format. This property allows overriding the default DPI of the images used in the conversion process. |
 | PdfImageQuality | Sets the level of quality used to compress images with a lossy compression scheme, which are embedded in the newly produced PDF document when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format.
It must be a value from 0 to 100. 0 means the worst quality and the best compression, 100 means the best quality and the worst compression. |
 | PdfUseDeflateOnJPEG | Specifies if the converter shall use additional Deflate compression for JPEG images in PDF output. |
 | Producer |
Specifies the name of the application (for example, PaperScan) that produced the document.
 | RasterizationDPI | Sets the rendering resolution to be used when converting vector content to raster content, if any is included in the currently loaded document. |
 | RenderSheetHeadersAndFooters | Specifies that the xls and xlsx headers and footers should be rendered.
 | SplitExcelSheetsIntoPages | Specifies that xls and xlsx sheets should be split into pages according to the PageSetup element of each sheet.
 | SpreadsheetBottomMarginOverride |
Specifies the spreadsheet bottom margin height in millimeters. If height is not given or negative, the margin specified in the document will be used instead.
The addition of top and bottom page margin must be lower than page height.
 | SpreadsheetLeftMarginOverride |
Specifies the spreadsheet left margin width in millimeters. If width is not given or negative, the margin specified in the document will be used instead.
The addition of left and right page margin must be lower than page width.
 | SpreadsheetMaximumContentHeightPerSheet |
Decimal value indicating the maximum height of the sheet content, in millimeters. Maximum content height ignores header and footer height.
When multiple pages are required to render a sheet, the content height will be the sum of the content height of each page.
If set to zero or less, no limitation will be applied.
 | SpreadsheetMaximumContentWidthPerSheet |
Decimal value indicating the maximum width of the sheet content, in millimeters. Maximum content width ignores margins.
When multiple pages are required to render a sheet, the content width will be the sum of the content width of each page.
If set to zero or less, no limitation will be applied.
 | SpreadsheetPageHeightOverride |
Specifies the spreadsheet page height in millimeters. If height is not given or not positive, the page height specified in the document will be used instead.
The addition of top and bottom page margin must be lower than page height.
 | SpreadsheetPageWidthOverride |
Specifies the spreadsheet page width in millimeters. If width is not given or not positive, the page width specified in the document will be used instead.
The addition of left and right page margin must be lower than page width.
 | SpreadsheetRenderOnlyPrintArea |
For spreadsheet, specifies that for each sheets only the print areas must be rendered.
If no print area are found the whole sheets will be rendered
 | SpreadsheetRightMarginOverride |
Specifies the spreadsheet right margin width in millimeters. If width is not given or negative, the margin specified in the document will be used instead.
The addition of left and right page margin must be lower than page width.
 | SpreadsheetTopMarginOverride |
Specifies the spreadsheet top margin height in millimeters. If height is not given or negative, the margin specified in the document will be used instead.
The addition of top and bottom page margin must be lower than page height.
 | Subject |
Specifies the subject of the document.
 | TiffEnableExifRotate |
Specifies whether tiff encoder is using Exif rotate flag to handle page rotations.
Default value is true.
 | TimeoutMilliseconds |
Specifies the timeout of the subsequent conversion process, in milliseconds.
Default value is -1, which means no timeout.
 | Title |
Specifies the document’s title.
 | TrackOfficeDocumentRevisions | Specifies that Office documents will be rendered showing the revisions.
Inserted runs will be rendered in red, underlined.
Deleted runs will be rendered in red, strikethrough.
 | TxtFontBold |
Specifies whether the font used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file must have a bold style.
 | TxtFontFamily |
Specifies the name of the font to be used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
 | TxtFontItalic |
Specifies whether the font used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file must have an italic style.
 | TxtFontSize |
Specifies the text size, in points, to be used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
 | TxtHorizontalTextAlignment |
Specifies the horizontal text alignment of the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
Default value is TextAlignment.TextAlignmentNear.
 | TxtPageHeight |
Specifies the page height, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
Default value is 842, which is the A4 document height.
 | TxtPageMarginBottom |
Specifies the bottom page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
 | TxtPageMarginLeft |
Specifies the left page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
 | TxtPageMarginRight |
Specifies the right page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
 | TxtPageMarginTop |
Specifies the top page margin, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
 | TxtPageWidth |
Specifies the page width, in points, of the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
The default value is 595, which is the A4 document width.