Enum DocumentIntegrityStatus
The different signature validation states the document can be in.
Namespace: PSPDFKit.DigitalSignatures
Assembly: PSPDFKit.dll
public enum DocumentIntegrityStatus
Name | Description |
FailedEncryptionPadding | The encryption padding from the signature contents couldn't be extracted. |
FailedToComputeDigest | The digest of the document couldn't be calculated. |
FailedToRetrieveByteRange | The signature /ByteRange couldn't be parsed. |
FailedToRetrievePublicKey | The public key from the signature contents couldn't be extracted. |
FailedToRetrieveSignatureContents | The signature /Contents couldn't be parsed. |
FailedToRetrieveSigningCertificate | The signing certificate from the signature contents couldn't be extracted. |
FailedUnsupportedSignatureType | The signature type is not supported (for example, old AdobePKCS7SHA1 format). |
GeneralFailure | An unspecific error. |
Ok | The part of the document covered by the signature has not been modified. |
TamperedDocument | The part of the document covered by the signature has been modified. |