Zoom to specific PDF annotations easily
When a PDF loads in PSPDFKit, and you want to zoom in to a particular annotation, you can do this by passing the annotation’s bounding box to the zoom(toPDFRect:forPageAt:animated:)
method of PDFDocumentViewController
class CustomPDFViewController: PDFViewController { override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) // Find the first annotation for demonstration purposes. guard let document = self.document, let annotation = document.annotationsForPage(at: 0, type: .all).first else { return } self.documentViewController?.zoom(toPDFRect: annotation.boundingBox, forPageAt: 0, animated: true) } }
@interface CustomPDFViewController : PSPDFViewController @end @implementation CustomPDFViewController - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:animated]; // Find the first annotation for demonstration purposes. PSPDFAnnotation *annotation = [[self.document annotationsForPageAtIndex:0 type:PSPDFAnnotationTypeAll] firstObject]; if (!annotation) { return; } [self.documentViewController zoomToPDFRect:annotation.boundingBox forPageAtIndex:0 animated:YES]; } @end
This has been tested with PSPDFKit 8.4 for iOS.