Split parameters [used with splittiff and splitpdf operations]

Parameter Notes
/splitby Pages, ranges, repeatingrange, bookmarks (PDF Only)
/splitrange Set of page ranges separated by commas that define which pages from the original should be extracted. The following types of page ranges are allowed:
- 1: Specifies a single page
- 1-3: Specifies a range of pages
/splitrepeatingrange Apply the page range to each set of Page Ranges pages within the document. For example, if 2-4 is specified for page ranges, and 4 is specified as the repeating range, then the range is re-applied every 4 pages.
Hence the file is split such that the first output file contains pages 2-4 from the original document, the second contains pages 6-8 and so on.
/RetainBookmarks Generated files will include bookmarks from the original file.
Note: This works with the spit pdf operation only.
/RetainMetadata Generated files will include metadata (such as Author and Title) from the original file.
Note: This works with the spit pdf operation only