GdPicture14 Namespace / JPEGSubsamplingMode Enumeration

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JPEGSubsamplingMode Enumeration
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Specifies which chroma subsampling mode will be used for image compression in JPEG images.
Public Enum JPEGSubsamplingMode 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum JPEGSubsamplingMode : System.Enum 
public enum JPEGSubsamplingMode = class(System.Enum)
public enum JPEGSubsamplingMode extends System.Enum
__value public enum JPEGSubsamplingMode : public System.Enum 
public enum class JPEGSubsamplingMode : public System.Enum 
Default0The default mode will be used.
Y4Cb1Cr140964:1:1 (4x1 1x1 1x1) chroma subsampling will be used. The horizontal color resolution is quartered.
Y4Cb2Cr0163844:2:0 (2x2 1x1 1x1) chroma subsampling will be used. The chrominance resolution in both the horizontal and vertical directions is cut in half.
Y4Cb2Cr2327684:2:2 (2x1 1x1 1x1) chroma subsampling will be used. Half of the horizontal resolution in the chrominance is dropped (Cb and Cr), while the full resolution is retained in the vertical direction, with respect to the luminance.
Y4Cb4Cr4655364:4:4 (1x1 1x1 1x1) chroma subsampling will be used. The resolution of chrominance information (Cb and Cr) is preserved at the same rate as the luminance (Y) information.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also