TIFF/PDF Barcode – [used with barcode]

Command LineDescription
/SplitByBarcode (bool)Choose this option to split the PDF/TIFF file by Barcode
/RenameByBarcode (bool)Choose this option to rename the PDF file based on Barcode.
/BarcodeFormatsBarcode formats supported. See table below for more explanation
/ExcludedBarcodeFormatsBarcode formats not supported.
/SplitMode (bool)Various Options for splitting Files by Barcode
/TryHarder (bool)Spend more time to try to find a barcode; optimize for accuracy, not speed. The default is true.
/SplitOutputPath (string)

The output file path template where the split files will be saved.

- %VALUE%: Replaced by the barcode value found.

- %INDEX%: Replaced by the current split index.

- %FILENAME%: Replaced by the file name

/SplitNoBarcodeTemplate (string)

The renaming template to use for page ranges where no barcodes were identified.

Allowed templates:

- %INDEX%; Replaced by the current split index.

- %FILENAME%sk: Replaced by the filename of the source file.

/BinarizeSwitch this on if your input files are colored, it first converts it to black and white before conversion.
/RemoveLines (float)

Remove lines from images.

Value = 100.5

/Zones (string)

Only examine the region specified for barcode(s).

Values =left(int), top(int), width(int), height(int)

e.g. /Zones= 5,10,200,200

/BoxSizeThis option is ideal for forms where sometimes boxes around text can cause an area to be identified as graphics. This option removes boxes from the temporary copy of the imaged used by the barcode reader. Technically, this option removes connected elements with a minimum area (in pixels and defined by this property). This option is currently only applied for bitonal images.

PDF files get converted to TIFF files before the barcode is recognized, this flag represents the compression of the TIFF file.

“CCITT4” or “LZW”


PDF files get converted to TIFF files before the barcode is recognized, this flag represents the DPI of the TIFF file.


/Deskew (bool)Deskew (straighten) the image. The default value is false
/Despeckle (int)Removes specks below the specified pixel size from the image. The default value is 0 and the maximum value is 9.
/TempFolder (string)This flag can be used to specify a temp location where the processing will be carried out.
/EndPage (int)The page you want to end recognizing the barcode.
/StartPage (int)The page you want to start recognizing the barcode.
/BlankPageThreshold (int)Any page with black pixels lower than the threshold set will be ruled as a blank page.
/ReadMultipleBarcodes (bool)This is used to read multiple barcodes in a single page

Morphological options that will be applied to the binarized image before OCR. If set to empty none is applied. Common options include those listed below but for more options please contact [email protected]:

  • d2.2 – 2x2 dilation applied to all black pixel areas, useful for faint prints.

  • e2.2 – 2x2 erosion applied to all black pixel areas, useful for heavy prints.

  • c2.2 – a closing process that performs a 2x2 dilation followed by a 2x2 erosion with the result that holes and gaps in the characters are filled.

This option should generally only be used under guidance from technical support.

/ProductsOnlyOnly decode the UPC and EAN families of barcodes.