JavaScript support in annotations on Android

We added JavaScript support in Nutrient Android SDK 4.7. JavaScript can be attached to any interactive element in a PDF document. Nutrient currently supports setting JavaScriptAction on annotations and form elements.

Nutrient has basic support for the most common JavaScript features. This article provides documentation for the supported JavaScript API.


Take a look at the // Go to the first page of the document. doc.pageNum = 0; // Advance to the next page in the document. doc.pageNum++;

Printing documents

Documents can be printed with the doc.print() method. It accepts the following optional parameters:

  • showUI — If true (the default), this will cause a UI to be presented to the user to obtain printing information and confirm the action.

  • startPage — A zero-based index that defines the start of an inclusive range of pages. If startPage and endPage are not specified, all pages in the document are printed. If only startPage is specified, the range is the single page specified by startPage. If startPage and endPage parameters are used, showUI must be false.

  • endPage — A zero-based index that defines the end of an inclusive page range. If startPage and endPage are not specified, all pages in the document are printed. If only endPage is specified, the range is 0 to endPage. If startPage and endPage parameters are used, showUI must be false.

// Show print options dialog before printing.

// Print pages 0 and 1 without any UI.
doc.print(false, 0, 1);

Mailing documents

The current document can be prepared for sharing via email with the doc.mail() method. It accepts the following optional parameters:

  • showUItrue to show mail UI before sending the mail, and false to send the mail immediately (not supported)

  • to — the semicolon-delimited list of recipients for the message

  • cc — the semicolon-delimited list of CC recipients for the message

  • bcc — the semicolon-delimited list of BCC recipients for the message

  • subject — the subject of the message

  • message — the content of the message

  "[email protected]",
  "[email protected];[email protected]",
  "[email protected]",
  "This is a message"

Working with form fields

All form fields in a document can be enumerated by calling doc.getNthFieldName(index), where index is a zero-based index into the document’s fields array, and doc.getNumFields() returns the total number of fields in the document. A single form field can be accessed by its name via the doc.getField(fieldName) method.

For example, here we’ll iterate through all form fields in the document:

for (var i = 0; i < doc.numFields; i++) {
    var fieldName = doc.getNthFieldName(i);
    var field = doc.getField(fieldName;
    // Execute required actions on the field.

Form field object

A form field object returned via doc.getField() provides methods and properties for working with form fields in the document. Some of the most useful methods and properties for filling form fields are:

For example, here we’ll fill some form fields in the document via JavaScript:

var checkbox = doc.getField("Checkbox_field");
// Checks the first checkbox in a group.
checkbox.checkThisBox(0, true);

var text = doc.getField("Text_field");
// Sets the fields value.
text.value = "Text field value";

JavaScript utilities

Application object

An application object (app) contains various utility methods and properties that aren’t tied to a specific document:

// Shows a dialog with a custom message.
app.alert("Alert message");

// Launches a URL in a browser window.

// Shows an alert with a PSPDFKit version.
app.alert("PSPDFKit version: " + app.viewerVersion);


Messages written to the JavaScript console via console.println() will be written to Android’s logcat. Currently supported types that can be printed to the JavaScript console are strings, numbers, and Booleans.