PDF conversion options [used with topdf operations]
Parameter | Notes |
/fileconversiontimeout | Limits the amount of time in seconds that can be spent on conversion. A value of zero means waits indefinitely. |
/Zoom | Sets printing zoom of the worksheet. The allowed value range is from 10 to 400. |
/FitToPagesWide | Sets number of pages wide the worksheet will be scaled to. This property is ignored if the Zoom property is set. |
/FitToPagesTall | Sets number of pages tall the worksheet will be scaled to. This property is ignored if the Zoom property is set. |
/MergeAttachments | Set this flag to true if you want if you want converted pdf attachments to merged to the output pdf file. Otherwise, the converted files will be merged back to the pdf. |
/RetainPDFAttachment | Set this flag to true if you want the original attachments to be retained in the pdf file after they are merged. This flag only gets picked up if the MergeAttachments flag above is used. |
/IncludeDocProps | Set this flag if you want the MS Office properties to be transferred to the target pdf document. |
/HandoutOrder | Sets the handout order, this flag only applies to PowerPoint jobs. The possible values are: - PRN_PP_HANDOUT_VERTICAL_FIRST ,- PRN_PP_HANDOUT_HORIZONTAL_FIRST |
/PPOutPutType | Sets the output type, it only works with the PowerPoint files. The possible values are: Slides = PRN\_PP\_OUTTYPE\_SLIDES Build slides = PRN\_PP\_OUTTYPE\_BUILDSLIDES Two slide handouts = PRN\_PP\_OUTTYPE\_TWOSLIDEHANDOUTS Three slide handouts = PRN\_PP\_OUTTYPE\_THREESLIDEHANDOUTS Four slide handouts = PRN\_PP\_OUTTYPE\_FOURSLIDEHANDOUTS Six slide handouts = PRN\_PP\_OUTTYPE\_SIXSLIDEHANDOUTS Nine slide handouts = PRN\_PP\_OUTTYPE\_NINESLIDEHANDOUTS Notes= PRN\_PP\_OUTTYPE\_NOTESPAGES Outline = PRN\_PP\_OUTTYPE\_OUTLINE |
/PrintGraphics | Sets the graphics setting for printing. Print Full Resolution = PRN\_PB\_PRINT\_GRAPHICS\_HIGHRES . Print Low Resolution = PRN\_PB\_PRINT\_GRAPHICS\_LOWRES . Print Graphics = PRN\_PB\_PRINT\_GRAPHICS\_NONE |
/convertbookmarks | For MS Word, convert bookmarks |
/bookmarkdepth | This property will take effect only when the ConvertBookmarks property is set to True. Numbers defining bookmark levels must be equal to or larger than one. Word style names must not repeat in the string. The string must not start or end with the delimiter. When this property is empty, the default style mapping (Heading one through nine will be mapped to level one through nine) will be used. Therefore, an empty string is functionally equivalent to. Heading 1 mapped to 1, Heading 2 mapped to 2, Heading 3 mapped to 3, Heading 4 mapped to 4, Heading 5 mapped to 5, Heading 6 mapped to 6, Heading 7 mapped to 7, Heading 8 mapped to 8, Heading 9 mapped to 9. Note: If you use a non-English version of Microsoft Word, then you may need to replace the word “Heading” with its localized version. |
/converthyperlinks | Sets the flag to indicate whether to convert Word hyperlinks to PDF hyperlinks. |
/printallsheets | The flag that indicates whether to print all Excel worksheets or not. |
/printbgcolor | For files printed via IE Sets the flag that indicates whether to print background color or not when printing. |
/Printscale | For Visio files, sets the print scale |
/ieheader | This property modifies Internet Explorer’s header setting. |
/iefooter | This property modifies Internet Explorer’s footer setting. |
/imagecompression | If you want a lossless image compression, use PRN\_IMAGE\_COMPRESS\_ZIP (ZIP compression). |
/imagedownsizing | If this property is set to True, then the resolution of images is reduced to the DPI value specified in the ImageDownsizeResolution property. |
/imagejpegquality | The allowed value range is from 5 to 100 with 100 being the highest quality. |
/imagedownsizeresolution | If the ImageDownsizing property is set to True, then the resolution of images is reduced to the DPI value specified in this property. |
/fontembedding | The option PRN\_FONT\_EMBED\_FULLSET (embedding full set of fonts) will cause a significant increase in PDF file size, especially for CJK font, and therefore not recommended. If you need to embed the font, PRN\_FONT\_EMBED\_SUBSET (embed subset of fonts) will be a better choice. |
/fontsubstitution | For the PRN\_FONT\_SUBST\_TABLE (use font substitution table) option, you need to configure the substitution table. The table is stored under the “Device Setting” section of the printer driver properties (can be accessed from the Control Panel). |
/fontembedastype0 | This option is recommended if you have non-standard fonts like barcode font. |
/margintop | The margin in Inches. |
/marginbottom | The margin in Inches. |
/marginleft | The margin in Inches. |
/marginright | The margin in Inches. |
/pagewidth | In Inches. |
/pageheight | In Inches. |
/paperorientation | PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE or DEFAULT |
/Papersize | Word does not use the paper size setting from the printer driver. If you need to change the paper size, use this property instead. If you need to use a custom paper size, set this property to PRN\_MSO\_PAPER\_CUSTOM , and set the PageWidth and PageHeight properties. See the Paper Size table (below) to view a list of paper sizes. |
/PrintColorType | With this property, you can set the PowerPoint to print either with: - Color: PRN_PP_PRINT_COLOR - Grayscale: PRN_PP_PRINT_GRAYSCALE - Black and White: PRN_PP_PRINT_BLACK_AND_WHITE . |
/queuewaittimeout | Since PowerPoint cannot perform multiple conversions at the same time, each conversion request will be put into a queue, and they are converted one at a time. Awaiting print job will timeout if it waits for more than the value specified in QueueWaitTimeout property. The timeout value is in milliseconds. Set to zero if you want to wait indefinitely. |
/disablescriptdebugger | Enables/Disables Internet Explorer’s script debugger. It is highly recommended that Internet Explorer’s script debugger is turned off during printing so that the PDF conversion process is not interrupted. |
/DisplayErrorDialogOnEveryError | Enables/Disables Internet Explorer’s error dialog displayed on every error. It is highly recommended that this feature is turned off from Internet Explorer so that the PDF conversion process is not interrupted. |
/pdfa | The output file will be PDF/A-1b compliant. |
/pdfx1a | The output file will be PDF/X-1a compliant. |
/pdfx3 | The output file will be PDF/X-3 compliant. |
/ConvertAttachments | For msg files, email attachments are processed so that the resulting PDF is composed of the email plus each page of each attachment. |
/IncludeDocumentMarkups | The “Include Document Markups” option allows Word comments and markup to be included in the generated PDF. |
/RevisionMode | The default selection is PRN_DEFAULT_REVISION , meaning the current revision mode that is set inside Word will be used.Specify PRN_INLINE_REVISION to use inline/strikethrough revision mode and use PRN_BALLOON_REVISION to choose balloon revision mode.Used in conjunction with Include Document Markup. Word revision mode constants: - 0: Use the revision mode currently set inside Word - 1: Inline/strikethrough revision mode (strikethrough used for deletions and underlining used for insertions) - 2: Balloon revision mode (displays revisions in balloons in the margins) |
/SmartShrinking | Enables/disables intelligent content shrinking. This is only valid when using the HTMLExtension method. |
/AutoAdjustPaperSize | A value of True means that easyPDF ensures that no content gets cropped. If needed, it automatically adjusts the paper width, depending on the layout. The paper size will never get smaller than what you specify. If you enable AutoAdjustPaperSize, SmartShrinking is ignored. You may either shrink the content to fit the page, or extend the page to fit the content, but not both. |
/PrintView | Gets/Sets the flag that indicates whether to render the document the same way as the Print Preview when converting HTML to PDF. |
/WaitTimeAfterPageIsLoaded | When an HTML page contains JavaScript, it is often necessary to wait for the JavaScript execution to complete before the document is converted. The purpose of this property is to introduce such a wait. Default is 200ms. |
/HighQualityModeForGraphics | The default value is False, which means Microsoft Office prints certain images dithered, as if the output device was an actual ink and paper printer. Set this property to true to request high quality RGB graphics, with no dithering, which is more appropriate for PDF files intended for computer screens. |
Paper Size
Paper Size | Dimensions |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_10X14 = 0 | 10 x 14 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_11X17 = 1 | 11 x 17 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_A3 = 6 | A3 297 x 420 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_A4 = 7 | A4 210 x 297 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_A4SMALL = 8 | A4 Small 210 x 297 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_A5 = 9 | A5 148 x 210 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_B4 = 10 | B4 (JIS) 250 x 354 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_B5 = 11 | B5 (JIS) 182 x 257 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_CSHEET = 12 | C size sheet 17 x 22 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_CUSTOM = 41 | Custom Paper Size |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_DSHEET = 13 | D size sheet 22 x 34 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPE10 = 25 | Envelope #10 4 1/8 x 9 1/2 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPE11 = 26 | Envelope #11 4 1/2 x 10 3/8 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPE12 = 27 | Envelope #12 4 3/4 x 11 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPE14 = 28 | Envelope #14 5 x 11 1/2 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPE9 = 24 | Envelope #9 3 7/8 x 8 7/8 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEB4 = 29 | Envelope B4 250 x 353 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEB5 = 30 | Envelope B5 176 x 250 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEB6 = 31 | Envelope B6 176 x 125 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEC3 = 32 | Envelope C3 324 x 458 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEC4 = 33 | Envelope C4 229 x 324 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEC5 = 34 | Envelope C5 162 x 229 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEC6 = 35 | Envelope C6 114 x 162 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEC65 = 36 | Envelope C65 114 x 229 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEDL = 37 | Envelope DL 110 x 220 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEITALY = 38 | Envelope Italy 110 x 230 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEMONARCH = 39 | Envelope Monarch 3.875 x 7.5 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ENVELOPEPERSONAL = 40 | 6 3/4 Envelope 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_ESHEET = 14 | E size sheet 34 x 44 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_EXECUTIVE = 5 | Executive 7 1/4 x 10 1/2 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_FANFOLDLEGALGERMAN = 15 | German Legal Fanfold 8 1/2 x 13 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_FANFOLDSTDGERMAN = 16 | German Std Fanfold 8 1/2 x 12 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_FANFOLDUS = 17 | US Std Fanfold 14 7/8 x 11 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_FOLIO = 18 | Folio 8 1/2 x 13 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_LEDGER = 19 | Ledger 17 x 11 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_LEGAL = 4 | Legal 8 1/2 x 14 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_LETTER = 2 | Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_LETTERSMALL = 3 | Letter Small 8 1/2 x 11 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_NOTE = 20 | Note 8 1/2 x 11 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_QUARTO = 21 | Quarto 215 x 275 mm |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_STATEMENT = 22 | Statement 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in |
PRN_MSO_PAPER_TABLOID = 23 | Tabloid 11 x 17 in |