Install Document Editor on SharePoint Online

This guide outlines the installation steps and general administrative topics related to the Document Editor for SharePoint Online extension.


Before installing the Document Editor for SharePoint Online extension, ensure you have all the required prerequisites — outlined below — installed on your computer.

  • Windows permissions — Windows administrator privileges to run the installer (EXE).

  • Office 365 permissions — Global administrator (or tenant administrator) privileges.

  • As of 9 September 2024, the multi-tenant Entra ID application used by PnP PowerShell has been deleted. It has always been a recommended practice to register your own Entra ID application to use with PnP PowerShell. This has now become a mandatory step. Document Editor installers need to connect to your SharePoint Online environment, and you’ll be asked for a client ID, certificate path, certificate password, and tenant domain. If you’ve already created an app registration in your tenant, you can use its credentials. If not, follow this guide to create an app registration to use with PnP PowerShell.

  • Node.js — You need Node.js installed on your computer.

  • SharePoint Online app catalog — Make sure you have an app catalog in your tenant. If not, follow these instructions to create one.

  • A Vercel account

    • If you don’t already have one:

      • Open

      • Click Sign Up and complete the registration.

      • Once you register for a Vercel account, open the Vercel CLI page.

      • Copy the following command and run it in the command prompt to install Vercel on your computer: npm i -g vercel.

    • If you already have Vercel installed, use the following command to check its version and update it if necessary: vercel --version.

Installing Document Editor

To install the Nutrient Document Editor for SharePoint Online extension, follow the instructions outlined in the next sections.

New installation

  1. Download the installation archive and unarchive it to the folder of your choice.

  2. In that folder, find and run the Nutrient Document Editor for SharePoint Online (extension).exe file. Make sure you’re running the file as an administrator.

  3. When you launch the installer, it’ll prompt you to install the minimum version of the NuGet provider, along with modules from a repository. Agree to both of these to continue.

  4. In the PowerShell window, press 1 to perform a fresh installation.

  5. In the next step, enter your Office 365 login credentials (email and password). Be sure to enter your administrator credentials — not your user credentials — because you’ll need them to log in to your Azure account and create an app registration.

  6. Now, log in to your Vercel account using the PowerShell window. Use the login credentials you created during the registration step above.

  7. Once you log in to Vercel, go back to the PowerShell window and confirm the deployment by typing Y into the command prompt.

  8. Proceed with the default scope (which needs to be an account you’re using) as long as it matches the account you previously created.

  9. When asked if you want to link to an existing project, enter N.

  10. Next, give your new project a name (lowercase only).

  11. When asked in which directory your code is located, leave the field blank — it’ll automatically point to the root directory where the code is located.

  12. When asked if you want to modify settings, enter N.

  13. Now the installation will try to deploy your project to Vercel. You can always check its status on your account page on the Vercel website.

  14. In the next step, the installer will ask where you want to upload the app.

  • Press 1 to upload the app in the tenant app catalog.

  • Press 2 to upload the app in a site app catalog.

Uploading the app in the tenant app catalog

  1. To upload the app in the tenant app catalog, press 1.

  2. Enter your PnP PowerShell app registration credentials from prerequisites.

  3. You’ll then be asked if you want to deploy the app to all sites in the tenant. Choose Y.

Now that installation is complete, go back to the browser and log in to Microsoft Azure using your credentials for this project.

Once logged in, you’ll be redirected to a new page, which will open as a tab in your browser:

  • Azure API permissions tab

Granting Azure permissions

On the Azure API permissions page, grant all permissions the Document Editor file extension needs by clicking Grant admin consent. Once this is granted, your status will turn green.

Uploading the app in a site app catalog

  1. To upload the app in a site app catalog, press 2.

  2. Enter your PnP PowerShell app registration credentials from prerequisites.

  3. Next, enter your SharePoint site URL.

  4. In the next step, you’ll be asked if you want to create an app catalog for the SharePoint site. Enter Y.

  5. Then, you’ll be asked if you want to install the deployed app in the site’s app catalog. Enter Y.

Granting Azure permissions

  1. On the Azure API permissions page, grant all the permissions the Document Editor file extension needs by clicking Grant admin consent. Once this is granted, your status will turn green.

Installing the Nutrient Editor extension app

To install the Nutrient Editor extension app, you first need to deploy your external application (Vercel).

To install the Document Editor for SharePoint Online extension, follow the instructions below.

  1. Download the installation archive and unarchive it to the folder of your choice.

  2. In that folder, find and run the Nutrient Document Editor for SharePoint Online (extension).exe file. Make sure you’re running the file as an administrator.

  3. When you launch the installer, it’ll prompt you to install the minimum version of the NuGet provider, along with modules from two repositories. Agree to all of these to continue.

If the NuGet provider and repositories are installed, this step won’t appear.

  1. In the PowerShell window, press 2 to install the Nutrient extension.

  2. In the next step, the installer will ask you where you want to upload the app.

  • Press 1 to upload the app in the tenant app catalog.

  • Press 2 to upload the app in a site app catalog.

Uploading the app in the tenant app catalog

  1. To upload the app in the tenant app catalog, press 1.

  2. Enter your PnP PowerShell app registration credentials from prerequisites.

  3. In the next step, enter the SharePoint tenant URL, e.g.

  4. Then, you’ll be asked if you want to deploy the app to all sites in the tenant. Enter Y.

  5. Next, it’ll ask if you want to change where the external web application is set to. Enter N.

  6. On successful installation, it’ll open the SharePoint app catalog site in the browser.

Uploading the app in a site app catalog

  1. To upload the app in a site app catalog, press 2.

  2. Enter the SharePoint site URL, e.g. It’ll upload the app to a site app catalog.

  3. Next, it’ll ask if you want to change where the external web application is set to. Enter N.

  4. On successful installation, it’ll open the SharePoint app catalog site in the browser.

Updating the external web application and/or license key

  1. Run the Nutrient Document Editor for SharePoint Online (extension).exe file in the folder. Make sure you’re running the file as an administrator.

  2. In the PowerShell window, press 3 to update the web application and/or license key.

  3. Log in to your Vercel account using the PowerShell window. Use the login credentials you created during the registration step above.

  4. Once you log in to Vercel, go back to the PowerShell window and confirm the deployment by typing Y into the command prompt. Then, enter your Nutrient Document Editor license key.

Updating the URL of the external web application

  1. Run the Nutrient Document Editor for SharePoint Online (extension).exe file in the folder. Make sure you’re running the file as an administrator.

  2. In the PowerShell window, press 4 to update the URL of the external web application.

  3. In the next step, enter the SharePoint tenant URL. If you haven’t yet, enter the PnP PowerShell app registration credentials from prerequisites.

  4. Enter the URL of the external web application and press Enter.

Uninstalling Document Editor for SharePoint

To uninstall Document Editor for SharePoint, all three parts of the solution — the Azure app registration, the SharePoint extension, and the Vercel application — need to be removed. The next sections outline how to do that.

Removing the Nutrient app registration

  1. Run the Nutrient Document Editor for SharePoint Online (extension).exe file in the folder. Make sure you’re running the file as an administrator.

  2. In the PowerShell window, press 5 to remove the Nutrient app registration from Azure.

  3. In the next step, enter your login credentials (email and password).

Be sure to enter your administrator credentials — not your user credentials — because you’ll need to log in to your Azure account to delete the app registration.

The script will clean up the Nutrient Document Editor for SharePoint Online (Extension) app registration from Azure.

Removing the SharePoint extension

  1. Run the Nutrient Document Editor for SharePoint Online (extension).exe file in the folder. Make sure you’re running the file as an administrator.

  2. In the PowerShell window, press 6 to uninstall the Nutrient Editor extension app.

  3. In the next step, the installer will ask you from where you want to remove the app.

    • Press 1 to remove the app from the tenant app catalog.

    • Press 2 to remove the app from the site app catalog.

Removing the extension from the tenant app catalog

  1. Press 1 to remove the app in the tenant app catalog.

  2. You’ll be prompted to enter the SharePoint tenant URL,

  3. Enter your PnP PowerShell app registration credentials from prerequisites.

  4. The Nutrient Document Editor app will successfully be removed from the tenant app catalog.

Removing the extension from the site app catalog

  1. Press 2 to remove the app from the site app catalog.

  2. Enter the SharePoint site URL, e.g.

  3. Enter your PnP PowerShell app registration credentials from prerequisites.

  4. After being prompted to confirm uninstallation, enter Y. The Nutrient Document Editor app will successfully be removed from the site app catalog.

Removing the Vercel application

To delete a project in Vercel:

  1. Open your browser and log in to

  2. Locate and open your Vercel project page.

  3. Select the Settings tab.

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Delete. Enter the project name in the first field, and type delete my project in the second field.

Deleting an individual deployment is a permanent, irreversible action.

Providing new PnP PowerShell connection details

If you need to correct the credentials that will be used by PnP PowerShell to connect to your SharePoint tenant, enter 7 in the installation menu and reenter the app registration credentials from prerequisites.