JavaScript document library
Nutrient Web SDK is a JavaScript document library for viewing, converting, annotating, and editing documents directly in the browser. It enables developers to easily add PDF, PDF/A, and Office document capabilities to any web application.

Key capabilities
Robust API for configuring behavior and appearance
Workload is offloaded to client (no server needed)
Full support for PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Annotate, edit, sign, form fill, redact, and more
Document capabilities
Explore allDocument viewer
How to configure the PDF and Office document viewer
How to import, export, create, edit, sync, flatten, and more
How to create a PDF form, fill form fields, extract data, and more
Instant synchronization
How to sync annotations across multiple users, devices, or sessions
How to add electronic and digital signatures to PDF documents
How to edit content, merge or split documents, manipulate pages, and more
How to convert Office documents and images to PDF or PDF/A, and more
How to redact content programmatically or using the UI
Browser support
Nutrient Web SDK supports the latest versions of all commonly used browsers: Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Firefox ESR. You can see the full list on our browser support page.
Framework support
Nutrient Web SDK is compatible with all JavaScript frameworks because it just needs a DOM container to append the viewer, which is possible with any framework.
This includes React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, Blazor, Next.js, Nuxt.js, jQuery, TypeScript, and Progressive Web Apps. It’s also compatible with Electron, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, and HTML5.
Nutrient Web SDK is compatible with SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft OneDrive, and Salesforce.