using (GdPictureImaging gdpictureImaging = new GdPictureImaging())
int imageID = gdpictureImaging.CreateGdPictureImageFromFile("image.jpg", false);
// Start the DataMatrix barcode scanning process using the best quality mode and look for all barcodes.
// Write all available info into a text file.
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("DataMatrix.txt"))
int barcodesFound = gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeCount();
for (int i = 1; i <= barcodesFound; i++)
// Decoded information.
file.WriteLine("Decoded info = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeValue(i));
// The skew angle of the barcode, in degrees.
file.WriteLine("Skew angle = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeSkewAngle(i));
// The number of rows of the barcode.
file.WriteLine("Rows = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeRows(i));
// The number of columns of the barcode.
file.WriteLine("Columns = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeColumns(i));
// The raw bytes decoded. It was post-processed to find the correct decoded info based on detected Encoding.
file.WriteLine("Raw bytes = " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeValueRAW(i));
// The barcode position, given by the coordinates of the corners.
file.WriteLine("Position = Top-Left=["
+ gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeX1(i) + ", " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeY1(i)
+ "] Top-Right=[" + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeX2(i) + ", " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeY2(i)
+ "] Bottom-Right=[" + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeX3(i) + ", " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeY3(i)
+ "] Bottom-Left=[" + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeX4(i) + ", " + gdpictureImaging.BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeY4(i) + "]");
// Release used resources.