GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / TwainGetCapRangeNumeric Method
A member of the TwainCapabilities enumeration.
Output parameter. Starting value in the range.
Output parameter. Final value in the range.
Output parameter. Increment from nMinValue to nMaxValue.

In This Topic
TwainGetCapRangeNumeric Method (GdPictureImaging)
In This Topic
Returns the three parameters that define a Range for a TWAIN capability. Many capabilities allow users to select their current value from a range of regularly spaced values. The capability can specify the minimum and maximum acceptable values and the incremental step size between values. For example, resolution might be supported from 100 to 600 in steps of 50 (100, 150, 200, ..., 550, 600).
Public Function TwainGetCapRangeNumeric( _
   ByVal Cap As TwainCapabilities, _
   ByRef nMinValue As Double, _
   ByRef nMaxValue As Double, _
   ByRef nStepValue As Double _
) As Boolean
public bool TwainGetCapRangeNumeric( 
   TwainCapabilities Cap,
   ref double nMinValue,
   ref double nMaxValue,
   ref double nStepValue
public function TwainGetCapRangeNumeric( 
    Cap: TwainCapabilities;
   var  nMinValue: Double;
   var  nMaxValue: Double;
   var  nStepValue: Double
): Boolean; 
public function TwainGetCapRangeNumeric( 
   Cap : TwainCapabilities,
   nMinValue : double,
   nMaxValue : double,
   nStepValue : double
) : boolean;
public: bool TwainGetCapRangeNumeric( 
   TwainCapabilities Cap,
   ref double nMinValue,
   ref double nMaxValue,
   ref double nStepValue
bool TwainGetCapRangeNumeric( 
   TwainCapabilities Cap,
   double% nMinValue,
   double% nMaxValue,
   double% nStepValue


A member of the TwainCapabilities enumeration.
Output parameter. Starting value in the range.
Output parameter. Final value in the range.
Output parameter. Increment from nMinValue to nMaxValue.

Return Value

True if success, else False -> use TwainGetLastResultCode() and TwainGetLastConditionCode() methods for diagnosing the error.
Before using this method check that the TWAIN state is >= 4 (TWAIN_SOURCE_OPEN) To get the TWAIN state, use the TwainGetState() method. This method can be used to set the following types of capabilities: TWTY_INT8 , TWTY_INT16, TWTY_INT32, TWTY_UINT8, TWTY_UINT16, TWTY_UINT32, TWTY_BOOL, TWTY_FIX32, TWTY_FRAME. You can determine the type of each TWAIN capability using the TwainGetCapItemType method or looking the twain references from
See Also