GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPicturePDF Class / GetActionPageDestination Method
A unique action identifier specifying a required action object. You can obtain this identifier using these methods: GdPicturePDF.GetViewerOpenActionID, GdPicturePDF.GetBookmarkActionID, GdPicturePDF.GetFormFieldActionID, GdPicturePDF.GetAnnotationActionID, GdPicturePDF.NewActionGoTo or GdPicturePDF.NewActionNamed.

Please ensure that the type of the action object specified by this identifier is one of the action types PdfActionType.ActionTypeGoTo, PdfActionType.ActionTypeNamed or PdfActionType.ActionTypeExplicitDestination, otherwise the method will fail. You can check the type of the required action object using the GdPicturePDF.GetActionType method as it is shown in the example below.

Output parameter. A member of the PdfDestinationType enumeration. Sets up a particular view of a destination page specified by the used action mentioned above.
Output parameter. The destination page number.
Output parameter. The horizontal (left) coordinate of the document window's position according to the used DestinationType mentioned above. The value of this coordinate is expressed in the currently set units according to the currently used coordinate space, see the Remarks section below.
Output parameter. The vertical (bottom) coordinate of the document window's position according to the used DestinationType mentioned above. The value of this coordinate is expressed in the currently set units according to the currently used coordinate space, see the Remarks section below.
Output parameter. The horizontal (right) coordinate of the document window's position according to the used DestinationType mentioned above. The value of this coordinate is expressed in the currently set units according to the currently used coordinate space, see the Remarks section below.
Output parameter. The vertical (top) coordinate of the document window's position according to the used DestinationType mentioned above. The value of this coordinate is expressed in the currently set units according to the currently used coordinate space, see the Remarks section below.
Output parameter. The zoom factor to use when displaying the destination page according to the DestinationType configuration. The return value of 1 means 100% zoom, 2 means 200%, 0,5 for 50%, etc. The value of 0 means that the current zoom value should remain unchanged.

In This Topic
GetActionPageDestination Method (GdPicturePDF)
In This Topic
Returns the information (a page number and a page view with the used coordinates) of the destination page of a specified action of the type GoTo, Named or ExplicitDestination. These actions change the view of the currently loaded PDF document to a specified destination.
Public Function GetActionPageDestination( _
   ByVal ActionID As Integer, _
   ByRef DestinationType As PdfDestinationType, _
   ByRef Page As Integer, _
   ByRef Left As Single, _
   ByRef Bottom As Single, _
   ByRef Right As Single, _
   ByRef Top As Single, _
   ByRef Zoom As Single _
) As GdPictureStatus
public GdPictureStatus GetActionPageDestination( 
   int ActionID,
   ref PdfDestinationType DestinationType,
   ref int Page,
   ref float Left,
   ref float Bottom,
   ref float Right,
   ref float Top,
   ref float Zoom
public function GetActionPageDestination( 
    ActionID: Integer;
   var  DestinationType: PdfDestinationType;
   var  Page: Integer;
   var  Left: Single;
   var  Bottom: Single;
   var  Right: Single;
   var  Top: Single;
   var  Zoom: Single
): GdPictureStatus; 
public function GetActionPageDestination( 
   ActionID : int,
   DestinationType : PdfDestinationType,
   Page : int,
   Left : float,
   Bottom : float,
   Right : float,
   Top : float,
   Zoom : float
) : GdPictureStatus;
public: GdPictureStatus GetActionPageDestination( 
   int ActionID,
   ref PdfDestinationType DestinationType,
   ref int Page,
   ref float Left,
   ref float Bottom,
   ref float Right,
   ref float Top,
   ref float Zoom
GdPictureStatus GetActionPageDestination( 
   int ActionID,
   PdfDestinationType% DestinationType,
   int% Page,
   float% Left,
   float% Bottom,
   float% Right,
   float% Top,
   float% Zoom


A unique action identifier specifying a required action object. You can obtain this identifier using these methods: GdPicturePDF.GetViewerOpenActionID, GdPicturePDF.GetBookmarkActionID, GdPicturePDF.GetFormFieldActionID, GdPicturePDF.GetAnnotationActionID, GdPicturePDF.NewActionGoTo or GdPicturePDF.NewActionNamed.

Please ensure that the type of the action object specified by this identifier is one of the action types PdfActionType.ActionTypeGoTo, PdfActionType.ActionTypeNamed or PdfActionType.ActionTypeExplicitDestination, otherwise the method will fail. You can check the type of the required action object using the GdPicturePDF.GetActionType method as it is shown in the example below.

Output parameter. A member of the PdfDestinationType enumeration. Sets up a particular view of a destination page specified by the used action mentioned above.
Output parameter. The destination page number.
Output parameter. The horizontal (left) coordinate of the document window's position according to the used DestinationType mentioned above. The value of this coordinate is expressed in the currently set units according to the currently used coordinate space, see the Remarks section below.
Output parameter. The vertical (bottom) coordinate of the document window's position according to the used DestinationType mentioned above. The value of this coordinate is expressed in the currently set units according to the currently used coordinate space, see the Remarks section below.
Output parameter. The horizontal (right) coordinate of the document window's position according to the used DestinationType mentioned above. The value of this coordinate is expressed in the currently set units according to the currently used coordinate space, see the Remarks section below.
Output parameter. The vertical (top) coordinate of the document window's position according to the used DestinationType mentioned above. The value of this coordinate is expressed in the currently set units according to the currently used coordinate space, see the Remarks section below.
Output parameter. The zoom factor to use when displaying the destination page according to the DestinationType configuration. The return value of 1 means 100% zoom, 2 means 200%, 0,5 for 50%, etc. The value of 0 means that the current zoom value should remain unchanged.

Return Value

A member of the GdPictureStatus enumeration. If the method has been successfully followed, then the return value is GdPictureStatus.OK. We strongly recommend always checking this status first.

If the action object specified by the action identifier is not one of the correct action types mentioned above, the reason for the method's failure is GdPictureStatus.InvalidParameter.

This method is only allowed for use with non-encrypted documents.

All values of the coordinates are expressed in the current units defined by the GdPicturePDF.SetMeasurementUnit method according to the current coordinate space defined by the GdPicturePDF.SetOrigin method.

How to find out the destinations of all actions of type GoTo, Named or ExplicitDestination associated with the form fields in the PDF document.
Dim caption As String = "Example: GetActionPageDestination"
Dim gdpicturePDF As New GdPicturePDF()
If gdpicturePDF.LoadFromFile("forms_actions.pdf", False) = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
    Dim FormsCount As Integer = gdpicturePDF.GetFormFieldsCount()
    Dim status As GdPictureStatus = gdpicturePDF.GetStat()
    If status <> GdPictureStatus.OK OrElse FormsCount = 0 Then
        MessageBox.Show("The GetFormFieldsCount() method has failed or " + vbCrLf + " this PDF document doesn't include any form fields.", caption)
        Dim Actions As String = ""
        For x As Integer = 0 To FormsCount - 1
            Dim FFId As Integer = gdpicturePDF.GetFormFieldId(x)
            If gdpicturePDF.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                Dim ActionId As Integer = gdpicturePDF.GetFormFieldActionID(FFId)
                If gdpicturePDF.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                    Dim ActionType As PdfActionType = gdpicturePDF.GetActionType(ActionId)
                    If gdpicturePDF.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                        Select Case ActionType
                            Case PdfActionType.ActionTypeExplicitDestination, PdfActionType.ActionTypeGoTo, PdfActionType.ActionTypeNamed
                                'The GetActionPageDestination() method should only be used for these action types:
                                Actions = Actions + "Form Field Nr." + (x + 1).ToString() + " has associated action of type: " + ActionType.ToString() + vbCrLf
                                Dim DestType As PdfDestinationType = PdfDestinationType.DestinationTypeUndefined
                                Dim Page As Integer = -1
                                Dim Left As Single = 0, Bottom As Single = 0, Right As Single = 0, Top As Single = 0, Zoom As Single = 0
                                status = gdpicturePDF.GetActionPageDestination(ActionId, DestType, Page, Left, Bottom, Right, Top, Zoom)
                                If status = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                                    Actions = Actions + "    Destination: " + DestType.ToString() + ", Page Nr." + Page.ToString() +
                                        ", Coords = (" + Left.ToString() + "," + Bottom.ToString() + ");(" + Right.ToString() + "," + Top.ToString() + "), Zoom = " + Zoom.ToString() + vbCrLf
                                    Actions = Actions + "    but the GetActionPageDestination() method has failed with the status: " + status.ToString() + vbCrLf
                                End If
                                Exit Select
                            Case Else
                                Actions = Actions + "Form Field Nr." + (x + 1).ToString() + " has associated another type of action." + vbCrLf
                                Exit Select
                        End Select
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        MessageBox.Show(Actions, caption)
    End If
    MessageBox.Show("The file can't be loaded.", caption)
End If
string caption = "Example: GetActionPageDestination";
GdPicturePDF gdpicturePDF = new GdPicturePDF();
if (gdpicturePDF.LoadFromFile("forms_actions.pdf", false) == GdPictureStatus.OK)
    int FormsCount = gdpicturePDF.GetFormFieldsCount();
    GdPictureStatus status = gdpicturePDF.GetStat();
    if (status != GdPictureStatus.OK || FormsCount == 0)
        MessageBox.Show("The GetFormFieldsCount() method has failed or \n this PDF document doesn't include any form fields.", caption);
        string Actions = "";
        for (int x = 0; x <= FormsCount - 1; x++)
            int FFId = gdpicturePDF.GetFormFieldId(x);
            if (gdpicturePDF.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
                int ActionId = gdpicturePDF.GetFormFieldActionID(FFId);
                if (gdpicturePDF.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
                    PdfActionType ActionType = gdpicturePDF.GetActionType(ActionId);
                    if (gdpicturePDF.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
                        switch (ActionType)
                            case PdfActionType.ActionTypeExplicitDestination:
                            case PdfActionType.ActionTypeGoTo:
                            case PdfActionType.ActionTypeNamed:
                                //The GetActionPageDestination() method should only be used for these action types:
                                Actions = Actions + "Form Field Nr." + (x + 1).ToString() + " has associated action of type: " + ActionType.ToString() + "\n";
                                PdfDestinationType DestType = PdfDestinationType.DestinationTypeUndefined;
                                int Page = -1;
                                float Left = 0, Bottom = 0, Right = 0, Top = 0, Zoom = 0;
                                status = gdpicturePDF.GetActionPageDestination(ActionId, ref DestType, ref Page, ref Left, ref Bottom, ref Right, ref Top, ref Zoom);
                                if (status == GdPictureStatus.OK)
                                    Actions = Actions + "    Destination: " + DestType.ToString() + ", Page Nr." + Page.ToString() +
                                        ", Coords = (" + Left.ToString() + "," + Bottom.ToString() + ");(" + Right.ToString() + "," + Top.ToString() + "), Zoom = " + Zoom.ToString() + "\n";
                                    Actions = Actions + "    but the GetActionPageDestination() method has failed with the status: " + status.ToString() + "\n";
                                Actions = Actions + "Form Field Nr." + (x + 1).ToString() + " has associated another type of action.\n";
        MessageBox.Show(Actions, caption);
    MessageBox.Show("The file can't be loaded.", caption);
See Also