Optimize your PDF viewer settings for better display

Set fields under document options

Display modes

Option Description
Page Layout The setting for the initial document page display. Select from the following options:
- Single Page
- Continuous
- Continuous Facing (odd pages left)
- Continuous Facing (odd pages right)
Page Mode The setting for initial viewer mode. Select from the following options:
- Neither Bookmarks nor Thumbnails Open
- Bookmarks Open
- Thumbnails Open
- Bookmarks & Thumbnails Open
- Full Screen
Non-Full Screen Mode The setting for document page display when exiting Full-Screen mode. Select from the following options:
- Neither Bookmarks nor Thumbnails Open
- Bookmarks Open
- Thumbnails Open


Option Description
Hide Toolbar The viewer’s toolbar will be hidden
Hide Menu Bar The viewer’s menu bar will be hidden
Hide Window UI The viewer’s UI elements (for example, scrollbars) will be hidden
Fit Window The viewer will resize the document’s window to fit the size of the first displayed page.
Center Window The document window will be positioned in the center of the screen.

Page settings and margins

Note: For “… Any File to PDF” steps only

Option Description
Width The width of the output PDF
Height The height of the output PDF
Left The left margin of the output PDF
Right The right margin of the output PDF
Top The top margin of the output PDF
Bottom The bottom margin of the output PDF
Paper Orientation The orientation of the output PDF