Using the Quick Job Tab

“Quick Jobs” can be defined and run interactively which provides a convenient method for testing the product’s capabilities and running simple jobs. The job definitions can be saved to the Job Manager for scheduling and further refinement.

  1. Run: Runs the job using the current Quick Job definition.

  2. Save to Job Manager: Creates a new job in the Autobahn DX job manager using the current Quick Job definition.

  3. Save to File: Save the current Quick Job definition to an XML file.

  4. Load from File: Loads a Quick Job definition from an XML file.

  5. Show Command Line: Shows the command line equivalent of the current Quick Job definition. [Requires the Server license]

  6. Help: Clicking this Button will take you to the Help Tab

  7. Select Task: This defines which task is to be run and may be one of:

    1. Convert a TIFF file to PDF

    2. OCR an Image-Only PDF File

    3. Convert any file to PDF

    4. Set PDF Properties

    5. Merge TIFF Files

    6. Merge TIFF Files to PDF

    7. Split a TIFF File

    8. Show Information for a TIFF File

    9. Split PDF

    10. Merge PDF

    11. Convert a PDF file to TIFF

    12. Extract Text from PDF

    13. Convert Any File to Searchable PDF

    14. TIFF/PDF Barcode

  8. Source: The source file or directory.

  9. Destination: The location where the generated TIFF or PDF file(s) will be placed. This can be set to be the same as the source location.

  10. Output File(s): Target file template, which can include %FILENAME (original filename without the extension) and %DIRNAME (directory name of the original file).

  11. Source Type: Use this Combo Box to choose if you want to process a file, folder or a tree.

  12. Same as Source: Check this box to set the target directory to be the same value as the source directory.

  13. Run: Runs the current job. Job output will appear in the “task log section of the screen”.

  14. Stop: Halts processing of the currently running job.

  15. Explore Destination: Launches Windows Explorer using the destination as the starting point.

  16. More Options: This launches a set of property sheets which can be used to set properties of the generated PDF files, such as security and metadata values.

OCR Options Section

Screen Field / ButtonDescription
Searchable PDFPDFs generated from TIFF files include searchable hidden text recognized by Autobahn DX’s OCR Engine.

OCR to Text File

(Professional Edition Only)

Create a separate text file of text recognized by Autobahn DX’s OCR Engine.
Other Options (Deskew, Autorotate, Despeckle )See the standard engine section for further explanation of the OCR options.

OCR PDF Options Section

Screen Field / ButtonDescription
Image Method

This allows control over the method used to extract images from PDF files for OCR processing when using the “OCR an Image-Only PDF”. The options are:

  • Auto – Autobahn will select the most appropriate method. This will be “Convert to TIFF” for image-only PDFs and “Native” otherwise.

  • Convert to TIFF – The PDF is rasterized using a conversion to TIFF.

  • Native - This method places the OCRed text directly into a copy of the original PDF rather than creating an entirely new PDF.

Note: methods other than “Native” change the non-image parts of the PDF to image + text.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As the “Native” method does not make any changes to the images in the PDF file, it is not compatible with the JBIG2 or MRC compression, PDF/A compliance option. If these features are required, then it is recommended that the “Convert to TIFF” setting is used in the PDF OCR image extraction method.

Non-Image PDFs

This allows control over the treatment of non-image PDFs, i.e. PDFs that have some text in them as well as images. The options are:

  • OCR: The document will be OCRed using the image method defined by “Image Method”

  • Raise Error: The task will terminate with an error. If “On Error Continue” is set this then behaves as Skip. This is the default.

  • Skip: The document will not be processed.

  • Pass Through: The file will not be processed, but a copy of the document will be made and named as if the processing had occurred.

DPIImage PDFs are converted to TIFF for OCR processing. This dropdown allows the DPI for the converted TIFF to be specified. If left on “Auto” the DPI will be determined from the original images in the PDF file.
Retain BookmarksBookmarks from the original PDF are copied to the searchable result PDF.
Retain MetadataMetadata from the original PDF are copied to the searchable result PDF.

PDF to TIFF Options Section

Screen Field / Button Description
TIFF Compression For black & white documents “Group 4” should be selected. For color, “LZW” should be used.
TIFF Resolution This specifies the DPI resolution.

Split Options Section

Screen Field / ButtonDescription
Split Type

One of:

  • Split into single pages

  • Split by ranges (See below)

  • Split by repeating ranges (See below)

Page Ranges

Set of page ranges separated by commas that define which pages from the original should be extracted. The following types of page ranges are allowed:

1Specifies a single page
1-3Specifies a range of pages
Repeating Range

Apply the page range to each set of Page Ranges within the document. For example, if 2-4 is specified for page ranges, and 4 is specified as the repeating range, then the range is re-applied every 4 pages.

Hence the file is split such that the first output file contains pages 2-4 from the original document; the second contains pages 6-8 and so on.

Other Options Section

Screen Field / ButtonDescription
Create Directories (where required)If checked, when processing a tree, subdirectories will be created in the target directory tree when required.
Continue on ErrorWhen checked, folder and tree processing jobs will continue even if there is an error processing the individual file.




Processes the output PDF file to ensure it is compliant with ISO 19005 / PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b or PDF/A-3b, See section 6 for more details.
JBIG2 CompressionIf this option is chosen, bitonal images in the output PDF will be compressed used JBIG2 compression rather than the default of Group 4. This will result in smaller files for PDFs with black and white images.
MRC CompressionThis enables Mixed Raster Compression which can dramatically reduce the output size of PDFs comprising color scans. Note that this option cannot be used in conjunction with the “Native” Image Method for OCRing PDFs as the Native method does not adjust the images within the PDF.
Advanced FlagsAdditional TIFF Junction advanced command-line flags may be entered here (see section 3 of the TIFF Junction reference guide in the distribution/tj/docs folder)

Barcode Options

Screen Field / Button Description
Output File(s) With Barcode The output file path template where the split files will be saved.
- %VALUE%: Replaced by the barcode value found.
- %INDEX%: Replaced by the current split index.
- %FILENAME: Replaced by the file name.
Output File(s) No Barcode The renaming template to use for page ranges where no barcodes were identified. Allowed templates:
- %INDEX%: Replaced by the current split index.,
- %FILENAME: Replaced by the filename of the source file.
Barcode Operation Split By Barcode
- * Choose this option to split the TIFF/PDF file by Barcode.
- Rename By Barcode
- * Choose this option to rename the TIFF/PDF file based on Barcode.
Barcode Formats Various reading options for barcode types. Other barcode types exist and can be set manually. Ask [email protected] for more details.
- Codabar – Default, All, All 1D
- Code128 – Default, All, All 1D.
- Code25 – Default, All, All 1D.,
- Code39 – Default, All, All 1D.
- EAN13 – Default, All, All 1D.
- EAN8 – Default, All, All 1D.
- QRCode – All 2D.
- UPCA – Default, All, All 1D.
- Selected – Only searches for the barcode types selected below.
Split Mode Various Options for splitting Files by Barcode.
- Barcode on First Page
- Barcode on Last Page
- Remove Barcode Page
Metadata Name The name of the metadata field you want to add to the output file
Metadata Value The value of the metadata field you want to add to the output file.
Deskew Mode Controls how the toolkit handles documents that are skewed or rotated.
- 0 – Compatibility mode, no skew, aligned.
- 1 – No skew, barcode must be aligned with page.
- 2 – Skew, aligned.
- 3– Skew, aligned, two different skew angles can be read.
- 4 – Skew, can be unaligned, three skew angles allowed.
- 5 – Skew, unaligned, four skew angles allowed.
- 6 – Skew, unaligned, five or more skew angles allowed.
Skew Tolerance Only has effect if Deskew Mode is set to 0. Controls the maximum angle from horizontal or vertical at which a barcode will be recognized.
- 0 – up to 5 degrees.
- 1 – 13 degrees.
- 2 – 21 degrees.
- 3 – 29 degrees.
- 4 – 37 degrees.
- 5 – 45 degrees.
Noise Reduction Runs the image through a noise reduction filter before scanning for barcodes, removing marks that are unlikely to be part of a barcode. A larger value removes larger marks but may destroy barcode information. A typical value for noise reduction is 10.
Despeckle If noise reduction is nonzero, setting this property will remove white speckles from inside barcodes, and remove black marks in the spaces between bars.
Error Correction Attempts to correct Code 39 barcodes if able.
Max Length Max length of the barcode output.
Min Length Min length of the barcode output.
Min Separation Minimum distance between two barcodes with the same value and alignment to be considered separate values.
Multiple Read Read the entire page for barcode values. If false, the reader will stop after the first barcode is found.
Page No Specifies the page to read the barcode from. A value of 0 will scan every page for barcodes.
Pattern A regular expression to compare barcodes to. Only barcodes that match this pattern will be returned.
Pref Occurrence As the barcode reader scans, it assigns scores to barcode reader candidates. After the scan, only candidates above this score are reported.
Quiet Zone Size On a scan line, the barcode reader ignores parts of the line not preceded by a number of white pixels specified by QuietZoneSize. A value of 0 calculates a zone 1/10th of the image resolution.
Report Unread Barcodes A mask that controls the reporting of unsuccessfully decoded barcodes. Has the following limitations:
- - Maximum of 1 unread barcode per page
- No unread barcodes reported on pages with a barcode successfully read
- Linear Barcodes must contain at least 40 black bars
- 2D barcodes only reported if they reach and fail the error correction stage of decoding
- Any large series of parallel lines will be reported as an unread linear barcode
- All unread barcodes are reported as type UNREAD with value UNREAD
- The appropriate 2D type must be enabled to detect unread barcodes of that type
- If linear barcode types are disabled, barcodes of that type may still be reported as unread
Mask values
- 1 = Linear Barcodes
- 2 = Datamatrix
- 4 = QR-Code
- 8 = PDF-417
Rotate by 45 if no barcode Reader will rotate by 45° and rescan if no barcode found.
Scan Direction A mask that controls all the directions the reader will scan for barcodes.
- Mask values
- 1 = Left to Right.
- 2 = Top to Bottom.
- 4 = Right to Left.
- 8 = Bottom to Top.
Show Check Digit When true, the barcode check digit is included in the returned value, if the barcode type contains a check digit.
Timeout The maximum time in milliseconds that the barcode reader will allow for scanning a page in the document.
Use Over-Sampling When true, the reader samples 3 lines at a time, taking the average pixel value. Useful against image speckles.
Left, Top, Width, Height Sets the rectangle zone that will be searched for a barcode. If a value is not set, the whole page will be scanned.
DPI DPI of Tiff image generated from PDF files. These images are then scanned for barcodes.
BPP BPP of Tiff image generated from PDF files. The images are then scanned for barcodes.
TIFF Compression Type of compression used when converting PDF input to Tiff, before scanning for barcodes
Advanced Flags This enables advanced flags to be used, even if there is no direct equivalent in autobahndx.exe.

Task Log Section

Screen Field / Button Description
Command This is the operating system command that is used to run the job. It can be edited after using the “Edit” button, although there is normally no need for this.
Task Output The output of the job appears here.

Security Settings

PDF files can have built in security settings, this Autobahn DX tab allows access to secured source PDFs with the same password, and set the passwords on output PDFs as well as set the target document permissions.

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

  1. Source Password: A password that will be required to open the source document.

  2. Encryption Strength: Set this to 128 bits if you want to set security attributes

  3. Owner Password: A PDF owner password is a password used to set certain document restrictions on the target PDF.

  4. User Password: A password that will be required to open the target document.

  5. Target Document Permissions: Document restrictions put in place with an owner password can include the following.

    1. Allow ALL Permissions: All the permissions below.

    2. Printing: Allow high-quality printing

    3. Modify Contents: Allow assembly (see below) and other document modifications

    4. Copy: Allow text and graphics copying and extraction

    5. Modify Annotations: Allow modification of annotations

    6. Fill: Allow filling of form fields

    7. Screen Readers: Allow extraction of text and graphics in support of accessibility.

    8. Assembly: Allow rotation, insertion or deletion of pages.

    9. Degraded Printing: Allow low-quality printing

Document Metadata

This tab allows setting the metadata for the generated PDF.

Document Options

Display Modes

Page Layout

The setting for the initial document page display. One of:

  • Single Page

  • Continuous

  • Continuous Facing (odd pages left)

  • Continuous Facing (odd pages right)

Page Mode

The setting for initial viewer mode. One of:

  • Neither Bookmarks nor Thumbnails Open

  • Bookmarks Open

  • Thumbnails Open

  • Bookmarks & Thumbnails Open

  • Full Screen

Non-Full Screen Mode

The setting for document page display when exiting Full-Screen mode. One of:

  • Neither Bookmarks nor Thumbnails Open

  • Bookmarks Open

  • Thumbnails Open


Option Description
Hide Toolbar The viewer’s toolbar will be hidden
Hide Menu Bar The viewer’s menu bar will be hidden
Hide Window UI The viewer’s UI elements (scrollbars etc.) will be hidden
Fit Window The viewer will resize the document’s window to fit the size of the first displayed page.
Center Window The document window will be positioned in the center of the screen.

Page Settings and Margins

Note: For “… Any File to PDF” steps only

Option Description
Width The width of the output PDF
Height The height of the output PDF
Left The left margin of the output PDF
Right The right margin of the output PDF
Top The top margin of the output PDF
Bottom The bottom margin of the output PDF
Paper Orientation The orientation of the output PDF

PDF Conversion Settings

Conversion Control

Option Description
Conversion Timeout Set timeout for converting files in seconds.
Conversion Error Folder The folder where all the error files will be copied to.

Microsoft Office Conversion Settings

Option Description
Convert Hyperlinks Sets the flag to indicate whether to convert Word hyperlinks to PDF hyperlinks.
Merge PDF Attachments Set this flag to true if you want converted pdf attachments to be merged to the output pdf file. Otherwise, the converted files will be merged back to the pdf.
Print BG Color For files printed via IE Sets the flag that indicates whether to print background color or not when printing.
Retain Original Attachment Set this flag to true if you want the original attachments to be retained in the pdf file after they are merged. This flag only gets picked up if the MergeAttachments flag above is used.
Retain Properties Set this flag if you want the MS Office properties to be transferred to the target pdf document.
Print All Sheets The flag that indicates whether to print all Excel worksheets or not.
Convert Bookmarks For MS Word, convert bookmarks
Frame Slides Indicate whether to draw a frame around the border of the slides. This setting is for PowerPoint only.
Depth This property will take effect only when the ConvertBookmarks property is set to True. Numbers defining bookmark levels must be equal to or larger than one. Word style names must not repeat in the string. The string must not start or end with the delimiter. When this property is empty, the default style mapping (Heading one through nine will be mapped to level one through nine) will be used. Therefore, an empty string is functionally equivalent to Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6, Heading 7, Heading 8, Heading 9
- Note: If you use a non-English version of Microsoft Word, then you may need to replace the word “Heading” with its localized version.
Output Type Sets the output type, it only works with the PowerPoint files. The possible values are:
- Slides
- Build slides
- Two slides handouts
- Three slides handouts
- Four slides handouts
- Six slides handouts
- Nine slides handouts
- Notes
- Outline
Color Type Use this property to set PowerPoint to print with either color, grayscale, or black and white.
Handout Order Sets the handout order, this flag only applies to PowerPoint jobs. The possible values are:
- Vertical First
- Horizontal First
Print Graphics Sets the graphics setting for printing.
- Print Full Resolution
- Print Low Resolution
- Print Graphics
Zoom Sets the printing zoom of the worksheet. The allowed value range is from 10 to 400.
Print Scale For Visio files, sets the print scale
Header This property modifies Internet Explorer’s header setting.
Footer This property modifies Internet Explorer’s footer setting.

Image and Font Conversion Settings

Option Description
Image Compression If you want a lossless image compression, use PRN_IMAGE_COMPRESS_ZIP (ZIP compression).
Font Embedding The option PRN_FONT_EMBED_FULLSET (embedding a full set of fonts) will cause a significant increase in PDF file size, especially for CJK font, and therefore not recommended.  If you need to embed the font, PRN_FONT_EMBED_SUBSET (embed subset of fonts) will be a better choice.
Font Substitution For the PRN_FONT_SUBST_TABLE (use font substitution table) option, you need to configure the substitution table. The table is stored under the “Device Setting” section of the printer driver properties (can be accessed from the Control Panel).
Embed Fonts as Type 0 This option is recommended if you have non-standard fonts like barcode font.
Image Downsizing If this property is set to True, then the resolution of images is reduced to the DPI value specified in the ImageDownsizeResolution property.
Image JPEG Quality The allowed value range is from 5 to 100 with 100 being the highest quality.
Downsize Resolution If the ImageDownsizing property is set to True, then the resolution of images is reduced to the DPI value specified in this property.

Advanced Flags

The Advanced Flags field allows entry of certain options that cannot be entered via the GUI.

-B 100

Blank Page Removal

This option can be used when converting TIFF files to Searchable PDFs. A value should be provided which specifies the pixel threshold to be used to determine whether a page is blank or not. If a page is deemed to be blank, it is omitted from the output file. A suggested value is 100 i.e., using the –B advanced flag: -B 100


Dot Matrix Processing

This option will significantly improve recognition for dot matrix documents but should not be used when processing other document types as it will have a negative impact on non-dot matrix documents.

-0 [zero]

Custom Despeckle

When used in combination with the despeckle option, this has the effect of de-speckling the page for OCR processing, but the image retained in the final file is not de-speckled.


Custom Quantization

This command line option should generally only be used under guidance from technical support. It can control the way that color images are processed and force binarization with a particular threshold. (For example -q 127).