Customizing Icons in Our JavaScript PDF Viewer
It’s possible to customize icons for a toolbar item.
The icon should be a URL, a Base64-encoded image, or a string with an SVG. This property can either add an icon to a custom button or override the icons of the default items:
// Adding an icon to a custom toolbar item. const myZoomInToolbarItems = { type: "custom", id: "my-group", mediaQueries: ["(min-width: 980px)"], icon: "<svg><path d="my-path"/></svg>" };
// Override default icon. const toolbarItems = PSPDFKit.defaultToolbarItems; const index = toolbarItems.findIndex((item) => item.type === "zoom-in"); toolbarItems[index].icon = "my-icon-path.svg"; instance.setToolbarItems(toolbarItems);