Explore document automation server directories

After installation, the following subdirectories are created in the PDF Junction installation directory:

Directory Contents
bin Executables, DLLs, and WSH files.
code examples Sample API and command-line projects.
config Nutrient DAS.config
custom Contains the custom script files.
logs The default location for log files is logs/%JOBID%/%DATESTAMP%.txt.
distribution Contains applications used to execute some Nutrient DAS jobs.
jobdef Contains the job definition files.
jobdef_copy When Nutrient DAS starts, it checks all the job definitions and upgrades them to the current version. This folder contains the previous versions of the job definitions.
A new, clean installation will upgrade the two example files included in the installer.
jobstatus Contains the job status files.
steptype Contains the step type definition files.
samples Contains the sample documents.
work Default work directory. Subdirectories are created as required underneath this directory and named 9999/work1, 9999/work2, and so on, where 9999 is the job ID.
temp The default directory for temporary files.
license Contains key.txt, which holds the license key.
docs Includes the Nutrient DAS reference guide and release notes.