Enum InteractionMode

Represents the interaction mode.

Namespace: PSPDFKit.UI
Assembly: PSPDFKit.dll
public enum InteractionMode


Name Description

Show document editor modal.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new ink annotations will be enabled. This transforms the page to a drawable canvas and an annotation is created while drawing on it. If properties(e.g.color) or the page index changes, a new annotation is created.


When this mode is activated, removing of current ink annotation points will be enabled. This transforms the page to a canvas where the cursor can remove ink annotation points by hand, as well as choose the cursor width.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new ink signatures will be enabled. This shows a dialog where it is possible to select an existing ink signature or create a new one and store it.


No interaction mode.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new note annotations will be enabled. This transforms the page to a clickable area where the annotation will be created at the position of the click.


This enables the pan tool to allow the user to navigate on a desktop browser using mouse dragging. This will disable text selection. On a touch device, this will have no effect since panning is already the default technique for scrolling on websites.


The creation of new rectangle annotations will be enabled. This transforms the page to a drawable canvas and a Redaction annotation is created while drawing on it. Redactions aren't applied until ApplyRedactionsAsync() is called.


The creation of new highlight redaction annotations will be enabled and the text will be highlighted as it's selected. Redactions aren't applied until ApplyRedactionsAsync() is called.

Enables the search mode and focuses the search input field.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new ellipse annotations will be enabled. This transforms the page to a drawable canvas and an annotation is created while drawing on it. If properties (e.g. color) or the page index changes, a new annotation is created.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new line annotations will be enabled. This transforms the page to a drawable canvas and an annotation is created while drawing on it. If properties (e.g. color) or the page index changes, a new annotation is created.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new polygon annotations will be enabled. This transforms the page to a drawable canvas and an annotation is created while drawing on it. If properties (e.g. color) or the page index changes, a new annotation is created.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new polyline annotations will be enabled. This transforms the page to a drawable canvas and an annotation is created while drawing on it. If properties (e.g. color) or the page index changes, a new annotation is created.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new rectangle annotations will be enabled. This transforms the page to a drawable canvas and an annotation is created while drawing on it. If properties (e.g. color) or the page index changes, a new annotation is created.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new ink signatures will be enabled. This shows a dialog where it is possible to select an existing ink signature or create a new one and store it.


When this mode is activated, the custom stamp annotation template editor modal UI will be shown. Once a the custom template is edited, the new custom stamp annotation will be created in the document.


When this mode is activated, the stamp annotation templates picker modal UI will be shown. Once a template is selected, the new annotation is configured and created in the document.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new text annotations will be enabled. This transforms the page to a clickable area where the annotation will be created at the position of the click.


When this mode is activated, the creation of new highlight annotations will be enabled and the text will be highlighted as it's selected.