GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / TiffMerge2Files Method
The file path of the first image file to merge.
The file path of the second image file to merge.
The file path of the destination TIFF image file.
A member of the TiffCompression enumeration. The resulting TIFF compression scheme to be used.

In This Topic
TiffMerge2Files Method (GdPictureImaging)
In This Topic
Merges two image files according to their file paths. The result is saved as a multipage TIFF image file to a file path you have specified.
Public Function TiffMerge2Files( _
   ByVal FilePath1 As String, _
   ByVal FilePath2 As String, _
   ByVal FileDest As String, _
   ByVal Compression As TiffCompression _
) As GdPictureStatus
public GdPictureStatus TiffMerge2Files( 
   string FilePath1,
   string FilePath2,
   string FileDest,
   TiffCompression Compression
public function TiffMerge2Files( 
    FilePath1: String;
    FilePath2: String;
    FileDest: String;
    Compression: TiffCompression
): GdPictureStatus; 
public function TiffMerge2Files( 
   FilePath1 : String,
   FilePath2 : String,
   FileDest : String,
   Compression : TiffCompression
) : GdPictureStatus;
public: GdPictureStatus TiffMerge2Files( 
   string* FilePath1,
   string* FilePath2,
   string* FileDest,
   TiffCompression Compression
GdPictureStatus TiffMerge2Files( 
   String^ FilePath1,
   String^ FilePath2,
   String^ FileDest,
   TiffCompression Compression


The file path of the first image file to merge.
The file path of the second image file to merge.
The file path of the destination TIFF image file.
A member of the TiffCompression enumeration. The resulting TIFF compression scheme to be used.

Return Value

A member of the GdPictureStatus enumeration. If the method has been successfully followed, then the return value is GdPictureStatus.OK. We strongly recommend always checking this status first.
Supported input document formats are listed here.

Be aware that if you are applying CCITT3 or CCITT4 compression scheme, the source images can only be 1bpp, otherwise the LZW compression scheme is used.

See Also