The Difference Between a Requester and a Recipient

For new and less-experienced Integrify users, it can take some time to get completely comfortable with all the aspects of our software, for instance, how things are named.

One of the more common confusions we see is between “requesters” and “recipients.” The words are similar, and they’re both frequently used while building out a process.

Let’s clear up the difference between the two terms, starting with “requester.”


A requester is a person who initiates a process. A simple example is a person who requests vacation time. They initiate the process by completing a “Vacation Request Form.” This request kicks off a series of steps that complete with an approved or rejected vacation.

Throughout the process, the requester doesn’t change. It’s always the person who asked for vacation time.

This is important to remember since a requester can also become a recipient. More on that in a moment.


Now let’s turn to “recipients.” A recipient is an individual who is assigned a task. In the case of the Vacation Request, a recipient might be the requester’s boss. They might receive an approval task. Once they approve the task, there might be another recipient, for instance, an HR manager who needs to log the request once it’s been approved.

Now here’s where a requester can become a recipient. Let’s say the boss wants to approve the request for vacation time but needs more information from the requester. That means a task must be assigned to the requester to provide the information, making the requester a task recipient.

As we said before, the requester never changes. It’s always the person who initiated the process. Recipients change all the time; they’re just whoever is being assigned a task whether it’s a specific person or a group of people. They receive the task.