Inheritance Hierarchy
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GdPicture14 Namespace (GdPicture.NET.14)
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ClassThe AnnotationManager class provides all the necessary handling of the GdPictureXMP annotations in your files. Using this class, you can create or load annotations, change their properties and save them directly to your document. The initialisation of the AnnotationManager object is possible from more sources, like GdViewer control, GdPictureImage object or GdPicturePDF class and others.
ClassThe GdPictureDocumentConverter class provides the document conversion from wide variety of document formats. It is used as a wrapper class to allow you easily load, save and convert the files of different types. Please find all the currently supported input document formats listed here.
ClassThe GdPictureDocumentUtilities class serves a useful purpose in providing additional utilities and features allowing you to make use of all benefits the toolkit offers.
ClassThe GdPictureImaging class offers a huge amount of imaging features that GdPicture.NET toolkit provides. It is used as a wrapper class to allow you easily operate with your image files of different formats. Please find all the currently supported input document formats listed here.
ClassThe GdPictureOCR class offers the comprehensive optical character recognition (OCR) support. It is used as a wrapper class to allow you easily process the OCR on your documents and to find out required results in one place.
Class This class handles different options requested by a GdPictureOCR instance to export OCR result to a spreadsheet document.
ClassA utility class for creating default instances of GdPictureOfficeTemplate.
Class A base class for building templates for GdPicture Office Templating.
Class Represents the configuration settings for a template.
ClassRepresents the start and end delimiters used for template replacement in a GdPictureOfficeTemplateConfiguration.
Class A class that represents a GdPicture Office Templater for creating and processing Office document templates.
ClassThe GdPicturePDF class is responsible for almost all PDF features that GdPicture.NET toolkit offers. It is used as a wrapper class to allow you easily operate with PDF documents.
Class This class handles different options requested by a GdPicturePDF instance to perform OCR.
Class This class handles different options requested by a GdPicturePDF instance to perform smart redaction.
ClassThe GdPictureSegmenter class offers the comprehensive image segmentation support. It is used as a wrapper class to allow you easily segment your image-based documents into regions and to find out required results in one place.

In general, the image segmentation simply means a thresholding of your image into various areas, like blocks of text, graphics or images.

Class GdPictureTextExtraction is a streamlined class designed to effortlessly convert any GdPicture technology-supported document into plain text. It provides a range of capabilities that allow for addressing various scenarios, including indexing and enhancing the performance of LLM inferences. It employs internal logic to optimize extraction accuracy and minimize processing time through the dynamic utilization of page layout analysis, encoding detection, and OCR components. The identical API serves for processing raster images, PDFs, CAD files, Email files, and office formats alike. Documents can be loaded from file paths, Stream objects, or distant URIs.
ClassThe LicenseManager class unlocks the GdPicture.NET toolkit with a purchased commercial key or a provided demo key to allow you to develop your application. You can also determine the currently used version of the toolkit using this class.
See Also