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PSPDFKit 7 for Android Adds Real-Time Communication with Instant Comments

Today we’re excited to announce the release of PSPDFKit 7 for Android, in which we’re introducing support for Instant Comments — our real-time communication solution — TIFF support for Image Documents, and many other feature and quality of life improvements.

Instant Comments

Built on top of our PSPDFKit Instant technology, Instant Comments is a drop-in solution for building real-time collaborative environments where multiple users can discuss specific sections of a document without ever leaving it.

instant comments

This new feature refines the user experience of our standards-compliant Replies component in a modern model that fits perfectly into discussion-heavy workflows. To read more about Instant Comments on Android and understand how it’s different from the Replies component, check out our new guide.

Instant Comments is a separate component that can be added to your PSPDFKit for Server license. Please reach out to us if you’re interested in adding this to your license, if you want to learn more about the roadmap for Instant and Instant Comments, or if you want to provide feedback and feature requests related to your use case.

TIFF Support

In this release, the Image Documents component gained support for showing and annotating TIFF images. This means it’s now possible to annotate images directly inside PSPDFKit in JPEG, PNG, and TIFF file formats.

Using Image Documents, you can annotate and edit images with familiar tools in a non-destructible way. Check out our image annotation guide to learn more about Image Documents.

Image Documents is a separate component that can be added to your license. Please reach out to us if you’re interested in adding this to your license or if you want to provide feedback and feature requests related to your use case.

Removing KitKat Support

With PSPDFKit 7 for Android, we increased our minimum supported Android version to Android 5.0 Lollipop (API 21). With this change, we’re dropping support for the previous minimum supported Android version, 4.4 KitKat (API 19). Removing support for KitKat will allow us to concentrate our development and support efforts on newer versions of Android, while also ensuring PSPDFKit is still available on more than 94.1 percent of Android devices with access to Google Play.

For instructions on how to upgrade to PSPDFKit 7 and raise the minimum supported version of your app, check out our migration guide.

And More

As always, this is just a sneak peek at the enhancements we added to this release of our Android PDF Library. To see a complete list of changes, check out the PSPDFKit 7 for Android changelog.

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