Dim caption As String = "Example: ResetROI"
Using gdpictureOCR As GdPictureOCR = New GdPictureOCR()
'Set up your prefered parameters for OCR.
gdpictureOCR.ResourcesFolder = "\GdPicture.Net 14\redist\OCR"
If gdpictureOCR.AddLanguage(OCRLanguage.English) = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
'Set up the image you want to process.
Dim gdpictureImaging As GdPictureImaging = New GdPictureImaging()
'The standard open file dialog displays to allow you to select the file.
Dim image As Integer = gdpictureImaging.TiffCreateMultiPageFromFile("")
If gdpictureImaging.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
'This example expects that the input tiff file has 2 pages.
If gdpictureImaging.TiffGetPageCount(image) <> 2 Then
MessageBox.Show("This example expects 2 pages tiff files.", caption)
Goto [Error]
End If
'Select the first page.
If gdpictureImaging.TiffSelectPage(image, 1) <> GdPictureStatus.OK Then
MessageBox.Show("The TiffSelectPage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureImaging.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
Goto [Error]
End If
'Set the image. This step is mandatory.
If gdpictureOCR.GetStat() <> GdPictureStatus.OK Then
MessageBox.Show("The SetImage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
GoTo [error]
End If
'Define the required ROI.
gdpictureOCR.SetROI(100, 100, 200, 50)
'Define the character set for phone numbers.
gdpictureOCR.CharacterSet = "0123456789"
'Run the OCR process.
If gdpictureOCR.GetStat() <> GdPictureStatus.OK Then
MessageBox.Show("The OCR process has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
Goto [Error]
End If
'Reset the required ROI.
gdpictureOCR.SetROI(150, 300, 200, 200)
'Define the character set for addresses.
gdpictureOCR.CharacterSet = ""
gdpictureOCR.Context = OCRContext.OCRContextSingleBlock
'Run the OCR process.
If gdpictureOCR.GetStat() <> GdPictureStatus.OK Then
MessageBox.Show("The OCR process has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
Goto [Error]
End If
'Analyze your OCR results using the identifiers "PhoneNumberRegion" And "AddressRegion".
'Continue ...
'Prepare GdPictureOCR for the next process.
'Release unused results for better memory management.
'Reset region of interest to the whole page.
gdpictureOCR.Context = OCRContext.OCRContextDocument
'Select the second page.
If gdpictureImaging.TiffSelectPage(image, 2) <> GdPictureStatus.OK Then
MessageBox.Show("The TiffSelectPage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureImaging.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
Goto [Error]
End If
'Set another image.
If gdpictureOCR.GetStat() <> GdPictureStatus.OK Then
MessageBox.Show("The SetImage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
GoTo [error]
End If
'Run the OCR process.
Dim pageText As String = gdpictureOCR.RunOCR()
If gdpictureOCR.GetStat() <> GdPictureStatus.OK Then
MessageBox.Show("The OCR process has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
Goto [Error]
End If
Dim text As String = gdpictureOCR.GetOCRResultText(pageText)
If gdpictureOCR.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
MessageBox.Show("The text on the page is : " + vbCrLf + text, caption)
MessageBox.Show("The GetOCRResultText() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
End If
MessageBox.Show("The error occurred when setting up the image: " + gdpictureImaging.GetStat().ToString() + " or " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
End If
MessageBox.Show("The AddLanguage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption)
End If
End Using
string caption = "Example: ResetROI";
using (GdPictureOCR gdpictureOCR = new GdPictureOCR())
//Set up your prefered parameters for OCR.
gdpictureOCR.ResourcesFolder = "\\GdPicture.Net 14\\redist\\OCR";
if (gdpictureOCR.AddLanguage(OCRLanguage.English) == GdPictureStatus.OK)
//Set up the image you want to process.
GdPictureImaging gdpictureImaging = new GdPictureImaging();
//The standard open file dialog displays to allow you to select the file.
int image = gdpictureImaging.TiffCreateMultiPageFromFile("");
if (gdpictureImaging.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
//This example expects that the input tiff file has 2 pages.
if (gdpictureImaging.TiffGetPageCount(image) != 2)
MessageBox.Show("This example expects 2 pages tiff files.", caption);
goto error;
//Select the first page.
if (gdpictureImaging.TiffSelectPage(image, 1) != GdPictureStatus.OK)
MessageBox.Show("The TiffSelectPage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureImaging.GetStat().ToString(), caption);
goto error;
//Set the image. This step is mandatory.
if (gdpictureOCR.GetStat() != GdPictureStatus.OK)
MessageBox.Show("The SetImage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption);
goto error;
//Define the required ROI.
gdpictureOCR.SetROI(100, 100, 200, 50);
//Define the character set for phone numbers.
gdpictureOCR.CharacterSet = "0123456789";
//Run the OCR process.
if (gdpictureOCR.GetStat() != GdPictureStatus.OK)
MessageBox.Show("The OCR process has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption);
goto error;
//Reset the required ROI.
gdpictureOCR.SetROI(150, 300, 200, 200);
//Define the character set for addresses.
gdpictureOCR.CharacterSet = "";
gdpictureOCR.Context = OCRContext.OCRContextSingleBlock;
//Run the OCR process.
if (gdpictureOCR.GetStat() != GdPictureStatus.OK)
MessageBox.Show("The OCR process has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption);
goto error;
//Analyze your OCR results using the identifiers "PhoneNumberRegion" and "AddressRegion".
//Continue ...
//Prepare GdPictureOCR for the next process.
//Releasing unused results for better memory management.
//Reset region of interest to the whole page.
gdpictureOCR.Context = OCRContext.OCRContextDocument;
//Select the second page.
if (gdpictureImaging.TiffSelectPage(image, 2) != GdPictureStatus.OK)
MessageBox.Show("The TiffSelectPage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureImaging.GetStat().ToString(), caption);
goto error;
//Set another image.
if (gdpictureOCR.GetStat() != GdPictureStatus.OK)
MessageBox.Show("The SetImage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption);
goto error;
//Run the OCR process.
string pageText = gdpictureOCR.RunOCR();
if (gdpictureOCR.GetStat() != GdPictureStatus.OK)
MessageBox.Show("The OCR process has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption);
goto error;
string text = gdpictureOCR.GetOCRResultText(pageText);
if (gdpictureOCR.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
MessageBox.Show("The text on the page is : \n" + text, caption);
MessageBox.Show("The GetOCRResultText() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption);
//Release the used image.
MessageBox.Show("The error occurred when setting up the image: " + gdpictureImaging.GetStat().ToString() + " or " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption);
MessageBox.Show("The AddLanguage() method has failed with the status: " + gdpictureOCR.GetStat().ToString(), caption);