Move or rearrange PDF pages in Java
Pages can be moved to a new location in a document by using the Document Editor. To do this, specify the pages you wish to move and the index they should be moved to:
// Move page 1 after index 5. Set<Integer> pages = new HashSet<>(); pages.add(1); documentEditor.movePages(pages, 5, DocumentEditor.IndexPosition.AfterIndex);
Chaining edits together
Document edits can be chained to perform multiple synchronous operations to create a single document. For example:
File file = File.createTempFile("documentEditorOutput", ".pdf"); DocumentEditor documentEditor = documentToEdit.createDocumentEditor(); Set<Integer> pages = new HashSet<>(); pages.add(1); pages.add(4); documentEditor.removePages(pages); Set<Integer> movePages = new HashSet<>(); movePages.add(1); documentEditor.movePages(movePages, 5, DocumentEditor.IndexPosition.AfterIndex); documentEditor.saveDocument(new FileDataProvider(file));