Convert PDF to Office using JavaScript

Nutrient Web SDK is a client-side JavaScript library for converting PDF to Office documents directly in the browser, without the need for server-side processing. For details on PDF-to-Office server-side conversion, refer to our convert PDF to Office guide.
To convert PDF to Office documents such as DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX, Nutrient Web SDK relies entirely on its own technology built from the ground up, and it doesn’t depend on third-party tools such as LibreOffice or Microsoft Office. For more information on the supported Office formats, see the list of supported file types.

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Converting PDF to Office documents after displaying

To convert a PDF to Office document after displaying it in the Nutrient viewer, follow the steps below.

  1. Load the source PDF (optional). To load the document without a user interface visible to the user, use the headless parameter.

  2. Make changes to the PDF (optional). For example, add annotations.

  3. Convert the source PDF to an Office document. Use the exportOffice method and the format property to choose the output format: .docx, .xlsx, or .pptx.

  4. Save the output document. The exportOffice method returns a Promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer containing the output Office document. You can use the resulting ArrayBuffer to download or persist the output Office document in storage. For more information on downloading or persisting the exported ArrayBuffer, see the guides on saving a document.

The following example loads a PDF and exports it to an Office document in DOCX format:

  container: "#pspdfkit",
  document: "source.pdf",
  licenseKey: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY"
}).then((instance) => {
  instance.exportOffice({ format: 'docx' });

The following example loads a PDF, exports it to an Office document in DOCX format, and downloads it in the client’s browser:

  container: "#pspdfkit",
  document: "source.pdf",
  licenseKey: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY"
  .then((instance) =>
      format: 'docx'
  .then(function (buffer) {
    const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" });
    const objectUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);

function downloadDocument(blob) {
  const a = document.createElement("a");
  a.href = blob; = "none"; = "output.docx";
  a.setAttribute("download", "output.docx");

When exporting a document, you have several options. Refer to our guides on flattening annotations and incremental saving for more details.

Auto saving can be configured for different scenarios and use cases. You can find more information in our auto save guide.

Converting PDFs with custom fonts to Office documents after displaying

When you convert a PDF with custom fonts to an Office document, Nutrient Web SDK might not have access to these fonts due to licensing constraints. In this case, Nutrient replaces unavailable fonts with their equivalents (for example, Arial with Noto) by default. To make sure the output Office document uses the same fonts as the original PDF, provide the path to the custom font files to Nutrient.

To convert a PDF to an Office document with custom fonts after displaying it in the Nutrient viewer, follow the steps below.

  1. Load the custom fonts. For more information, see adding custom fonts.

  2. Load the source PDF (optional). To load the document without a user interface visible to the user, use the headless parameter.

  3. Make changes to the document (optional). For example, add annotations.

  4. Convert the source document to an Office document with the exportOffice method. Use the format flag to create a document in DOCX format.

  5. Save the output document. The exportOffice method returns a Promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer containing the output Office document. You can use the resulting ArrayBuffer to download or persist the output Office document in storage. For more information on downloading or persisting the exported ArrayBuffer, see the guides on saving a document.

The following example loads a PDF and exports it to an Office document:

const fetchFont = (fontFileName) =>
  fetch(`${fontFileName}`).then((r) => {
    if (r.status === 200) {
      return r.blob();
    } else {
      throw new Error();

const customFonts = ["arial.ttf", "helvetica.ttf", "tahoma.ttf"].map(
  (font) => new PSPDFKit.Font({ name: font, callback: fetchFont })

  container: "#pspdfkit",
  document: "source.pdf",
  licenseKey: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY"
}).then((instance) => {
  instance.exportOffice({ format: 'docx' });

When exporting a document, you have several options. Refer to our guides on flattening annotations and incremental saving for more details.

Auto saving can be configured for different scenarios and use cases. You can find more information in our auto save guide.

Converting PDFs to Office documents without displaying

To convert a PDF to an Office document without displaying it in the Nutrient viewer, follow the steps below.

  1. Load and convert the source PDF using the convertToOffice method. This method takes the following parameters:

    • A Configuration object that specifies the path to the source document and the license key.

    • One of the supported Office output formats: .docx, .xlsx, or .pptx.

  2. Save the output document. The convertToOffice method returns a Promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer containing the output Office document. You can use the resulting ArrayBuffer to download or persist the output Office document in storage. For more information on downloading or persisting the exported ArrayBuffer, see the guides on saving a document.

The following example exports the loaded document to an Office document in DOCX format:

    document: "source.pdf",
    licenseKey: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY"

The following example converts a PDF to an Office document and downloads it in the client’s browser:

  document: "source.pdf",
  licenseKey: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY"
}).then(function (buffer) {
  const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" });
  const objectUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);

function downloadDocument(blob) {
  const a = document.createElement("a");
  a.href = blob; = "none"; = "output.docx";
  a.setAttribute("download", "output.docx");

Converting PDFs with custom fonts to Office documents without displaying

When you convert a PDF with custom fonts to an Office document, Nutrient Web SDK might not have access to these fonts due to licensing constraints. In this case, Nutrient replaces unavailable fonts with their equivalents — like Arial with Noto — by default. To make sure the output Office document uses the same fonts as the original PDF, provide the path to the custom font files to Nutrient.

To convert a PDF with custom fonts to an Office document without displaying it in the Nutrient viewer, follow the steps below.

  1. Load the custom fonts. For more information, see the guide on adding custom fonts.

  2. Load and convert the source PDF using the convertToOffice method. This method takes the following parameters:

    • A Configuration object that specifies the path to the source document, the license key, and the custom fonts used in the document.

    • The output Office format, which is either .docx, .xlsx, or .pptx.

  3. Save the output document. The convertToOffice method returns a Promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer containing the output Office document. You can use the resulting ArrayBuffer to download or persist the output Office document in storage. For more information on downloading or persisting the exported ArrayBuffer, see the guides on saving a document.

The following example exports the loaded document to an Office document in DOCX format:

const fetchFont = (fontFileName) =>
  fetch(`${fontFileName}`).then((r) => {
    if (r.status === 200) {
      return r.blob();
    } else {
      throw new Error();

const customFonts = ["arial.ttf", "helvetica.ttf", "tahoma.ttf"].map(
  (font) => new PSPDFKit.Font({ name: font, callback: fetchFont })

    document: "source.pdf",
    licenseKey: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY"

When exporting a document, you have several options. Refer to our guides on flattening annotations and incremental saving for more details.

Auto saving can be configured for different scenarios and use cases. You can find more information in our auto save guide.

Framework support

PDF-to-Office conversion is compatible with any JavaScript framework supported by Nutrient Web SDK, including:

It’s also compatible with Electron, ASP.NET, HTML5, and progressive web apps.


PDF-to-Office conversion is compatible with SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft OneDrive, and Salesforce integrations supported by Nutrient Web SDK.

Dynamic font loading

Nutrient Web SDK introduces a powerful dynamic font loading mechanism that allows you to dynamically load fonts when users enter text containing characters not supported by available fonts. This feature ensures that text is correctly displayed, even when the user’s language and character set aren’t known in advance. This feature can improve the rendered result in a number of use cases:

  • Office-to-PDF or PDF-to-Office conversions — Office or PDF documents frequently use fonts that aren’t available to the SDK. With dynamic font loading, Nutrient Web SDK can fetch the necessary fonts to render the document text with closer fidelity.

  • Text annotations — Text annotations can use non-standard fonts to render the text — a common use case which can now be automatically handled by making use of dynamically loaded fonts.

  • PDF forms — Similar to text annotations, form fields may also use fonts that the SDK doesn’t include by default. When dynamic font loading is used, we can ensure those forms will be correctly rendered.

To leverage dynamic font loading, provide a list of fonts in a JSON file, which will be loaded on demand.

Default fonts bundle

To use this feature, we provide a default, ready-to-use dynamic fonts bundle. Follow the steps below.

  • Extract the compressed file into a public folder accessible to your application, preferably in the same folder as the application so as to avoid CORS issues.

  • Set the dynamicFonts property in the configuration object passed to PSPDFKit.load() to a URL pointing to the JSON file with the dynamic fonts data as shown below:

  dynamicFonts: ""

The fonts.json file contains the information necessary for Nutrient Web SDK to download and make use of the fonts included in the bundle when needed.

Do you want to create your own font bundle? Contact our Support team and we’ll be happy to help!