Customizing Lists of Annotations on iOS
PSPDFKit allows you to customize the annotation list. Here are the two approaches to customizing settings in the AnnotationTableViewController
Subclass the view controller, and then register your subclass,
, in thePDFConfigurationBuilder
. Configure any properties in theinit
method of the subclass.
Use the
This is a more advanced customization because the annotation controller is packed inside a container view controller unless all other view controller options are disabled in the outline bar button:
static func PSCContainedControllerOfClass<U: UIViewController, T>(container controller: U, klass: T.Type) -> T? { if let vc = controller as? T { return vc } else if let topVC = (controller as? UINavigationController)?.topViewController { return PSCContainedControllerOfClass(container: topVC, klass: klass) } else if let containerVC = controller as? ContainerViewController { for viewController in containerVC.viewControllers { if let containedVC = PSCContainedControllerOfClass(container: viewController, klass: klass) { return containedVC } } } return nil } func pdfViewController(_ pdfController: PDFViewController, shouldShow controller: UIViewController, options: [String : Any]? = nil, animated: Bool) -> Bool { let annotationController = PSCContainedControllerOfClass(container: controller, klass: AnnotationTableViewController.self) annotationController?.showDeleteAllOption = false // Only show ink, highlight, and stamp annotations in the annotation list. annotationController?.visibleAnnotationTypes = [.ink, .highlight, .stamp] return true }
static id PSCControllerForClass(id theController, Class klass) { if ([theController isKindOfClass:klass]) { return theController; }else if ([theController isKindOfClass:UINavigationController.class]) { return PSCControllerForClass(((UINavigationController *)theController).topViewController, klass); }else if ([theController isKindOfClass:PSPDFContainerViewController.class]) { for (UIViewController *contained in ((PSPDFContainerViewController *)theController).viewControllers) { if (PSCControllerForClass(contained, klass)) return PSCControllerForClass(contained, klass); } } return nil; } - (BOOL)pdfViewController:(PSPDFViewController *)pdfController shouldShowController:(UIViewController *)controller options:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)options animated:(BOOL)animated { PSCLog(@"shouldShowViewController: %@ animated: %d.", controller, animated); PSPDFAnnotationTableViewController *annotCtrl = PSCControllerForClass(controller, PSPDFAnnotationTableViewController.class); annotCtrl.showDeleteAllOption = NO; // Only show ink, highlight, and stamp annotations in the annotation list. annotCtrl.visibleAnnotationTypes = [NSSet<PSPDFAnnotationString> setWithArray:@[PSPDFAnnotationStringInk, PSPDFAnnotationStringHighlight, PSPDFAnnotationStringStamp]]; return YES; }