OpenTelemetry Support

Document Engine allows reporting OpenTelemetry traces. To enable them, use the ENABLE_OPENTELEMETRY configuration option.

Setting Up OpenTelemetry Exporting

Standard OpenTelemetry project environment variables are supported. Refer to the official documentation.

When deploying with Helm, as we recommend, simplified values from the observability.opentelemetry section are available:

    # Enable OpenTelemetry (`ENABLE_OPENTELEMETRY`),
    # only tracing is currently supported
    enabled: false
    # if not set, defaults to `http://localhost:4317`
    otlpExporterEndpoint: ""
    # if not set, defaults to `grpc`
    otlpExporterProtocol: ""
    # `OTEL_SERVICE_NAME`, service name
    otelServiceName: ""
    # `OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES`, resource attributes
    otelResourceAttributes: ""
    # `OTEL_PROPAGATORS`, propagators
    otelPropagators: ""
    # `OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER`, should normally not be touched
    # to allow custom `parent_based` work,
    # but something like `parentbased_traceidratio` may be considered
    otelTracesSampler: ""
    # `OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG`, argument for the sampler
    otelTracesSamplerArg: ""
# Extra environment variables
extraEnvs: []