
Nutrient Android SDK logs important debugging information via the PdfLog API. PdfLog allows you to log messages in your app and inject your own loggers to implement a custom logging policy. The default logger logs messages with a priority of INFO and higher to the system Logcat.

Custom loggers

PdfLog manages a list of loggers that handle log filtering and log output. All logged messages are delegated to these loggers in the order of their registration.

A list of loggers can be managed with the static methods defined in PdfLog. You can add your own loggers with the addLogger() method, remove existing loggers with removeLogger(), or replace existing loggers with setLoggers(). Note that it’s best to add your custom loggers early on to catch all logs.

Filtering logs

Logs can be filtered based on their priority (VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and ASSERT) and tag. To do this, override the default interface method, Logger#isLogged(), in your custom loggers:

class CustomLogger : PdfLog.Logger {

    override fun isLogged(@PdfLog.LogPriority priority: Int, tag: String): Boolean {
        // This method is called for each log message.
        // Return `true` for logs that should be logged, and return `false` for logs that should be ignored.
        // If you return `false`, the `log()` method below won't be called for this log message.
        return priority >= Log.INFO;

    override fun log(@PdfLog.LogPriority priority: Int, tag: String, message: String, throwable: Throwable?) {
        // Implement your custom logging here.
public class CustomLogger implements PdfLog.Logger {

    public boolean isLogged(int priority, @NonNull String tag) {
        // This method is called for each log message.
        // Return `true` for logs that should be logged, and return `false` for logs that should be ignored.
        // If you return `false`, the `log()` method below won't be called for this log message.
        return priority >= Log.INFO;

    public void log(@PdfLog.LogPriority int priority, @NonNull String tag, @NonNull String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) {
        // Implement your custom logging here.

Custom logging

Each Logger must implement its log() method to output log messages to the destination of their choice — for example, Logcat, a text file, a database, or a third-party logging library.

Disabling logging

Logging can be easily disabled by removing all registered loggers via PdfLog#removeAllLoggers():



We strongly recommend stripping all log statements from your release application by using the following ProGuard rule:

# Remove all Android logging calls that should be ignored in release builds to prevent logs in Logcat.
-assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log {
    public static int v(...);
    public static int d(...);
    public static int i(...);
    public static int w(...);
    public static int e(...);

Nutrient logging calls (PdfLog) should be kept, as they can be stored in a file or sent to a third-party crash reporting tool by configuring a custom Logger.