GdPicture14.WPF Namespace / GdViewer Class / GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch Method
Output parameter. The horizontal (X) coordinate (0-based) of the top left point, in inches, of the rectangle of selection, related to the current page.
Output parameter. The vertical (Y) coordinate (0-based) of the top left point, in inches, of the rectangle of selection, related to the current page.
Output parameter. The width, in inches, of the rectangle of selection.
Output parameter. The height, in inches, of the rectangle of selection.

In This Topic
GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch Method
In This Topic
Gets data of the currently defined rectangle of area selection refering to the document pages area. This method gets the rectangle's coordinates and dimensions, in inches, which determine the rectangle of selection related to the document displayed in the GdViewer control. The resulting values correspond to the actual document pages area.

Be aware that the rectangle of selection always relates to the displayed document. You can find out, if this rectangle is defined and drawn, using the IsRect method.

Public Sub GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch( _
   ByRef Left As Double, _
   ByRef Top As Double, _
   ByRef Width As Double, _
   ByRef Height As Double _
public void GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch( 
   ref double Left,
   ref double Top,
   ref double Width,
   ref double Height
public procedure GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch( 
   var  Left: Double;
   var  Top: Double;
   var  Width: Double;
   var  Height: Double
public function GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch( 
   Left : double,
   Top : double,
   Width : double,
   Height : double
public: void GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch( 
   ref double Left,
   ref double Top,
   ref double Width,
   ref double Height
void GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch( 
   double% Left,
   double% Top,
   double% Width,
   double% Height


Output parameter. The horizontal (X) coordinate (0-based) of the top left point, in inches, of the rectangle of selection, related to the current page.
Output parameter. The vertical (Y) coordinate (0-based) of the top left point, in inches, of the rectangle of selection, related to the current page.
Output parameter. The width, in inches, of the rectangle of selection.
Output parameter. The height, in inches, of the rectangle of selection.
Be aware that you are allowed to define only one rectangle of selection within the GdViewer control. Likewise, this rectangle always relates to the currently displayed document, meaning that without displaying some document you cannot get valid rectangle's data.

Just to remind you, that all coordinates are 0-based with the origin being in the top left corner in the document pages area and they are related to the current page determined by the CurrentPage property.

How to draw a rectagle on the PDF document's page according to the rectangle drawn by a user within the viewer.
'We assume that the GdViewer1 control has been properly integrated.
'At the same let's assume that you have properly displayed a PDF document as well.
If GdViewer1.IsRect() Then
    Dim filename As String = GdViewer1.GetLastPath()
    Dim left As Double = 0, top As Double = 0, width As Double = 0, height As Double = 0
    GdViewer1.GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch(left, top, width, height)
    Using oPDF As GdPicturePDF = New GdPicturePDF()
        If oPDF.LoadFromFile(filename, True) = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
            oPDF.SetLineColor(255, 69, 0)
            If oPDF.DrawRectangle(CSng(left), CSng(top), CSng(width), CSng(height), False, True) = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                If oPDF.SaveToFile(filename) = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
                    MessageBox.Show("Done!", "GdViewer1.GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch")
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Using
End If
//We assume that the GdViewer1 control has been properly integrated.
//At the same let's assume that you have properly displayed a PDF document as well.
if (GdViewer1.IsRect())
    string filename = GdViewer1.GetLastPath();
    double left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
    GdViewer1.GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch(ref left, ref top, ref width, ref height);
    using (GdPicturePDF oPDF = new GdPicturePDF())
        if (oPDF.LoadFromFile(filename, true) == GdPictureStatus.OK)
            oPDF.SetLineColor(255, 69, 0);
            if (oPDF.DrawRectangle((float)left, (float)top, (float)width, (float)height, false, true) == GdPictureStatus.OK)
                if (oPDF.SaveToFile(filename) == GdPictureStatus.OK)
                    MessageBox.Show("Done!", "GdViewer1.GetRectCoordinatesOnDocumentInch");
See Also