1.1 release notes

We’re pleased to announce Nutrient Web SDK 1.1, which ships with numerous fixes, performance enhancements, and UI improvements, alongside a notable API addition: PSPDFKit.build(). Refer to the changelog for full details.

New API: PSPDFKit.build()

PSPDFKit.build() performs processing via the Nutrient backend Build API.

Example usage:

  // Authorize request.
  { jwt: authPayload.jwt },
  // Instructions for the processing request.
    parts: [
      // Use first input as the first part of the final document.
      { file: "document" },
      // Use a sample DOCX document served from a URL as the second part of the final document.
        file: {
  // Inputs required by the request. These will be uploaded with the request. The remote file served from URL does not need to be uploaded.
  [{ name: "document", content: document }]

Performance and UX improvements

  • Enhanced memory efficiency when decoding large documents, enabling better handling of resource-intensive PDFs.

  • Improved UX when selecting text from right to left, particularly with sentence-ending words.

  • Callout annotation text overflow, bounding box, and arrow positioning improvements.

  • Updated key dependencies: React (18.3.1) and react-intl (7.1.6).

For a complete list of changes, bug fixes, and performance improvements, refer to the changelog. For previous release notes, refer to the Web SDK 1.0 release notes. We appreciate your feedback and contributions as we continue to enhance Nutrient Web SDK.