Extract text from PDFs using Java

Extracting text from a PDF can be a complex task. For our libraries products, we distilled the text extraction process to a single function that provides all the information required to achieve whatever a user may require to accomplish any text processing task.

Text can be extracted on a per-page basis using the library page API. Each page’s text is split into individual text lines as TextBlock objects that contain the string and page coordinates for each line. The following code shows how you might concatenate all the text on the first page of a document and print it to the console:

PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.open(new FileDataProvider(new File("documentWithText.pdf")));
List<TextBlock> textLines = document.getPage(0).getTextLines();
StringBuilder pageText = new StringBuilder();
for (TextBlock textLine : textLines) {
System.out.println("The text on the first page reads:\n" + pageText);

The location and size of each line in the form of a Rect can also be read from each of the page text lines:

PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.open(new FileDataProvider(new File("documentWithText.pdf")));
List<TextBlock> textLines = document.getPage(0).getTextLines();
Rect firstLineRect = textLines.get(0).getRect();

See our API reference for more specifics on getTextLines.