Focus on a Widget Annotation
You can set the focus on a widget annotation programmatically using the DOM API. The following example adds a custom toolbar item that focuses on a form field when clicked. Remember to adjust the selector with a valid form field name:
let instance = null; PSPDFKit.load({ ...defaultConfiguration, toolbarItems: [ ...PSPDFKit.defaultToolbarItems, { type: "custom", title: "Focus", onPress() { instance.contentDocument .querySelector( ".PSPDFKit-Annotation-Widget[name='form field name']" ) .focus(); } } ] }).then((_instance) => { instance = _instance; });
If the widget annotation is associated with a text form field, you can also automatically set the selection to the end of the current value of the input using the HTMLInputElement.setSelectionRange
let instance = null; PSPDFKit.load({ ...defaultConfiguration, toolbarItems: [ ...PSPDFKit.defaultToolbarItems, { type: "custom", title: "Focus", onPress() { const element = instance.contentDocument.querySelector( ".PSPDFKit-Annotation-Widget[name='form field name']" ); element.focus(); element.setSelectionRange( element.value.length, element.value.length ); } } ] }).then((_instance) => { instance = _instance; });
This has been tested with PSPDFKit for Web 2019.5.4.