Enum CompareOptions
These flags are used to specify the search options.
Namespace: PSPDFKitFoundation.Search
Assembly: PSPDFKitFoundation.dll
public enum CompareOptions
Name | Description |
AllFlags | Equals CaseInsensitive | DiacriticInsensitive | WidthInsensitive | SmartSearch | RegularExpression |
CaseInsensitive | If specified, ignores case. |
DiacriticInsensitive | If specified, ignores diacritics (o-umlaut == o). |
RegularExpression | If specified, regular expression search will be enabled. If specified, SmartSearch will be disabled. |
SmartSearch | If specified, hyphenations and newlines between the body text will be ignored. Enables search for typographic quotes/apostrophes as well. |
WidthInsensitive | If specified, ignores width differences ('a' == UFF41). Implicitly disabled if you specify RegularExpression. |