Essential configuration files for Document Automation Server

This section lists the different configuration files we have in Nutrient Document Automation Server (DAS), along with their uses.


The Nutrient DAS configuration file Autobahn.config can be found in the config directory of Nutrient DAS. This file allows the user to make some backend changes to the way Nutrient DAS works. Below are the contents of the file.


We strongly advise users not to change any undocumented settings.

These settings are important for Nutrient DAS to function properly and should never be changed unless guided by the Nutrient support team.


<appSettings file="">

<clear />

<add key="inputdelay" value="10" />

<add key="jobqueuetimeout" value="180" />

<add key="jobqueueinterval" value="10" />

<add key="mergeflag" value="" />

<add key="trigger1001" value="" />

<add key="triggerlevel" value="" />

<add key="allowlongfilename" value="" />



The input delay

This in an integer value that represents the number of seconds a file must exist in the input folder before Nutrient DAS attempts to process it. The default value is 0; to change this, update the value of the inputdelay key:

<add key="inputdelay" value="10" />


The value is in seconds.

Multicore throttle settings

Refer to the guide on multicore throttling for more information:

<add key="jobqueuetimeout" value="180" />

<add key="jobqueueinterval" value="10"/>

The value of jobqueuetimeout is in seconds.

Output trigger files

This feature makes Nutrient DAS copy a file (trigger file) to the output folder after the job completes and successfully copies the processed files to the output folder. This file can be used to trigger a post-processing workflow.

The keys below can be used to control the way this feature acts.

Setting name Details
trigger%JOBID% When you add a value to this key, Nutrient DAS will create a file with the name of the value in the output folder of the job with ID = %JOBID%.
To send a trigger file for a job with job ID 1002, use trigger1002 as the key.
triggerlevel This specifies if the trigger file should be copied to the top-level folder only or also the subfolders.
The possible values are:
- sub — Copies the file to the top-level folder and the subfolders.
- top — Copies the file to the top-level folder only.

The setting below will copy test.csv to the top-level output folder of a job with job ID 1001:

<add key="trigger1001" value="test.csv" />

<add key="triggerlevel" value="top" />

The merge flag feature

This feature is used to give the user a certain level of control over which folders to be included in the merge operations (e.g. Merge Tiffs, Merge PDF, Merge Tiffs to PDF, and Extended Merge Tiffs to PDF). It provides the user with a mechanism of flagging folders to include for processing.

To use this feature, follow the steps below:

  • Choose a name you want to set as the flag name. For instance, _ready.

  • Open the Autobahn.config file located at <InstallDirectory>\Autobahn DX\config\.

  • Change the value of <add key="mergeflag" value="" /> to <add key="mergeflag" value="ready.adx.merge" />.


The file extension must be .adx.merge for this to work.

  • Next, create the zero-size byte file named _ready.adx.merge, and copy and paste in each folder that requires processing.

  • Restart the service to load the new configuration.


Restarting the service will cause all jobs that are running through the job manager to terminate.

Allow long file names

Starting in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, version 1607, MAX_PATH limitations have been removed from common Win32 file and directory functions. However, you must opt in to the new behavior. Refer to the file name length guide for more details on how to enable this setting.

After enabling support for long file names in the registry, set the value of the allowlongfilename key to true.

Allow users to disable SSL in email steps

SSL is a security feature that helps establish secure connections when sending emails. However, sometimes emails are only sent internally, in which case an SSL certificate may not be required (or available).

Though we recommend keeping SSL enabled in most cases, it can now be disabled by setting the secureoption configuration option to None. It’s set to Auto by default.

<add key="secureoption" value="Auto" />

Setting name Values
secureoption - None — Disable SSL certificate requirement when sending emails
- Auto — Use default settings
- StartTls — StartTLS informs the email server that the email client wants to upgrade from an insecure connection to a secure one using TLS or SSL.
- SslOnConnect — The email connection should use SSL or TLS encryption immediately.


The TIFF Junction configuration file tiffjunction.exe.config can be found in the distribution\tj\bin directory of Nutrient DAS. It allows the user to make some backend changes to the way TIFF Junction works. Below are the contents of the file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>



<add key="DetailedValidation" value="false" />

<add key="CompatabilityMode" value="false" />

<add key="DateFormat" value="MM dd yyyy" />

<add key="AllowErrorTiffFiles" value="false" />

<add key="UseLibTiff4JPEG" value="false" />

<add key="OrderByInt" value="false" />

<add key="ConvertToTIFFThreshold" value="50" />

<!--Extensions in lower case -->

<add key="AcceptedImages" value=".jpeg,.png,.bmp,.wbmp,.tif…" />



It’s important to pay attention to the element within the appSettings tags. The table below gives a more detailed explanation of each setting.

Setting name Details
DetailedValidation Set this to true if you want TIFF Junction to carry out extra checks and validations, like PDF/A validation after conversion. Setting it to true will make TIFF Junction slower.
CompatabilityMode Set this to true if the arguments you’re using to call tiffjunction were generated before 2015.
DateFormat You can change the DateFormat of the output file names here. This works in conjunction with the %DATESTAMP%.
AcceptedImages TIFF Junction will treat any extension found here as an acceptable image file.
OrderByInt When merging files with numbers as their file name, setting this to true will make sure they’re ordered numerically.
Only use these settings when advised by our Support team.


The PDF Junction configuration file pj.exe.config can be found in the distribution\pj\bin directory of Nutrient DAS. This file allows the user to make some backend changes to the way PDF Junction works. Below are the contents of the file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">



<add key="OrderByInt" value="true"/>

<add key="ValidatePDFa" value="true"/>

<add key="RemoveDuplicateFontFiles" value="true"/>

<add key="DateFormat" value="MM dd yyyy"/>

<add key="DateFormat" value="MM dd yyyy" />



Pay attention to the element within the appSettings tags. The table below gives a more detailed explanation of what each setting.

Setting name Details
ValidatePDFa Set this to true if you want PDF Junction to validate PDF/A files after conversion.
DateFormat You can change the DateFormat of the output file names here. This works in conjunction with the %DATESTAMP%.
RemoveDuplicateFontFiles When merging PDFs with embedded fonts, this option will ensure there are no duplicate font files in the target file. Setting this to false can cause very large output PDF files, while setting it to true might slow down the process a bit.
OrderByInt When merging files with numbers as their file name, setting this to true will ensure they’re ordered numerically.

Other configuration files

File name Location Comment
topdf.exe.config distribution\pj\bin Refer to the in-depth look at the configuration file guide for more details.
AnyFileToSearchablePDF.exe.config bin Chooses the operation for anyfiletopdf job steps based on the file extension.