Analytics Events

An event has a name and a dictionary of additional parameters. Event parameters are of standard, JSON-friendly types.

All PSPDFKit event names are prefixed with pspdf_ and use underscore_case.

You can find the complete list of PSPDFKit events and parameters in the PSPDFAnalyticsEvents.h header and in the list below.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.documentLoad (raw value: pspdf_load_document)

    This signifies that the user has loaded a document.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.spreadChange (raw value: pspdf_change_spread)

    This signifies that spread was changed.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.annotationCreationModeEnter (raw value: pspdf_enter_annotation_creation_mode)

    This signifies that the user opened the annotation toolbar.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.annotationCreationModeExit (raw value: pspdf_exit_annotation_creation_mode)

    This signifies that the user closed the annotation toolbar.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.annotationCreatorDialogShow (raw value: pspdf_show_annotation_creator_dialog)

    This signifies that the annotation creator dialog was shown to the user.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.annotationCreatorDialogCancel (raw value: pspdf_cancel_annotation_creator_dialog)

    This signifies that the annotation creator dialog was canceled by the user.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.annotationCreatorSet (raw value: pspdf_set_annotation_creator)

    This signifies that the annotation creator dialog was confirmed by the user, thereby setting a creator name.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.annotationSelect (raw value: pspdf_select_annotation)

    This signifies that the user selected an annotation, e.g. by tapping it.


    • Key: PDFAnalytics.EventAttributeName.anotationType. Value: Annotation.Tool of the selected annotation.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.annotationCreate (raw value: pspdf_create_annotation)

    This signifies that the user created an annotation and added it to the document.


    • Key: PDFAnalytics.EventAttributeName.anotationType. Value: Annotation.Tool of the created annotation.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.annotationDelete (raw value: pspdf_delete_annotation)

    This signifies that the user deleted an annotation from the document.


    • Key: PDFAnalytics.EventAttributeName.annotationType. Value: Annotation.Tool of the deleted annotation.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.annotationInspectorShow (raw value: pspdf_show_annotation_inspector)

    This signifies that the user opened the annotation inspector for editing annotation properties, either via the annotation toolbar or by editing an existing annotation.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.textSelect (raw value: pspdf_select_text)

    This signifies that the user has selected text on the document.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.outlineOpen (raw value: pspdf_open_outline_view)

    This signifies that the user opened the outline containing the document outline, annotations, and bookmarks.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.outlineElementSelect (raw value: pspdf_tap_outline_element_in_outline_list)

    This signifies that the user tapped an outline element in the outline view.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.outlineAnnotationSelect (raw value: pspdf_tap_annotation_in_outline_list)

    This signifies that the user tapped an annotation in the outline view.


    • Key: PDFAnalytics.EventAttributeName.annotationType. Value: Annotation.Tool of the selected annotation.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.thumbnailGridOpen (raw value: pspdf_open_thumbnail_grid)

    This signifies that the user opened the thumbnail grid view.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.documentEditorOpen (raw value: pspdf_open_document_editor)

    This signifies that the user opened the Document Editor.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.documentEditorAction (raw value: pspdf_perform_document_editor_action)

    This signifies that the user performed an action inside the Document Editor.


    • Key: PDFAnalytics.EventAttributeName.action. Value: One of the PDFAnalytics.EventAttributeValue.action..s that was performed by the user. For example, PDFAnalytics.EventAttributeValue.actionInsertNewPage.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.bookmarkAdd (raw value: pspdf_add_bookmark)

    This signifies that the user added a bookmark to the document.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.bookmarkEdit (raw value: pspdf_edit_bookmarks)

    This signifies that the user has entered bookmark-editing mode inside the bookmark list.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.bookmarkRemove (raw value: pspdf_remove_bookmark)

    This signifies that the user has deleted a bookmark from the document.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.bookmarkSort (raw value: pspdf_sort_bookmark)

    This signifies that the user changed the order of a bookmark item in the bookmark list.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.bookmarkRename (raw value: pspdf_rename_bookmark)

    This signifies that the user renamed a bookmark.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.bookmarkSelect (raw value: pspdf_tap_bookmark_in_bookmark_list)

    This signifies that the user tapped a bookmark in the bookmark list.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.searchStart (raw value: pspdf_start_search)

    This signifies that the user started a search in the document e.g. by pressing the search icon.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.searchResultSelect (raw value: pspdf_select_search_result)

    This signifies that the user selected a search result after searching the document.

    No attributes.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.share (raw value: pspdf_share)

    This signifies that the user shared the document using the share sheet.


    • Key: PDFAnalytics.EventAttributeName.activityType. Value: Activity type the user selected as string.

  • PDFAnalytics.EventName.toolbarMove (raw value: pspdf_move_toolbar): This signifies that the toolbar was moved to a different location.


    • Key: PDFAnalytics.EventAttributeValue.toolbarPosition.

    • Value: FlexibleToolbar.Position of the destination.

Custom Events

The PSPDFKit events pipeline can also be used to deliver custom events.

Extend the PDFAnalytics.EventName type with your custom events:

extension PDFAnalyticsEventName {
    static var someCustomAction = PDFAnalyticsEventName(rawValue: "some_custom_action")
PSPDF_EXPORT PSPDFAnalyticsEventName const PSPDFAnalyticsEventNameSomeCustomAction; // in *.h
PSPDFAnalyticsEventName const PSPDFAnalyticsEventNameSomeCustomAction = @"some_custom_action"; // in *.m

Then use the PDFAnalytics object to deliver them:
[ logEvent:PSPDFAnalyticsEventNameSomeCustomAction];

The event in the above example will be dispatched to all registered [PDFAnalyticsClient][] instances.