Open local PDF files using JavaScript

In standalone mode, sometimes you’ll want to keep a document persisted in the browser’s local storage. Since local storage only accepts data as a string, you can use Base64 to encode and decode the document storing it.

First export the document as an ArrayBuffer, and then store it as a Base64 string:

const myDocumentArrayBuffer = await instance.exportPDF();
let base64EncodedDocument = '';
const len = myDocumentArrayBuffer.byteLength;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
	base64EncodedDocument += String.fromCharCode(myDocumentArrayBuffer[i]);
window.localStorage.setItem('document', base64EncodedDocument);

You can load this document later by retrieving the Base64 string from local storage and passing it as a data URL in the configuration object passed to PSPDFKit.load():

const base64EncodedDocument = window.localStorage.getItem('document');
	// `base64Decode` is a user function that decodes a Base64 string into an `ArrayBuffer`.
	document: `data:application/pdf;base64,${base64EncodedDocument}`

Now what if, instead of opening the document from local storage, you want to let the user select a file from the local file system?

Since uploaded files are received as File objects that share the Blob API, you can proceed similarly to how you do with Blob:

// `event` is an HTML change event from an <input type="file"> element.
const documentFileObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
	document: documentFileObjectUrl
	.then(instance => {
		// Make sure to revoke the object URL so the browser doesn't hold on to the file object that's not needed any more.

It’s also possible to set the initial conditions of the viewer in the same configuration object by setting the initialViewState property. For example, if you want to open a document on page 2 with the thumbnails sidebar open, do it like this:

// `event` is an HTML change event from an <input type="file"> element.
const documentFileObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
	document: documentFileObjectUrl,
    initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
      pageIndex: 2,
      sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS
	.then(instance => {
		// Make sure to revoke the object URL so the browser doesn't hold on to the file object that's not needed any more.

Here’s a complete example that accepts all Standalone-supported input file formats:

		<title>Open local file system PDF</title>
			body {
				height: 100%;
			#pdfContainer {
				height: 90%;
		<div id="pdfContainer"></div>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			document.addEventListener("change", function (event) {
				if ( === 1) {
					const documentFileObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
						container: "#pdfContainer",
						document: documentFileObjectUrl,
						initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
							pageIndex: 2,
							sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS
						.then(instance => {
							// Make sure to revoke the object URL so the browser doesn't hold on to the file object that's not needed any more.

Loading options

You can open files in any of the supported file formats.

PSPDFKit.load() also accepts different configuration options:


  document: documentUrl,
  toolbarItems: PSPDFKit.defaultToolbarItems.filter(item => item.type !== "print"),
  initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
    sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS

In standalone mode, sometimes you’ll want to keep a document persisted in the browser’s local storage. Since local storage only accepts data as a string, you can use Base64 to encode and decode the document storing it.

First export the document as an ArrayBuffer, and then store it as a Base64 string:

const myDocumentArrayBuffer = await instance.exportPDF();
let base64EncodedDocument = '';
const len = myDocumentArrayBuffer.byteLength;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
	base64EncodedDocument += String.fromCharCode(myDocumentArrayBuffer[i]);
window.localStorage.setItem('document', base64EncodedDocument);

You can load this document later by retrieving the Base64 string from local storage and passing it as a data URL in the configuration object passed to PSPDFKit.load():

const base64EncodedDocument = window.localStorage.getItem('document');
	// `base64Decode` is a user function that decodes a Base64 string into an `ArrayBuffer`.
	document: `data:application/pdf;base64,${base64EncodedDocument}`

Now what if, instead of opening the document from local storage, you want to let the user select a file from the local file system?

Since uploaded files are received as File objects that share the Blob API, you can proceed similarly to how you do with Blob:

// `event` is an HTML change event from an <input type="file"> element.
const documentFileObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
	document: documentFileObjectUrl
	.then(instance => {
		// Make sure to revoke the object URL so the browser doesn't hold on to the file object that's not needed any more.

It’s also possible to set the initial conditions of the viewer in the same configuration object by setting the initialViewState property. For example, if you want to open a document on page 2 with the thumbnails sidebar open, do it like this:

// `event` is an HTML change event from an <input type="file"> element.
const documentFileObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
	document: documentFileObjectUrl,
    initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
      pageIndex: 2,
      sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS
	.then(instance => {
		// Make sure to revoke the object URL so the browser doesn't hold on to the file object that's not needed any more.

Here’s a complete example that accepts all Standalone-supported input file formats:

		<title>Open local file system PDF</title>
			body {
				height: 100%;
			#pdfContainer {
				height: 90%;
		<div id="pdfContainer"></div>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			document.addEventListener("change", function (event) {
				if ( === 1) {
					const documentFileObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
						container: "#pdfContainer",
						document: documentFileObjectUrl,
						initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
							pageIndex: 2,
							sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS
						.then(instance => {
							// Make sure to revoke the object URL so the browser doesn't hold on to the file object that's not needed any more.

Loading options

You can open files in any of the supported file formats.

PSPDFKit.load() also accepts different configuration options:


  document: documentUrl,
  toolbarItems: PSPDFKit.defaultToolbarItems.filter(item => item.type !== "print"),
  initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
    sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS

In standalone mode, sometimes you’ll want to keep a document persisted in the browser’s local storage. Since local storage only accepts data as a string, you can use Base64 to encode and decode the document storing it.

First export the document as an ArrayBuffer, and then store it as a Base64 string:

const myDocumentArrayBuffer = await instance.exportPDF();
let base64EncodedDocument = '';
const len = myDocumentArrayBuffer.byteLength;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
	base64EncodedDocument += String.fromCharCode(myDocumentArrayBuffer[i]);
window.localStorage.setItem('document', base64EncodedDocument);

You can load this document later by retrieving the Base64 string from local storage and passing it as a data URL in the configuration object passed to PSPDFKit.load():

const base64EncodedDocument = window.localStorage.getItem('document');
	// `base64Decode` is a user function that decodes a Base64 string into an `ArrayBuffer`.
	document: `data:application/pdf;base64,${base64EncodedDocument}`

Now what if, instead of opening the document from local storage, you want to let the user select a file from the local file system?

Since uploaded files are received as File objects that share the Blob API, you can proceed similarly to how you do with Blob:

// `event` is an HTML change event from an <input type="file"> element.
const documentFileObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
	document: documentFileObjectUrl
	.then(instance => {
		// Make sure to revoke the object URL so the browser doesn't hold on to the file object that's not needed any more.

It’s also possible to set the initial conditions of the viewer in the same configuration object by setting the initialViewState property. For example, if you want to open a document on page 2 with the thumbnails sidebar open, do it like this:

// `event` is an HTML change event from an <input type="file"> element.
const documentFileObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
	document: documentFileObjectUrl,
    initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
      pageIndex: 2,
      sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS
	.then(instance => {
		// Make sure to revoke the object URL so the browser doesn't hold on to the file object that's not needed any more.

Here’s a complete example that accepts all Standalone-supported input file formats:

		<title>Open local file system PDF</title>
			body {
				height: 100%;
			#pdfContainer {
				height: 90%;
		<div id="pdfContainer"></div>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			document.addEventListener("change", function (event) {
				if ( === 1) {
					const documentFileObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
						container: "#pdfContainer",
						document: documentFileObjectUrl,
						initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
							pageIndex: 2,
							sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS
						.then(instance => {
							// Make sure to revoke the object URL so the browser doesn't hold on to the file object that's not needed any more.

Loading options

You can open files in any of the supported file formats.

PSPDFKit.load() also accepts different configuration options:


  document: documentUrl,
  toolbarItems: PSPDFKit.defaultToolbarItems.filter(item => item.type !== "print"),
  initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
    sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS