Release notes

Integrify updates can occur several times a week, but aim for at least one release a week, every Tuesday. These normally occur between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. Eastern. We will note all changes to the application on this page. The “Estimated Release” section at the top represents application changes that are going through our QA procedures or have made it through them but have yet to be released to the production environment. Most of those listed will be in the next production push. If you have any questions about these notes, please contact [email protected].

  • 2341: When viewing a Report, the colum Headers will now remain on the top while scrolling down to view the bottom rows. (FR-16822)

  • 2876: Task failures are now posted to the Notification Center for Administrators to act on.

  • 2884: Titles within the Tabs of Integrify will now display the name of the page that is being viewed.

  • 2901: A ‘Don’t save delete column’ option has been added to the Grid question configuration to prevent column definitions from retaining multiple deleted columns in the data stream. It is the default for new grid questions, and can be turned on for pre-existing after checking functionality of form rules and custom JS in conjjunction with it.

  • 2870: When loading a Reports Scheduler or Process Scheduler configuration, if either were configured with a User in the ‘Run As’ configuration that was changed, missing, or deactivated, the ‘Run As’ option would disappear. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-20185)

  • 2903: When Users were mapping a Grid question’s select list column in a PDF Generator’s configuration using the Grid Specific Cell configuation as the source, the resulting mapped field was missing the value. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-20512)

  • 2915: When configuring a new DB Push Task that includes the new “Which Options” drop down for grid data, the push task fails when using the “Entire Grid (JSON)” option. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2674: Added and enhancement that gives Users the ability hide a Grid column from all users in both the question config and via JS using toggleColumnVisibilty(columnId) or setColumnVisibility(columnId, setTo). (FR-18281)

  • 2900: Fixed issue with ui length limitations on passwords that was preventing user creation in certain cases.

  • 1954: Added license overage notifications to the Notification Center

  • 2746, 2779, 2780, 2869, 2878, 2879: A Notification Center has been added to the application.  This will be a central location for admins of the application to receive and manage notifications from the application regarding license status, overages, and updates. It is laid out similar to an email client and is accessible through a new bell icon in the upper right navigation of the application.  The bell will also show the number of unread items.  Users can flag, delete, and mark as read/unread any notification. (FR-14497)

  • 2775: We added the ability to supply an alias for any completed form task selected for inclusion in an approval task. (FR-19238)

  • 2880: Added scheduled report errors to the Notifiction Center

8/22/2024 - Estimated
  • 1954, 2746, 2779, 2780: A Notification Center has been added to the application. This will be a central location for admins of the application to receive and manage notifications from the application regarding license status, overages, and updates. It is laid out similar to an email client and is accessible through a new bell icon in the upper right navigation of the application. The bell will also show the number of unread items. Users can flag, delete, and mark as read/unread any notification. (FR-14497)

  • 2879: A draggable Center divider between the notification list and notification viewer within the Notification Center has been added for better viewing.

  • 2776: If you change the Task Status filter of the My Tasks from the default “Open” to “All” and then change it back, the list of tasks does not display. The paging shows 0 of n, where n is the correct number of tasks. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2867: When you have a REST Client task which uses a stored credential (such as API Key) the Test tab does not use the credential. If you’re using a credential, the Test tab should do the mapping automatically but not display the parameter. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2869: The Badges that display on the Bell icon for the Notification Center do not automatically update when a new message is received. The User needs to manually refresh to see it. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2874: Notifications with embedded images are not displaying for Recipients that receive thier emails outside of the Integrify system without an Integrify Token. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2875: If a username is changed or made inactive the runas field on the report scheduler doesn’t show at all if that user was selected. If you schedule a report to start or end with a time that has 0 minutes the data saves, however when you go back and edit the schedule the start/end date time is blank. A fix for these bugs have been implemented.

  • 2877: Reports with a column displaying files formatted with attachment displays the icon on its left side when it should be on the right. And Reports with a column displaying files formatted with attachment - icon don’t display a preview icon and preview. A fix for these bugs have been implemented.

  • 2498: An option to bypass the login screen when using SSO has been implemented within the SSO settings under the Top right menu’s Gear icon. (FR-17449)

  • 2727: When dragging or adding images into a rich text field in the application (form questions, notifications, descriptions, etc), we now save the file to the attachments file store and reference the file instead of embedding it into the data stream. This is seamless to the user and happens automatically.

  • 2831: You can now map specific cells from grid questions into task prefills, parameters, variables, notifications, and start rules. For cells to be mappable, the grid question must have ‘Rows Specified’ in the ‘Rows Defined’ tab of it’s configuration. They are listed by number or 1st column values if they exist in the configuration.

  • 2761: When a User process was executed, the Grid Footer was not displaying. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2822: When adding or moving a form, report, or process, the user is only able to select a category they have create rights to. It will not be in the list of available categoried if those rights do not exists.

  • 2855: When a User Resets a task via Manage Requests, the Completion date of the previous task within the Task History is being changed. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2860: Form IDs are no longer incrementing when a form is versioned.

  • 2721: Added the ability to display a custom message on the Login Page to System Settings under “LoginMessage” (FR-18689)

  • 2854: In the task history for requests, The Office Templating task was labelling generated documents as “PDF Generated” regardles of format chosen in the configuration of the task. Also, within the Office Templating task’s Configuration>Configure Task, there a prefill section that uses a button containing named “Generated PDF Name” regardless of output type. A fix for these both has been implemented.

  • 2840: normalized terminology used on the office templating task.

  • 2842: Removed unnecessary and confusing options when mapping from the Credential Center

  • 2845: When a user executed “Manage Requests > Reset Task” or “Redo-completions,” there was no confirmation popup to prevent accidental actions. As a result, users could unintentionally execute these actions, requiring them to redo tasks they had already completed. We removed the menu on hover, and made it appear on left click instead to support touch devices and prevent accidental execution. We also implemented a pop up that allows users to cancel the action if it was done by mistake. (FR-19925, FR-19926)

  • 2750: When removing a recipient that was delegated from a task, if a normal assignment to that same user existed it would also get removed. This no longer occurrs.

  • 2826: When a User is selecting Contacts via a the Contact Search question (configured to accept multiple contacts), a previously selected Contact is automatically deleted when an additional search for a Contact has been cancelled. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-19812)

  • 2833: If a Non-Admin User has Manage permissions to a workflow, they are unable to change the dates for that workflow’s requests via Manage Requests when they should be able to. Only Admin Users are able to change dates for requests. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-15369)

  • 2835: If a User adds special characters in the Office Templating task config for prefills within the PDF name, it will result in the Task failing. A fix for this has been implemented where when adding special characters a warning message will display in red to the User informing them that those characters are not allowed. The configuration also will not be saved. (HT-19839)

  • 2837: Within the Office Templating task, if a User doesn’t enter a “Name of Completed file” the task will fail. If a User enters a “Name of Completed file” but doesn’t enter a file name extension, the file will fail when downloading it from a prefilled Form.. A fix for this has been implemented where the “Name of Completed file” is required (a red box will be displayed if left empty) and if a User forgets to add an extension to the filename, one will automatically be added. (HT-19891, HT-19892)

  • 2841: When previewing a User’s Signature from the User Profile screen within the Document Viewer popup, you could download the file without the required watermarks. The download and the export buttons also should not display when the viewer is used in this context. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2844: When a User clicks on the attachment preview icon within a Completed Form, the preview does not open and an error is displayed in the browser console. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2850: Within the Office Templating task, if a User maps any multi-option questions and chooses ‘Only Selected’ in the “Which Options” configuration, when the questions are left blank in the form at runtime, the selection status will still be TRUE in the output. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2784: When a User starts a new request, the application isn’t displaying the proper task name iin the header. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-19337)

  • 2811: When a User does a Search within forms, it would intermittently fail with a 500 error under very specific circumstances. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2822: The category list was not filtered by a user’s create permissions when addng or reconfiguring a form, report, or process. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2838: Mappings from multi-answer questions to singular fields was showing the ‘which options’ dropdown. This is no longer the case.

  • 2843: When saving a parameter set for a REST Client task that was beyond 4000 characters long, the application was not sending the data properly, this has been remedied.

  • 1306: Users can now add a digital signature to their profile using the Signature option from the avatar menu (your initials in the upper right) You can either upload a file of your signature or use a signature pad. This signature can be passed into PDF generator tasks. (HT-11981, HT-17917)

  • 2722: Credential Center - There is now a centrlal area under the gear icon to store system level credentials in a secure manner. these credentials can be used for rest cient tasks, database sources, web service tasks, and aws lambda tasks. All Database, and lambda credentials should have been converted for you automatically.

  • 2732 (cloud only): you can now daisy chain PDF generator tasks by selecting previous PDF generator tasks as the template source instead of a file. This when used with the Keep editable option, allows for adding to a pdf template throughout the process (HT-18472)

  • 2800: When using a number that has currency options set as a prefill, you can now prefill with the number formatted as currency or the numerical value. This should apply anywhere the prefill is an option.

  • 2805: When a User deletes a Task, the task, its properties, and mappings are deleted. The transitions TO the task and any transition conditions are also deleted. Any task or configuration referencing back at that task is now left untouched, Ex. start rules, prefills, task configuration options, notification prefils, and dynamic naming. These were previously wiped out in certain cases which causes problems loading thoses task configurations.

  • 2810-2826: Upgrade all images to nodejs v20 and eliminate use of all deprecated libraries.

  • 2832: Added additional representations when mapping to a multi-choice question within the Office Templating Task (Ex. Yes/No, On/Off, Active/Inactive, Enabled/Disabled, Visible/Hidden…) Including a custom representation which allows the User to enter custom text to be used.

  • 2459: If a User has a Form task that uses a DB Pull task for prefills, and then you delete the DB Pull task (because you can’t remove mappings, for example), you can then no longer open the configuration of the Form Task. An empty dialog opens and there’s no way to close it without refreshing the page. The task then has to be deleted and re-created. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18837)

  • 2460: If a User has a Dynamic Assigner which references a Form task in the Query Parameter mappings, and that Form task is deleted, the User can no longer access the Query Parameters. An error is generated in the console. The task then has to be deleted and re-created. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2823: Submitted Requests can be Cancelled by any User since Requester/Client Permissions are not being checked before allowing the ability to Cancel. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2824: There is a dashboard HTML editor bug that does not allow you to access the source code and loses the scroll bar when trying make an edit to a Dashboard HTML panel on screen sizes that are smaller than desktop. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-19617)

  • 2830: When an Attachment Question type contains multiple attachments, the Document Viewer Icon is displayed in the wrong place within the Task History as the first attachment’s Document Viewer Icon is after the attachment’s separating comma and is incorrectly located next to/preceding the second attachment. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2836: FILE_NAME is now appearing again in the PDF Generator task configuration screens.

  • 2732: Within the PDF Generator Task, “Source of PDF to Complete” and “PDF task to begin document creation” configurations have been added for use when a User needs to chain multiple PDF Generator tasks together and reference the task not the Template within the PDF Generator Task. These options existed in v6 and v7. (HT-18472)

  • 2432: When a User tries to reassign specific Tasks from within the Replace User function, the list of Open Tasks appears to be limited to less than 100 tasks. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-19530)

  • 2792: The Date column within a grid stores data in a ’2024-06-22T04:00:00.000Z ’ format, which is inconsistent with the a regular Calendar question that saves as 2024-06-22. A fix for this has been implemented.****

  • 2814: When a User is navigating to a Form, the theme selector will sometimes display and then disappear. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-19507)

  • 2815: Currently the ‘Force user to change password on next login’ option, within the Users Profiles, only functions when the ‘enforce password expiration’, within the Password Settings, is enabled but should always function. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-19247)

  • 2819: When a User selects an option in a Select list within a Grid and saved, the choice that was selected can’t be seen in the Grid row. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-19691, HT-19723)

  • 2558: AddedDocument Viewer (powered by PSPDFKit Web SDK and Managed Document Enine) which provides the abillity to preview common document types uploaded to Integrify without the need to downoad them. The preview can be activated by clicking the ‘eye’ icon next to an available file. Some of the locations this has been made available are: Request Detail, Attachment questions during form execution, Request Disscusion Posts, Excel batch task config and runtime, Excel import task config runtime, Task notification settings, and most places that allow for an attachment. Supported file types are here (FR-17393)

  • 2599: An Office Templating task type powered by PSPDFKit’s Document Engine has been added, which allows for PDFS and DOCX files to be created from request data using a docx file with ‘placeholders’

  • 2681: Added the abillity to wrap Question Labels via a “Wrap Question Label” option located in the Basics menu option. When editing a Question type, a User can enter a check in the “Wrap Question Label” checkbox to enable this option. (FR-18254)

  • 2782: When switching between print and normal view from the Completed form view, form javascript was executing on each switch. In certain rare cases, this woulld cause vlaues to chage at each switch. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-14364)

  • 2791: When a User is editing a Form’s Script and then after they click the SAVE button, the save functionality quits working after a short period of time (maybe 15 minutes). The User then needs to close the Form or refresh it to get it working again, possibly losing thier edits. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2793: After a User changes a Process Name on the Process Detail tab, the change doesn’t get reflected in the Process Title Bar or category list. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2397: The ability to logout failled login attempts have been added by using two configurations located in the System Settings. The first is “LoginLockoutAttempts”. This is a number that refers to the amount of login failures thats allowed before the User is locked out of the system. The second is “LoginLockoutTimeout”. This is a number that refers to the amount of time that the User is locked out of the system. A unlock icon has also been added. This is located next to the User name when viewing the Users list and is available for Admins to unlock a User or Users that are locked out of the system.

  • 2727: When a User attaches or embeds several large file size graphics and attachments in a Rich Text question or anywhere that uses a similair component (Process detail description, Form detail, Task detail, Display settings, System message body), they cause performance issues when loading the request detail or completed forms. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2742: When a User deletes a Dashboard or Dashboards, there is no Confirmation Dialog presented to the user as the delete option currently removes them all without a way to modify and review the choices. A fix for this has been implemented. Now a User will be presented with a dialog consisting of a way to remove 1 or more of the Dashboards selected or Cancel them all from being deleted

  • 2744: Form rules that set a Question as Editable are allowing Users to make edits on the Completed Forms. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18747)

  • 2745: When you have the “Wrap all text in grid” option selected for a Grid question, the grid displays inconsistently on completed forms. Sometimes the grid data doesn’t display at all, other times the data displays but the text does not wrap. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2768: When a User has a Form Task set to Request Record, it is initiated and assigned to the Recipient but the Recipient doesn’t get the Recipient task on the front end, although it is created backend. A fix for this has been implemented where the Request will be in the View Request Records section via the left Nav. (HT-19057)

  • 2783: When a User makes changes to a Form’s Detail, JavaScript, or CSS, the Form’s Last Modified Time and Modified By information was not being updated accordingly. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2468: A Feature that adds a System Setting to delete User login history after X amount of time has been implemented. The options indicate the number of days to keep User login history. ‘-1’ means keep all history, ‘0’ means keep no history, ‘1’ means keep 1 day…etc.

  • 2766: Hyprlink question types on forms are now clickable when viewing a completed form or when read-only in active forms.

  • 2764: When an Admin was viewing a User’s Devices via Users > Manage Known Devices, there was no back button or way for the Admin to return to the User’s list. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2770: If an Admin attempts to modify a User’s profile via Administration > Users > Edit User profile, they were forced to change the password if it did not already comply with global password settings and complexity. This prevented detail changes from being saved. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-19171)

  • 2633: We now track login success, device id, and method when users login.

  • 2636, 2398: Enabled MFA functionality. With this users and administrators have control over devices, and how long MFA remembers a device.

  • 2730: Fixed issue where the scheduler service would crash and restart on certain errors.

  • 2734: When building a Standard Task Report, that is not referencing a specific process, within the Column configuration window, selecting “Task” as the Source does not display the Process field option where a Process can be selected for the task. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18853)

  • 2735: When a User attempts to prefill a calendar question with the Completion Date of a Form task, nothing is prefilled in the calendar question. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2737: Grid Questions within a Form that contain Footers are not displaying the Footers when a User views the Completed Forms of a Request. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2466: Added the scheduled date and time display to the Task History and the Monitor Request Flow View.

  • 2698: The PDF Generator Task Type now has the abliltiy to generate an editable PDF by enabling a “Keep PDF editable for future appending” checkbox option within the Task’s Configuration>Configure Task>General Settings window. (HT-18472)

  • 2361: When a User creates a Form containing JavaScript to read the footer values in the grdItems grid question by accessing the getFooterValues() function, it throws an exception error. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2679: When a User hovers over a completed task in the Process Flow View, the task type displayed frequently does not match the actual task type. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2690: When User attempts to create a custom connection string with different ports an error is thrown when clicking the Test Connection button. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2700: When a User imports a Process that has a Form containing a Notification configured with an Attachment, the Form Notification in the Process becomes blank. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2703: Some Form Sections do not always show via an Approval task Form link and also in Completed Forms. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18415)

  • 2715: When a User creates a Grid with, for example, Four Columns and then later adds a New Column and/or attempts to reorder the Grid Column order, the Grid loses all of the Column information upon clicking the “Save Changes” button.

  • 2716: The Form Assigner scheduled time that displays within the Task History is incorrect. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2717: When a User wants to reset thier password via the reset option on the login page, a link within a notification is sent with a one hour expiration. When a User attempts to use the reset link after it expires, a dialog displays allowing the User to enter new passwords and submit them after which they would receive an error. A fix for this has been implemented where the User will now see an expiration error message after clicking on the reset link.

  • 2731: There is a preview eye Icon that displays on attachments that is currently supposed to be hidden, via a flag within the code, but it is visible. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2676: When a User maps an attachment question from a Form in a Rest Client task, the mapping value returned is the name of the file. A dropdown has been added in the mappings configuration screen where the User can choose between the File Name and the File Stream. The File Stream can then be used in an API call.

  • 2663: When an Admin User views the Set Recipients option of a Task configured with the Recipients setting of “Each in Order” via Manage Requests, the Recipient order column is no longer displaying preventing the Admin User from adjusting the order. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2692: When a User runs an Email Monitor, emails that are being processed that contain attachments are not prefilling Forms with said attachments as the attachments are not being passed in. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2696: When a User checks the “Read Only” setting for a Form’s Link question type, the setting does not persist after saving and exiting the Link question type on the Form. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2697: When a Dynamic Assigner is used to assign Recipients to a task with the “Each in Order” option selected for the Recipients, the Recipient Tasks are being assinged all at once instead of in order. And, when an Admin adds Recipients to the Task via Manage Requests, the existing Recipients are removed. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2647: In the request detail, Request Records were not showing the last input data when viewed. The data would only show whe a user tried to edit the data. This has been rectified.

  • 2682, 2684: When changing a task’s assignment type to ‘Each in order’, ordinals would not be assigned to pre-existing recipients. When trying to add the ordinals, negative ordinal numbers could be generated depending order chosen. A fix has been implemented for these issues.

  • 2686: When a User Versions a Process with certain Permissions, the Permissions don’t copy over to the new Version. A fix has been implemented for these issue.

  • 2687: If a User attempted to print a Completed Form that had multiple pages, only the first page would print. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18408)

  • 2688: When viewing a Form grid in the Task History, the data shifts to the left placing the values under the wrong columns. A fix for this has been implemented. (HT-18210)

  • 2596, 2628: A password screen has been added and will display to check the Current Password and require a New Password to be entered for Users that change their passwords. A screen for Users who forget their password will display and require a New Password to be entered but will not require them to enter the Current Password.

  • 2606: Remove hard coded labels in Pages under Password settings, Translations, Api-keys, SSO settings, Active sessions, and API

  • 2642: Remove Hard Coded Labels Under Request Pages. This makes localization of system labels more complete.

  • 2643: Remove hard coded labels under process pages. This makes localization of system labels more complete.

  • 2645: Remove Hard Coded Labels Under Reports Pages. This makes localization of system labels more complete.

  • 2646: Remove hard coded labels under Admin > Forms. This makes localization of system labels more complete.

  • 2649: Remove hard coded labels under Dashboards, Email Monitors, holidays, business hours, database sources system messages and system settings. This makes localization of system labels more complete.

  • 2650: Remove hard coded labels under Users, Groups, Categories, Process Scheduler, and Report Scheduler. This makes localization of system labels more complete.

  • 2651: Remove hard coded labels under Profile Icon pages, Help icon pages, and bookmarks. This makes localization of system labels more complete.

  • 2661: In Monitor Requests, Manage Requests and View My Tasks, when a User enters a numeric value in the Search bar, it will now search descriptions and request names as well as request IDs (HT-18235)

  • 2605: Some system modal windows such as the windows for Contact Search and Searchbox, were not displaying the system theme colors when it was changed. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-18037)

  • 2639: After manipulating dashboard widget positions, they would sometimes overlap after changing screen resolutions. This has been resolved. (HT-18106)

  • 2648, 2654: Error messages were being displayed when running the PDF Generator task. The files were being created, just not saved back to the request. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2652: When an User viewed the Active Sessions via the Gear icon, there were duplicate session displaying if there were multiple browser tabs opened running Integrify A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17636)

  • 2657: When Users either Submit a Form or select Save Draft on a Form containing JavaScript on a touch device, duplicate Form submissions could occur due to the buttons not immediately being disabled. A fix for this has been implemented that includes a new “EnhanceSubmissionProtection**”** configuration within the System Settings that Admins can engage to prevent this from occurring.

  • 2666: Request time when submitting forms was doubled to prevent time-outs.

  • 2685: When a User attempts to view a Form using a link within an Approval Task, the popup Form that displays was missing the scroll bar. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-18399, HT-18400, HT-18401, HT-18392, HT-18404)

  • 2574: The ssp client API - left nav has been replaced

  • 2585: The ssp client API - process / bypassstart has been replaced

  • 2629: When unsupported colors are used in an uploaded Logo, within the System Settings, the color thief used in system theming breaks. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-18027)

  • 1058: The ability to allow selectable and searchable User Profile Attributes such as Name, Contact ID, Email, etc… in Assign Recipients screens has been added. This affects the following screens:

    • Assign recipients in process flow

    • Set recipients in manager requests - flow and task list

    • Task assigner at runtime

    • Role membership tables - show members under Roles and Permissions for Processes, Forms, Reports, Groups

    • Group membership table - show members (FR-10687)

  • 2315: The Button code for dashboards to start requests for any version doesn’t work for non-admin users. A fix for this has been implemented that consists of new “Start Request By ID” Button links that have been added in the HTML Panel Widget (HT-16600)

  • 2479: Two additional System Settings have been added for a Guest User. One is an Inactivity setting that can be set to a Maximum time that will end the Guest User session if no action is being made. The Second is a Custom Message that can be displayed after the Guest User session is timed out due to inactivity.

  • 2508: An Admin configurable theme has been added to the System Settings which will allow Administrators to select custom System theme colors.

  • 2519: Convert “My Account” to Vue

  • 2546: A customizable Color-Theme has been added to the System Settings which will allow Users to create a system color theme based on an uploaded Image.

  • 2464: When viewing a request record, the User can’t scroll all the way down to view the entire form, and when resetting a request record, the status changes from ‘Initialized’ to ‘Completed’ and when there are 2 recipients in a request record form, only the requester can update the form. Fixes for these bugs have been implemented

  • 2478: When a User removes a DB Pull Task’s configuration Mapping, the Task still attempts use to the removed Mapping at runtime and also throws an error. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2495: When a User has a query within a DB Pull that doesnt include a Column Name, the query doesn’t function. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2536: Users are unable to connect a transition line to the bottom of the End task within the process canvas. A fix for this has been implemented to enable this ability

  • 2549: The “Compare To” Start Rule is not evaluating correctly for numeric values returned from a DB Pull. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2554: When copying Start Rules from a Task which Start Rules contained a “Compare to” in it, the Start Rules would not be copied in its entirety. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2557: When reordering Start Rules that contained a “Compare to” in it, the Rules that was used to compare would not move together resutling in what appeared to be, through the UI, an incorrect Rule. A fix for this has been implemented to keep the compared to Rules together when reordering

  • 2559: Non-American Calendar question formats such as Day/Month/Year do not work with the Date question type. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2563: The Right-Click menu within the Rich Text fields no longer contain the Cell option for creating tables. A fix for this has been implemented where that option is now added as an Icon in the menu (HT-17890)

  • 2589: The Guest and System Accounts were not filtering automatically from dynamic groups. A fix for this has been implemented. Please make sure your guest account has been specifically granted permissions to the processes, reports, and dashboards they need acces to.

  • 2539: When viewing the tree view for Forms, Reports, Processes and Categories under Administration, the entire row for an object can be clicked instead of just the object icon. This also applies to tree views under Actions.

  • 2544: duplicate notifications of tasks already being completed are no longer shown.

  • 2329: New settings are immediate and persistent when changing themes. The sdefault theme is also used properly by the login screen.

  • 2454: Removed an unecessary message from the title bar of the preview pop-up of the auto arrange function in the eprocess editor.

  • 2541: Open URL tasks now complete entirely and return to the next task.

  • 2537: When a User assigns a recipient to a Task, the default setting is now “Dynamic” as this is more commonly used as a recipient when opening up an assign recipients dialog in the process designer

  • 2542: If a User clicked on a v7 link within the v8 version, the links would not translate correctly and would not function. A fix for this has been added which provides the ability for v7 (angular) links to translate over to v8 style links correctly.

  • 2547: When the Task Assigner is configured with the second option, “Do not allow user to complete task if no recipients were selected”, the submit button would never enable at runtime. A fix for this has been implemented so that now the submit button is enabled.

  • 2511: (2309 - OnPremise) We improved the way in which you can reorder the fields to capture. You can now drag and drop items in any order and a button is provided to automatically rearrange them in the order they appear on the form. This should help adjusting the order when large forms get new questions added to them.

  • 2513: When assigning recipients to tasks, the filter menu is now check boxes instead of a submenu for easier access

  • 2515: (2431 - OnPremise) We have added the ability to bulk activate/deactivate Users by adding checkmarks in checkboxes next to the Users on the left side and clicking on an Activate or Deactivate button. We also added the ability to activate/deactivate one User at a time by clicking on the green “Checkmark” or the red “X” on the right side of a User.

  • 2516: (2426 - On Premise) A new “Last Login” column has been added to the Users screen under Administration. This will indicate the last time a User logged into the system by the Date and Time displayed in that column.

  • 2518: The word “(default)” has been added as an indicator within the User’s Switch Theme dropdown next to the color selection that is the System Settings default

  • 2534: When an Admin was configuring the category of a Form, Report, or Process, they needed to click on the folder icon to make a selection. A fix increasing the clickable area to include the name and space next to the folder icon has been implemented.

  • 2535: Added functionality to the intForm object to disable or enable the ‘submit’ and ‘save draft’ buttons has been added. These should be used when custom functions for onSubmit and onSaveDraft are written in a form to reduce the risk of duplicate submissions:

    • intForm.submitButton.disable()

    • intForm.submitButton.enable()

    • intForm.saveDraftButton.disable()

    • intForm.saveDraftButton.enable()

  • 1402: When starting a request using a link/button from a dashboard, clicking the browser’s back button created an additional request instead of going back to the original location. A fix for this has been implemented to prevent the multiple requests and takes the user back to the link’s origin.

  • 2512: (2383 - OnPremise) There was an issue where the Scheduled Reports exported reports contained an extra ‘r’ column. A fix for this to remove the ‘r’ from the exported results has been implemented

  • 2514: (2477 - OnPremise) When performing a redo-completion action on a task from manage Request, the setting as assigned in the “When this task completes, set the following milestone” is not being set and used in the last milestone of the request. Instead a milestone downstream is persisting. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2517: (2446 - OnPremise) The system will now timeout for inactivity when a User configures the logout time within the System Settings > InactivityLogoutMinutes

  • 2524: For processes with the request start screen enabled, users were able to click the Start Request button multiple times, causing multiple requests to be created. A fix to prevent this from occurring has been implemented

  • 2526: Within the Adminstation > Groups, when a User is clicking on the Assign Roles icon for an individual group, and then “Show Members”, the role tree menu shows the top level, which is correct, but it should also show the group level that the User is on so they can jump back and forth within the menu. This should also apply to the Dashboards role tree menu. A fix for this has been implemented to enable this ability

  • 2531: When a user viewed a request that was submitted prior to #1246 which contains a form with a contact search question marked to allow multiple contacts, an error is thrown within the devtools console. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2532: When a User sets the height settings within the Grid question type the height does not display the same at runtime. This was mainly an issue when the word wrap was enabled. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17745)

  • 2533: This issue confirms that the submit button is disabled immediately after being clicked for Approval task, Excel Batch, Excel Import, Milestone task, Task Assigner, and Task Scheduler so it cannot be clicked multiple times and cause duplicate requests.

  • 2507: When prefill grids that has over 11 rows, the grid doesn’t display the rest of them and Users can’t search for them either. If a User clicks on a visible row the other rows will then appear. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17631)

  • 2510: Users without the correct top level permissions can access the top level roles but when attempting to select another User to add to a role, the screen throws permission errors and a progress bar displays. A fix for this has been implemented where the roles and permissions menu option will be disabled for User without the proper top level or any level permissions

  • 2521: When a User is at the top level manage role members screen, the treeview menu displays but should not. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2522: The Shield icon for assigning Roles within Groups are displaying for Users with no Grant permissions but shouldn’t. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2496: The User theme selection has been moved from an Angular screen to a Vue popup

  • 2446: (Cloud Only) The system will now timeout for inactivity when a User configures the logout time within the System Settings > InactivityLogoutMinutes

  • 2476: When a User configures a start rule that includes Status=TImed_Out or Status != Timed_Out the rule does not work. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2491: Process Administrator Permissions are Not Allowing Users To Edit Roles & Permissions with Grant rights. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2494: A stream of “inactivity logout” error messages have been displaying in the dev tools console. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2501: Within the Dashboards there is a HTML Panel Widget that allows Users to upload images. The only way to upload the image is through the image icon but currently not through the Insert>Image selection from the top menu. A fix for this has been implemented where both ways to upload is now available

  • 1185: Added the ability to show owners in the role membership view and also added a tree view for the ownership in the top menu bar. In the role membership views, within the right panel it display the owner of the membership before the name of the group or user.

  • 2309: (Cloud Only) We improved the way in which you can reorder the fields to capture. You can now drag and drop items in any order and a button is provided to automatically rearrange them in the order they appear on the form. This should help adjusting the order when large forms get new questions added to them.

  • 2473: (Cloud Only) Added the ability to Save the last login date after logging in the app when an impersonate endpoint is used.

  • 2260: The PDF merge task fails if there is an attachment configured within the PDF merge task that was left empty during runtime. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17508)

  • 2261: When a User is displaying the Form Questions via Admin > Process > Process Detail > Form Questions, all the questions do not display when using a Process with duplicate forms and questions. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2477: (Cloud Only) When performing a redo-completion action on a task from manage Request, the setting as assigned in the “When this task completes, set the following milestone” is not being set and used in the last milestone of the request. Instead a milestone downstream is persisting. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2481: If a User changes the Field order of a form within the FIELDS TO CAPTURE tab via Form>Configuration>Configure Task, an error gets thrown when clicking on a Confirmation button for the order in a popup window. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2483: When a User views a Form using a form link within an Approval task, the whole form, depending on the size, can not be seen because the scroll bars would not scroll to the bottom of the Form. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17478 , HT-17565)

  • 2484: The Form Text Layout object looses text formatting like indentations and numbering at runtime and in preview mode. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17563)

  • 2487: The Form Task>Configuration>Display Settings are no longer keeping the formatting that is selected by the User and saved. And when a Custom Layout object is used to code custom buttons, the buttons are not keeping the User set system color theme setting. A fix for these bugs have been implemented (HT-17577)

  • 2426: A new “Last Login” column has been added to the ADMINISTRATION>Users screen. This will indicate the last time a User logged into the system by the Date and Time displayed in that column.

  • 2431: We have added the ability to bulk activate/deactivate Users by adding checkmarks in checkboxes next to the Users on the left side and clicking on an Activate or Deactivate button. We also added the ability to activate/deactivate one User at a time by clicking on the green “Checkmark” or the red “X” on the right side of a User.

  • 2475: When Users were loading multiple Reports to view they were getting logged out of the system. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2208: When a User has duplicate questions on a form, it is hard to distinguish which question is which when viewing them from within a Data>Source configuration. A fix for this has been implemented to add Client IDs in parenthesis to all Source - Data whenever duplicates are being used (FR-15936)

  • 2426: A new column has been added to the User’s view (UI) that displays a User’s last login time stamp

  • 2330: Within the Database Pull Task’s Configuration>Configure Task>Mappings, Users were unable to remove existing MAPPINGS because there was no option to remove them. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2445: An Email Approval Bad Request Error message incorrectly displays when using a notification approval link twice when the approval wasn’t completed the first time. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17232)

  • 2455: When there is a form task preceding a task using a “does not contain” rule to evaluate the preceding form’s empty checkbox, radio button or select list, the form does not evaluate and halts the process. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2456: If a User placed a full screen configured chart into a dashboard, the chart would render about one fifth the size when viewing at runtime. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17343)

  • 2458: When a User is editing the Grid question type and is configuring the “Define Rows” Menu option, the Add Row and Delete Buttons appear when Users check the respected checkboxes and disappear when unchecked. Now a preview indicator tool tip displays when hovering over said buttons to confirm this is only for preview purposes.

  • 2294: If a User has a Task Scheduler task in a process, the User cannot configure a Notification to include the Date, Time or Timezone selected from the task via the Configuration>Notification Settings>Prefill Notification With Request Data. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2313: When a User attempted to update a request record, the task would not load on the first try. A refresh was required to open the task. Also, when the task was opened, and the user went back to the request detail and tried to click the request record to edit again, it would not change focus back to the request record. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2452: When in the form editor, a form admin was unable to delete rows from grid questions because the Delete button would not enable upon selecting a row. The delete button should be enabled so the form admin can click on it to delete the selected rows. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17332)

  • 2438: Existing PDF Generator tasks are failing as the Names of PDFs are being modified to incorrectly include HTML tags. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2387: When a User deleted an imported Report, the deleted Report would still display on the list of Reports. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2436: Within the Dashboard’s HTML widget, there was an “Upgrade” button that was not intended to be a part of the configurations. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17172)

  • 2437: Some form questions were not lining up correctly on a form so the form was displaying off - center. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17178)

  • 2435: Existing PDF Merge tasks are failing as the Names of PDFs are being modified to incorrectly include HTML tags and the Parameters are being wiped. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17171)

  • 2340: Auitocompleting forms were submitting “NULL” values to the Database for blank questions instead of skipping them. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2374: In the Process Editor, within a Task’s Start Rules, “Compare To” rules with “Task Completer” or “Task Recipient” as the source, were not working properly. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2433: :Legacy report, dashboard, start request links, and other legacy API calls were not redirecting properly. A fix for this has been implemented to support them.

  • 1897, 2345: Applied security fixes to all necessary modules to comply with zero vulnerability - zero deprecation policy. Standardized on a singlular rich text editor module.

  • 2321: The ability to override the Form Calendar Question’s “Future Dates Only” setting has been added to accommodate prefill values, which allows Forms to be submitted successfully without any “future dates only” error messages preventing form submission

  • 2346: When using Filter Reports via the View My Reports left menu option, the search did not include the Description and only the report Name was being searched. The Description was also displaying in raw HTML instead of being formatted and links within the Report’s description were not clickable. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-13783)

  • 2354: When adding or editing System Messages, Admins were unable to add Links or Images. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-16900)

  • 2372: When an Excel Batch task was being used in a process, the launched child process from the Excel Batch task was stalling on a Milestone task because the Milestone rules were not being evaluated. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2383: There was an issue where the Scheduled Reports exported reports contained an extra ‘r’ column. A fix for this to remove the ‘r’ from the exported results has been implemented

  • 2384: When viewing a Form containing a Calendar question type, the form would freeze and throw errors if the User switched tabs from one view to another multiple times. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2386: Users could not delete checked Rows within the Grid Question type via the Delete button becuase it was disabled. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-17075, HT-17076, HT-17100)

  • 2415: Task Notifications that are configured to include a PDF Generator task’s generated PDF as an attachment did not contain the PDF. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2418: Upon opening new Process or Report Schedulers, the required fields validation fired and highlighted the required fields before the User had a chance to enter in values. This validation should occur after the User clicks on the Save button. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2115: In the database sources configuration screen, we added a ‘Test Connection’ button so that admins can ensure a connection is properly configured. The screen was also converted from angular.

  • 2268: Task Recipient Cleanup added. This new feature allows a process designer to set a task to clean out any recipients of a task who did not complete the task. This is helpful for ‘claim’ tasks or tasks assigned to groups where information about users who did not complete the task is unnecessary.

  • 2303: The pop-up window displayed when clicking a question’s help icon in a form now resizes to the content as it was designed.

  • 2186: When a Form Admin tried to create a form rule based on a newly created question on the form, the rule would fail to save with an error message. This has been rectified, and rules can be created immediately against new questions.

  • 2191: When a user opened multiple processes in the Process Editor during their session, the application would attempt to refresh the process diagram of all these processes whenever an edit was made in a process editor. Only the current diagram should have been getting refreshed. This caused unnecessary load on some of the backend services. This has been fixed.

  • 2262: Within the FTP Task > Configuration > Configure Task, the “File to Send” dropdown displayed the unique identifier of the process’s file assets instead of the friendly labels. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2288: In the Prefill Settings tab of the Configure Task dialog for a Form Task, there is a Restricted View To Role column. Once a user was selected in that column, there was no way to remove the selection if needed. An X was added to allow clearing the option.

  • 2317: In Task Notifications and Dynamic Names, the text editor can be resized to the point where it completely collapses. There is no way to resize them again, as the arrow icon used to resize the editors is hidden. A fix for this has been implemented.

  • 2318: When configuring a notification from within the Process Editor, resizing the window would not force scrollbars to appear when they should have. This made sections of the dialog inaccessible to the user. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2319: Custom Reports that use stored procedures had an incorrect row count when run. If Report Parameters were configured with Values, they were ignored when a User exported the report. Fixes have been implemented for both issues.

  • 2322: Within Form Rules, Operands in the Conditions of the rules were not displaying, causing an inability to update those rules. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2342: There was an issue where exported reports contained an extra ‘r’ column. This has been removed from the results when exporting.

  • 2344: When using the Form Editor from within the Process Editor, a question’s help pop-up was displayed behind the embedded form editor window. A fix for this has been implemented to display the Help text in the front of the Form

  • 2054: In the process editor, when viewing the start rules of a task, if the task does not have rules yet, you can copy rules from another task in the process. This helps save time if a process admin needs most of another task’s rule to split a process down a parallel path.

  • 2169: We refined the min and max date range properties of the calendar question in the form editor. A form admin can now use ‘natural language’ to define absolute and relative minimum and max values for a calendar question. This allows for more set-it-once situations for configurations of the question type. We also tweaked the user interface to allow for better input of dates further away from ‘today’. See this page for more information.

  • 2264: Validated that the InactivityLogoutMinutes System Setting functions properly when the user had logged in through SSO.

  • 2269: When using the Task’s Dynamic Names feature for the Request Name, it inserts both the Field Name and Value correctly and includes stray characters. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2280: When editing a task’s rule in the process editor, saving a rule without making changes did not save the rule’s information in its entirety. This has been fixed, so the rule is completely saved. (HT-16329)

  • 2282: For Tasks that include the Recipient configuration. Within the Recipients>Assignment Settings, the verbiage for the option “Cancel Tasks for Other Recipients After Assignment” has been corrected to read as “Cancel Tasks for Other Recipients After Reassignment.”

  • 2297: The saved Username and Password text that displays on the Integrify Login Page incorrectly overlaps. A fix for this issue has been implemented (HT-16607)

  • 2298: The Display Settings within the Configuration for Tasks were disabled, so Users were not able to add text or edit existing text within them. A fix for this has been implemented (HT-16660)

  • 2304: Exporting form questions stops exporting if any Form fields contain a “#” (pound symbol) in the label; when exporting the list of questions to .csv, the export file stops right before that “#” symbol. A fix for this issue has been implemented

  • 2307: Within the Approval Task Notifications, Users cannot edit the text in the body or the subject and throw 500 errors when attempting to save the edits. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2308: When using the Developer Form Task in a process, it displays in read-only mode at runtime, so Users cannot input data into the Developer Form. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2310: When attempting to import a process, certain start rules with non-task-based sources (like a request - last milestone, for example) would fail to import. This has been fixed

  • 2311: The Description/Notes within the Task>Configuration> Edit Detail > Description/Notes were disabled, so Users could not add or edit existing text within them. A fix for this has been implemented

  • 2160: The grid question now displays the Client ID to the user when editing a grid column via the Form Builder in the Define Columns configuration

  • 2234: Users with only ViewConfig permissions can no longer make changes to processes flow views (HT-15988)

  • 2256: When editing a Task Configuration from the Process Editor, users can save prefill mappings against form questions that do not have a label.

  • 2258: When a User had two separate tabs open in a browser, and they were running two separate processes that were both currently on an open Form Task, if the User then refreshed one of the tabs, the process in the refreshed tab would be redirected to the other tab’s process. A fix was implemented for this bug

  • 2271: There was a discrepancy in logic in some parts of the application as to when to save data to the overflow table. This has been rectified. This issue was not visible to users in any way.

  • 2272: In a completed form view, when using the currency question in a grid, the footer symbol was displayed with the symbol that the grid question was currently configured to use instead of what the symbol was when the form was submitted. A fix for this has been implemented so that the currency symbol in the footer represents that of the submitted data.

  • 2273: When using the grid currency question in Notifications, the symbol was not displaying for all the rows in the grid. A fix for this was implemented.

  • 2275: When using the Approval By Email option in the Approval Task’s notification, the approval links within the notification were improperly requesting a user to login. This has been rectified. Additionally, If a user has already submitted an approval and selects an approval by email link again, there is now a message displayed to the User indicating that the approval has already been made (HT-16442)

  • 2277: When filling out a form, the calendar question listed previously selected dates as ‘auto-fill’ in a window in front of the calendar, blocking part of it. This issue has been fixed so the browser will ignore calendar questions for auto-filling. (HT-16449)

  • 2284: When using the Approval By Email option in the Approval Task’s notification, approving a request by email link displayed the system-themed page to the User. A fix for this issue has been implemented (HT-16529)

  • 2266: When the PDF Merge Task referenced a Form Task that had been submitted multiple times, it created duplicate Forms in the PDF Output. A fix for this bug has been implemented (HT-16316)

  • 2243: Dynamic names used to rename a request’s ‘Name’ when the task is either started or completed in Tasks from v7 processes that were migrated to v8 are now displaying correctly within the Task>Configuration>Dynamic Names page

  • 2249: When there is an existing specific prefill mapping within a Form Task, and it is changed to (None), the dialog retains the ID of the previous mapping. A fix for this bug has been implemented

  • 2252: An Error was being thrown whenever a User was adding a Request Parameter within the configuration window of the REST Client Task Configuration>Configure Task>Request Parameters tab. A fix for this bug has been implemented

  • 2255: When configuring Tasks, within the Task>Recipients>Recipients window, Users choosing the Dynamic Recipients list can now add more than one Task Completer without the other Task Completer recipients being disabled as if they were added with the first one. Also, if Tasks share the same name, the Task ID in parenthesis will be added to the name within the Dynamic Recipients list

  • 2265: When editing and saving a Report Column where “Request” or “Data” was the Source in the Column configuration, the Field and Task would be removed, and subsequently, the Report would error out. A fix for this bug has been implemented (HT-16297)

  • 2251: While editing a Select List, Radio button, or checkbox question type in a Form, re-saving the modified Client ID within the Basic configuration option with the same value more than once will no longer display a “Client ID must be unique” error (HT-16213, HT-16217)

  • 2209: Task Configuration>Notification Settings are displaying normally now and are editable for Users that have Process Admin Permissions but that are not full Administrators (HT-15854)

  • 2248: Within Task’s Task Configuration - Configure Rules, there is a checkbox at the top left of the screen that, when selected, a Delete button to allow Users to delete all of the rules at once. This checkbox and Delete button will now be disabled after it is selected and used to prevent all process’s task rules in the database from being deleted (HT-16165)

  • 1071: Process admins can now add links to completed forms into notifications (FR-12196)

  • 2096: Tasks with the same name will now display the task ID in parenthesis after the name if there are duplicates for Users to identify within dropdowns in task rules, notification settings and report filters

  • 2172: “Task” has been added as a Source Option within the Task Configuration Notification Settings Prefills, Task Rules, Task Recipient Rules, Task Dynamic Names and Form Task Prefill Settings, Query Parameters and Variable Mappings

  • 2171: prevented console error from occurring when loading the ace-editor component. This affected all places where the editor was being loaded (SSO config, among other places)

  • 2198: Special characters like an ampersand are no longer displaying with Encoded Characters within the notification subject line when used in the Task Configuration - Notification Settings

  • 2236: The User Profile Task that is used to update User information is no longer missing a Password option that is within the dropdown of options that contain other options such as First Name, Last Name, Phone, etc… These options are used as Parameters within the User Profile’s Task Configuration Profile Mappings that update User information when selected (HT-16035)

  • 2245: Errors are no longer thrown when a User is attempting to use the Import Fields option within the Prefill Settings of a Form Configuration - Configure Task (HT-16141)

  • 1989: Within the task configuration-notification settings, an additional input text box has been added to the Prefill Source when selecting the ‘Request Link’ or ‘Task Link’ for insertion into the notification body where a User can type a ‘friendly name’ for the link giving Users the opportunity to hide the link behind text of their choosing (FR-14604)

  • 2083: Within the Form Editor, all client id’s on a Form should now be validated to make sure they are not empty or are duplicates. This is for all question types, sections, and containers on a form. If a client id is invalid, the client id field in the dialog will display an error state (red underline). When the save button is clicked with the client id field in an invalid state, there will be a message displayed at the bottom of the dialog

  • 2110: When a User modifies a Field Client ID within a Form task that is mapped to a DB Pull task, the modification is passed back to the DB Pull task Mappings and a toast message will appear to the User when accessing the DB Pull config to inform the User that a mapped update was automatically made

  • 2113: Users with the appropriate permissions are now able to view Cancelled requests within in the View My Requests, Monitor Requests and Manage Requests filter dialog via a new “Request State” Filter option that is now available

  • 2116: The Form Roles and Permissions screen has been updated to a Vue component

  • 2160: The Grid Question now displays Column IDs within the Grid column configuration dialog that Users can reference in JavaScript for additional functionality

  • 1972: Within Task Configuration - Notification Settings, the yellow blocked Prefill Mappings are now displaying in body and subject line of the Notification

  • 2176: When User creates a number field with the currency format is used on a Form task, the currency symbol and decimal for the currency yellow block Prefill is no longer missing within a Task Configuration - Notification Settings when configured/used in the subject line of a Notification

  • 2185: Users are now able to view Form Questions via the Form Builder>Detail>Questions menu option for use when exporting to a JSON or CSV format

  • 2190: The DataBase Task table no longer saves a new process task attribute record for a milestone task every time a User saves a diagram on the process canvas that contains a milestone task where the modified date is null in the process

  • 1058: Selectable user profile attributes have been added in Assign Recipients screen (FR-10687)

  • 2152: The Japanese Yen as a Currency Symbol has been added to the currency types. Note: The User Locale must be be set accordingly in the User profile to view the Symbol in reports (FR-15577)

  • 2175: The Mexican Peso as a Currency Symbol has been added to the currency types. Note: The User Locale must be be set accordingly in the User profile to view the Symbol in reports

  • 2095: The Reset Fields button in process task recipient rules configuration window now clears the fields from newly entered values back to the original edited values

  • 2098: Set Recipients now shows an Ordinal column when recipient processing is configured to the “Each in Order” option

  • 2159: A blank task detail no longer occurs when navigating away from and back to the same task in View My Tasks

  • 2167: A User is no longer able to act on and submit request and add discussion comments after being deactivated while still logged in (HT-15661)

  • 2170: Client Prefills are now correct when using the “Submit On Behalf Of” process option

  • 2121: A Milestone task Value no longer Returns to Default “(Milestone)” after Versioning.

  • 2123: Process Editor - Notification Settings is no longer missing attach files section. Process Admins should now be able to attach static files to notifications.

  • 2153: Developer Form - Data now Loads on Completed Forms. This affects all developer forms when loaded from the request detail (HT-15526)

  • 2154: Dashboards are now displaying for assigned Users

  • 2112: Start Rules ordering and numbering now works correctly

  • 2118: Prefills from DB pull tasks now function properly.

  • 2124: Chart type options for Reports now show all Column chart types (HT-15558)

  • 1558: Look and feel of Form Rules Editor has been updated. This is visible in Form Editor to Form Administrators.

  • 2089: The Size and Type attributes can be accessed via javascript in forms for Attachment question types. This can help form admins with custom validation of uploaded files.

  • 2045: The Assignment Form Mappings tab of a Form Assigner Task now shows Client IDs when a question doesn’t have a label. Duplicate labels have their client ID in parenthesis to help in identification. This helps PRocess Admins configure the mappings properly.

  • 2120: Question labels that have been changed in a form now update after re-import in Fields to Capture and Prefill Settings in a Form Task configuration window. This can be seen by Process Admins in the Process Editor. (HT-15297)

  • 2122: All rich text editors now have font and background color options. This effects all users in different areas.

  • 1783: saveDraft is now saving the Form and is no longer generating an error in the console

  • 2105: Prefills and autocompletion settings are now fully respected for child requests. There were problems with certain settings combinations that needed to be adjusted.

  • 2108: Compare to option in task rules are now functioning correctly (HT-15385)

  • 2117: Approval options are now properly displaying when the task has been reassigned by a user. This affects any user thta was the recipient of a user-reassigned approval task (HT-15450, HT-15331)

  • 2104: When editing a Start Rule where the source is atask’s status, a dropdown is now used instead of a text box. This only affects process admins.

  • 2102: When using an empty, fixed value prefill in a form task configuration, all other prefills shold now fill as expected when running the form. This should affect all form users. (HT-15297)

  • 2106: Changed the behavior of the Enter/Return key press in dialogs across the application to use the default action for the dialog. In most cases, this would be save or save and close.

  • 2107: Text wrapping is now consistent for the Grid question when using the text wrapping option. The grid will expand in height to compensate for the additional space needed to display the row. (HT-14917)

  • 2051: In the Process editor the Advanced Settings dialog now displays read only toggles with informational notes. The settings therein have been moved to more appropriate areas within the Process Editor. This dialog will be removed in a later release. Threading within a processis no longer supported.

  • 2082: Excel Batch Task is now Listing Template Sheets in Mapping once again.

  • 2088: “Group” has returned as an available option within the Start Rules and Recipient Rules dialogs (HT-15301)

  • 2090: In the Form Editor, the controls to set min and max date in a Calendar question have been re-enabled.

  • 2091: The value for existing prefills with fixed values are now being prefilled in the edit prefill dialog

  • 2093: The Reassign button is now displaying to users for tasks with that were started with the ’Task Can Be Reassigned” option enabled in the Assignment Settings dialog (HT-15318, HT-15331)

  • 2099: Form Configuration>General Settings>Prefill first Priority is now displaying the correct configuration in VUE for Launch requests (HT-15332)

  • 2101: in the ‘Configure Rules’ dialog of the Process Editor, task transitions are now being properly configured or reconfigured when adding/changing/deleting rules that reference a task’s ‘Status’ (HT-15247)

  • 2081: Milestone start rules connected to PDF Merge Tasks now display the operators and values when editing. (HT-15247)

  • 2084: Fixed values in forms now display properly in the Prefill Settings tab for existing processes. Also, empty fixed values in the Prefill Settings now display properly as a fixed value instead of ‘(None)’ (HT-15297)

  • 2085: Layout objects are no longer displaying in the Fields to Capture tab and the Prefill Settings tabs (HT-15298)

  • 2086: The “Status” option can now be used for new start rules when using Launch Request tasks as the source (HT-15300)

  • 1565: Approval Task runtime screen upgraded to vue. All users will be able to see this when they open an Approval task that is assigned to them.

  • 1567: Excel Batch runtime screen upgraded to vue. All users will be able to see this when they open an Excel Batch task that is assigned to them.

  • 1568: Excel Import runtime screen upgraded to vue. All users will be able to see this when they open an Excel Import task that is assigned to them.

  • 1571: Task Assigner runtime screen upgraded to vue. All users will be able to see this when they open an Task Assigner task that is assigned to them.

  • 1572: Task Scheduler runtime upgraded to vue. All users will be able to see this when they open an Task Scheduler task that is assigned to them.

  • 2008: Text Wrapping Attribute for grid columns has been added via a new “Wrap all text in grid” checkbox configuration option. Form admins can enable this to force all cells in a grid question to wrap overflowing text. The change should be reflected in Form Preview, Form runtime (users), completed form view, and in the request detail (HT-14917)

  • Added the (x of y) indicators back to the Form task configuration screens. It was noted that these helped Process amins properly configure form tasks quicker, so they were brought back.

  • 2064: Excel Batch mappings are now lined up properly to the launched form. Process admins should be able to configure Excel Batch tasks correctly aain (HT-14286)

  • 2068: Unsigned, required Signature question validation now re-enables submit/save draft buttons correctly and functions normally. Users completing forms will no longer be locked out when forgetting to click ‘sign’ prior to submitting the form.

  • 2075: When changing Form Task to use a different form, old fields no longer remain in Fields to Capture and you can no longer add a duplicate field (HT-15201)

  • 2076: The yellow triangle alert is now displaying for Open URL and General Notification tasks when no recipients are configured. This will help Process admins identify unconfigured tasks of these types.

  • 2077: The yellow triangle alert now displays on Forms when the recipient is removed from existing processes. This will help Process admins identify unconfigured tasks.

  • 2079: Scheduled Reports are now working. This should apply to all scheduled reports. (HT-15204)

  • 1566: Developer Form run time has been updated to Vue

  • 1570: Milestone run time has been updated to Vue

  • 2062: When configuring a link in a notification editor, the root portion of the URL is no longer being stripped off. (HT-15168)

  • 2000: Errors no longer thrown when downloading any attachments outside of task history and completed forms (HT-14920)

  • 2004: Non-Admin Users are now able to create reports as process list now displays when creating report columns (HT-14741)

  • 2042: Dynamic Names Feature no longer Applies Unwanted Text to Request Name

  • 2049: Newly created forms are now created as version 1 instead of 0

  • 2052: Task notification settings no longer missing options like bullet points, bold and italics

  • 2053: A sid no longer displays in the Report filter dialogue instead of the name

  • 2055: The process editor comments task can now be resized to display text that is more than 5 lines long

  • 2056: All data is now cleared when deleting existing data mappings from the editor within Notifications

  • 2057: Now able to move the yellow data blocks around within Notifications where needed

  • 1511: Updated look and feel of the Configure Rules screen in the process editor. dialog now using vue.

  • 1513: Updated the look and feel of the Notification configuration screen from within the Process Editor. prefill insert functionality was improved, and a simplified notification source has been implemented.

  • 1561: Form Admin - Updated the Form Detail tab to use vue component to modernize the look.

  • 1740, 1833: Increased security around manage task reports and the endpoints that are called for each function. (HT-13705)

  • 1970: Added Edit Button to dashboards. If a user viewing a dashboard has permissions to edit the dashboard, a button to do so will show up in the upper right corner.

  • 2040: Custom approval task text is now displaying when selection is submitted

  • 2047: Fixed the display of embedded reports in the request detail

  • 2041: Start rules display rules past the 21st rule (HT-14994)

  • 1993: PDF Generator now displays the configured template name

  • 1998: Fixed issue where new tenants could not view process editor because there are less than 5 task types by default

  • 2004: Non-Admin User now able to create report as process list doesn’t display when creating report or column (HT-14741)

  • 2005: Forms now render when using the “Groups will be displayed” option within the Form Configuration Edit Detail

  • 2038, 2039, 2043 - Fixed issue where tasks and request details were sometimes loading twice

  • 1562: Form - References screen has been updated to a Vue component.

  • 1984: Fixed an issue where some PDF Generator mappings were not handled in the backend

  • 2001: Double byte characters no longer change when uploaded to an attachment question type

  • 2007: Recurring Process Scheduler runs, counts and sends notifications normally (HT-14839)

  • 1885: api-reports upgraded to utilize node v18

  • 1994: Reports no longer Revert Records per Page to 10 after changing to an other record amount (HT-14823)

3/3/2023 part 2
  • 1991: Request Detail - filenames are no longer missing when printing (HT-14808)

  • 1826: The Report “Is In Date Range” filter now provides a date range option to select (HT-14558, HT-14563)

  • 1967: PDF Generator Mapping Display no longer varies with Input Type

  • 1985: Mapping with source “Status” no longer throws errors and now saves in PDF Generator Mappings

  • 1986: The Copy Request option is now working (HT-14799)

  • 1853: Modify endpoint to create an instance so that it accepts data

  • 1981: Report filters now working (HT-14742) (HT-14743)

  • 1973: Forms now loading properly from approvals (HT-14267)

  • 1976: Expanded Task history now prints properly (HT-14692)

  • 1560: The CSS tab within the Form Builder had it’s look and feel updated (Vue).

2/24/2023 - part deux
  • 1434, 1719: Updated the look of the Columns tab for standard reports in Report Administration

  • 1435: Updated the look of the Filters tab for standard reports in Report Administration

  • 1835: Client’s Manager source is now working properly.

  • 1850: Newly created Dynamic Notification task process no longer returns an invalid email address error in task history (HT-14271)

  • 1861: Excel Batch mapping order no longer disrupted if new fields were added to the form

  • 1898: The Expose Filter Label does not display anymore when using the “Is Empty” and “Is Not Empty” operators

  • 1903: Reports - Task Completer’s Manager and Task Recipient’s Manager columns and filters now work properly.

  • 1949: Added error relief for reports when cached filter values were detected

  • 1951: Changing the Data Type no longer Clears the Column Name when adding a new grid column

  • 1952: Editing a Task Recipient Rule now Displays All Fields

  • 1963: Error no longer thrown when opening a merged file from PDF Merge

  • 1964: Task history attachments no longer failing when attempting to download

  • 1974: Now able to export from dashboard for both comma and tab delimited (HT-14700, HT-14703)

  • 1746: Task history popup from Monitor Requests and task manage popup from Manage Requests now displays as long as the mouse is hovering over the task

  • 1747: Long Task Summaries now have a scrollbar

  • 1836: System Messages - have been updated to a Vue component

  • All services upgraded to utilize node v18, except integrify-libs, api-reports, and ssp

  • 1831: Fixed issue with permissions on Manage Task reports

  • 1950: Lambda Task - Sharepoint now submits properly when empty input mappings exist

  • 1761: New API endpoints have been implemented for interaction with form tasks.

  • 1843: Grid Question no longer allows submission with bad data and doesn’t break the form display after if it tries to use it (HT-13940)

  • 1844: The Login - Forgot Username option’s email is now returning username(s)

  • 1865: The Impersonate endpoint now works properly when supplying jwtExpiresIn

  • 1762: Data Container endpoints have been implemented

  • 1775: Using a simplified result format from run report endpoint

  • 1848: New API endpoints for running reports have been implemented with simplified filter posting

  • 1839: Added warning to grid question upon change of column name.

  • 1760: Added api endpoints to cover approval task submissions

  • 1789: changed behavior where dashboards would unnecessarily load twice and also on browser resize.

  • 1798: Reports - The “Is Empty” and “Is Not Empty” filter options function (without exposing the filter)

  • 1837: Process Import is now Importing Associated Forms Correctly

  • 1838: Fixed Tab Delimited Report Export Format (HT-14214)

  • 1841: Print Icon on Completed forms is now visible (HT-14210)

  • 1847: The Approval Option Label now correctly displays “Add Approval Option” when adding an Approval Option

  • 1803: Fixed an isssue where email data was not being pulled in through the Email Monitor

  • 1807: When using the ‘replace user’ function, roles is properly filtering out deleted processes (HT-14008)

  • 1827: Permissions for each area now display only relevant options (HT-14180)

  • 1529: Process Editor - Task Config - Form Assigner has been updated to a Vue component

  • 1816: PDF Generator Task - Available template fields are now available as a drop down for mapping assignments

  • 1749: Now able to configure the Form Assigner task

  • 1800: Print Icon no longer Partially Covered in Approval Task Preview

  • 1811: Fixed error when deleting KPI definitions from a process

  • 1818: Dashboard widgets are now showing when a layout size is not configured (HT-14140)

  • 1530 - Task configuration screen for the FTP Push task type has been updated to a Vue component

  • 1534 - Task configuration screen for the Open URL task type has been updated to a Vue component

  • 1774: Process Attachments and associated descriptions are now displaying on the Start Request Entry screen

  • 1619: Adding multiple widgets of the same type no longer causes the second instance of a widget not to load (HT-12824)

  • 1750: Marking a Calendar question type as hidden no longer causes the left arrow usage to stop working in text fields

  • 1805: Report errors now trickle up more detail for troubleshooting

  • 1806: When the Dynamic recipient option for a Task is selected, the Contacts, Groups and Roles recipient options are now able to be selected

  • 1810: PDF Generator Task no longer throwing “Slice” Error (HT-14061)(HT-14095)

  • 1755: Form Preview runs script now when called from Javascript Tab

  • 1764: No longer missing the Open Tasks section after task is reassigned back to first original recipient also flow view now displays correctly as Open (HT-13729)

  • 1784: The approval notification email override option now works for the first email recipient and for all subsequent email recipients (HT-13900)

  • 1793: Scroll bars now scroll to the bottom of Forms to display the Save buttons

  • 1799: Rich Text data is no longer being truncated in the Request Detail

  • 1801: The Process Canvas is no longer freezes after dropping a new task in between two existing tasks

  • 1802: DB Push Task Config Update Now Able To Save For Long Queries

  • 1804: PDF Merge Settings now display values in dropdowns

  • 968: Cache clearing has been implemented to prevent users from having to empty cache and do hard reloads to get the latest changes/updates (HT-13876)

  • 1728: An additional restricted access selection has been added to requests via a checkbox within the Process’s Process Detail menu option screen (FR-13545)

  • 1787: Process Editor - Recipients - Disable deletion of assigner task defined recipients has been implemented

  • 1788: Form tasks now loading and no longer throwing errors (HT-13940)

  • 1794: The Expose Date Filtering option is now working on Reports

  • 1795: New Tasks no longer lose focus before a name can be entered

  • 1535: Process Editor - Task Config - PDF Generator has been implemented to Vue

  • 1536: Process Editor - Task Config - PDF Merge has been implemented to Vue

  • 1721: Admin / Process / Task / Recipients configure recipient rules mappings have been implemented to Vue

  • 1738: Process Editor - Task Config - Recipients has been implemented to Vue

  • 1741: A generic component to pick a contact and add/remove from table depending on context has been implemented to Vue

  • 1759: Added replacement calls to api-reports (/api/reports/{reportSid}/run & /api/reports/{reportSid}/export/data/{exportType}) for legacy report api calls (/reports/:report_sid and /reports/:report_sid/tofile/:export_type). Users should migrate to new endpoints

  • 1247: PDF Merge Config - clear selection does not stick (solved by 1536)

  • 1735: Inserted Process Tasks are now creating Start Rules Correctly

  • 1752: Now able to scroll to the bottom of the form rules Added Effects when adding rules (HT-13805, HT-13922)

  • 1765: Process Canvas will now scroll when trying to connect a connector to a task off-screen

  • 1766: The Rest Client task>Request Parameters>Mapping now displays the Task name (HT-13863)

  • 1769: Dynamic Naming no longer Mapping in nbsp for spaces

  • 1771: Actions>Manage Requests> Request management task list now loads correctly (HT-13901, HT-13912, HT-13926)

  • 1772: The Set recipients dialog is now opening from the manage task links within reports

  • 1777: Now able to assign a Dynamic Assigner to a task

  • 1778: Inactive users are no longer able to login

  • 1781: Form top menu no longer nesting/duplicating after editing a Form rule and backing out (HT-13928)

  • 1782: Rest Client process no longer fails after an exact new duplicate is built

  • 1785: Now able to assign a Form Assigner to a task

  • 1786: Now able to assign a Task assigner to a task

  • 1789: Dashboards no longer load every report twice

  • 1770: Report are now exporting correctly (HT-13878, 13877)

  • 1767: Custom and Old Reports reports are now loading via Administration>Reports

  • 1732: Process Designer no longer gets Locked in Panning Mode if Connector Change is Aborted

  • 1518: Process Editor - Task Config - AWS Lambda has been implemented to Vue

  • 1521: Process Editor - Task Config - Database Pull has been implemented to Vue

  • 1522: Process Editor - Task Config - Database Push has been implemented to Vue

  • 1523: Process Editor - Task Config - Developer Form has been implemented to Vue

  • 1524: Process Editor - Task Config - Dynamic Assigner has been implemented to Vue

  • 1537: Process Editor - Task Config - Rest Client has been implemented to Vue

  • 1538: Process Editor - Task Config - Task Assigner has been implemented to Vue

  • 1539: Process Editor - Task Config - Task Scheduler has been implemented to Vue

  • 1540: Process Editor - Task Config - User Profile has been implemented to Vue

  • 1541: Process Editor - Task Config - Web Service has been implemented to Vue

  • 1673: Process Editor - Task Config - Database Pull (Query Parameters) has been implemented to Vue

  • 1682: Process Editor - Task Config - Database Push (Query Parameters Tab) has been implemented to Vue

  • 1697: Reports Column Selections using the “Any Data” Source option now Persists and has been implemented to Vue

  • 1722: Admin / Process / Task / Notification Settings mappings function and has been implemented to Vue

  • 1737: The ability to download the file attachment from the Pdf Generator, Excel Import and Excel Batch Task configurations has been implemented

  • Form editor header and JS tab have been implemented to Vue

  • 1516: Process Editor - Configuration > Dynamic Names has been implemented to Vue

  • 1526: Process Editor - Task Config - Excel Batch has been implemented to Vue

  • 1527: Process Editor - Task Config - Excel Import has been implemented to Vue

  • 1532: Process Editor - Task Config - Launch Request has been implemented to Vue

  • 1559: Form Admin - Javascript tab converted to Vue

  • 1724: The ctrl-f Search option functions in-line within the Form code editor and via the Form directly and through a process then Form (right-click > Form Designer) (HT-13571)

  • 1736: The Task’s Configuration Menu is no longer cut off when they are at the bottom of a workflow

  • 1714: Request Detail Completion Date/Time is Now Showing for all Task Types

  • 1734: The file downloads for task history no longer fails for legacy files

  • 1731: New Users are now able to be created via SSO (HT-13629, HT-13613)

  • 1726: Form Assigner>task config mapping dropdowns have been implemented

  • 1730: New Users can be created in the system again (HT-13609, HT-13613)

  • 1663: The Process flow designer is now catching network/API errors when the connection is lost and provides a message or greys out the screen for the User indicating that changes were not saved

  • 1725: Form preview is working again.

  • 1727: Completed forms are now loading from an Email Task Link or a Report Task Link

  • 1694: The Save Draft on an Initial Form Task now Displays a Request Number

  • 1716: The Request Detail page is no longer blank after task completion

  • 1717: Open tasks links are now working in request detail

  • 1718: Attachments are now on completed forms even when the attachment field is not configured on the form prefill settings (HT-13462)

  • 1039: Associated Processes and Associated Roles tabs have been added to the Edit Group dialog

  • 1584: The ability to wrap text at the column width threshold for longer text fields within reports has been implemented via the new “String (wrapped)” column format (FR-13008)

  • 1640: Gridding options have been added to the process designer

  • 1712: The Report View Query window has been vertically expanded and the ability to close the window by clicking outside of it has been implemented

  • 1715: Report Hyperlink and Attachment icon column formats have been added

  • 1689: Data Container tasks are now showing initialized data in Request Detail

  • 1699: Receiving User’s timezones have been applied to datetime stamps within notifications (HT-13423)

  • 1708: The Number field with currency format is now registering the value if a dollar sign is entered with the amount (HT-13502)

  • 1461: The report vue ‘View Query’ window is now read only, highlighted, it’s background color has been removed including it’s internal border and it has been expanded width-wise and a ‘copy to clipboard’ button has been added

  • 1662: The Display of a Request Link on Custom Reports if Null Is Passed in a Record Set is now Suppressed

  • 1704: Form rules now calculate zero within numeric fields formulas (HT-13469)

  • 1660: Reports with date limits are no longer allowing users to select earlier dates at runtime

  • 1690: The text alignment options are no longer missing in task “Display Settings” (HT-13372)

  • 1695: The Contact Search question type filtering now functions for dynamic groups (HT-13425)



  • 1698: PDF generator tasks are no longer failing (HT-13436)



  • 1692: A Signature prefill can now be used with the PDF generator



  • 1609: TaskName is now on the intForm object for completed forms

  • 1666: The Signature Question now has a visual locking indicator that changes colors when engaged

  • 1679: The [By:name] indicator to the recipient’s list has been added to REQUEST MANAGEMENT FLOW and TASK LIST when running a manage task report

  • 1693: Validation messages no longer fire and display on a whole form after a number field type has a value entered or is tabbed over before attempting to submit (HT-13410)



  • 1627: Number questions no longer have inconsistent Answer values when validation fails

  • 1656: The Searchbox Query parameter mapping no longer has an incorrect duplicate form query parameter within the form advanced settings

  • 1680: Assigned Task Recipients now display correctly when setting the recipients via Report Manage Task Links

  • 1687: The Grid alignment is no longer off in the Task History when a section containing the grid is hidden on form load



  • 1362: The Minimum and Maximum length validation now allows the same values for both

  • 1685: User’s Group Memberships no longer display deleted Groups (HT-13359)

  • 1686: The Form Assigner mapping dialog has been expanded by default



  • 1243: The Group database record is no longer deleted when a user is removed from a Group

  • 1683: The Process Flow no longer returns to the home position when updating tasks as the ‘location’ on the canvas is saved for when the process is refreshed



  • 1668: The Open Task widget now reflects delegation in Assigned To column within the Request Detail

  • 1671: Report migration is now functioning (HT-13323)



  • 1676: Form Versioning no longer creates a duplicate header

  • 1678: The Set Recipients option via the Reports Manage Task Link now functions



  • 1677: Adding recipients to open tasks not set as ‘Each in Order’ no longer sets the new recipient as queued.



  • 1642: Email Monitors now functioning

  • 1669: Tasks in a Started state are no longer expandable

  • 1674: Task recipients with no data are no longer being expanded within the Request Detail when using the expand data option



  • 1633: Approval task Recipients configured with the “Each In Order” setting while in an initialized state, can now be reordered via Manage Request

  • 1665: Password reset functions normally and no longer throws an error



  • 1661: The Report Custom Query button is now labeled Save


  • 1659: A way to set the default layout for printing so all task details are expanded has been implemented



  • 1648: Scrolling is now working for the rules tab on forms containing many rules

  • 1652: A Request Flow View Legend has been implemented

  • 1655: Task names now update in the process flow editor when they are updated in the configuration>edit detail

  • 1657: The Print option now renders all of the request details normally (HT-13281)



  • 1650: The current iteration status of a Task’s color/border is now displayed


  • 1259: Signature questions are now allowed to be carried over as a prefill (FR-11673)



  • 1583: The Task Complete-Process will end checkbox option has been removed from the Configuration>Edit Detail

  • 1639: A Task delete confirmation popup has been implemented

  • 1649: Moving link points no longer recreates task rules



  • 1517: Process Editor - Task Config - Approval has been implemented to Vue

  • 1519: Process Editor - Task Config - Counter has been implemented to Vue

  • 1606: The PDF Merge icon has been changed to a ‘stacked document’ type

  • 1615: The Hindsight and Forsight process options are now working concretely in process flows

  • 1645: The Horizontal tree and Vertical tree Auto Arrange options have been added to the Process Editor



  • 1631: The Hide Detail, Flow and Discussion Tabs option within the Form Display Settings now functions

  • 1646: Report links are now working for standard/custom reports (HT-13235)



  • 1509: Following a Form Detail Reference Link no longer Opens a Request and Not the Related Workflow

  • 1544: A blank page no longer renders after submitting a Form as a Guest User (HT-12962)

  • 1548: There is now a pop-up when clicking on an email task notification link for a task that no longer exists (HT-12903)

  • 1552: A customer reported that the charts tab doesn’t open when selected - no longer able to reproduce this on their instance (HT-12975)

  • 1591: The contact information is now correct in the task history

  • 1592: Saving a Custom Report via the Save Query button within the Custom Query tab no longer switches on the “show options for building charts” toggle (HT-13066, HT-13155)

  • 1604: Chart Labels within report chart previews are now showing correctly

  • 1605: The Group and individual recipient display option now functions and accurately displays in the Task History and the Completed Forms render correctly

  • 1608: The Created by and Modified by User information is now correct in the Process Detail

  • 1617: A Task Link no longer displays an erroneous popup when attempting to load a Request (HT-12998)

  • 1618: Following the Reference Link from a Form Designer no longer Fires Off a New Request

  • 1626: The Open URL task now working as designed


  • 1255: Added “Form Drafts” widget for custom request detail layouts

  • 1546: Reports now have the ability to right-click and open a new tab for requests returned in a report (HT-12966)

  • 1595: Skeleton Loaders render while data loads in Request Detail

  • 1596: Report type columns (Name, Type, Created, Last Updated) have been added to Reports trees via View My Reports and Administration > Reports



  • 1579: The reset password flow now works as expected and sends a proper email to all users


  • 1585: Created /api/auth/setcookies endpoint to provide more seemless integration of Integrify as a backend



  • 1507: There is no longer a Payload too large error on form submit using a Rich Text question type containing multiple screen shots

  • 1547: The Request Detail no longer displays the Completed Forms list from previous Request Details when viewing different Requests (HT-12948)


  • 1399: The Feature to Reorder the KPI Sequence has been implemented (UI)

  • 1549: The Feature to Reorder the KPI Sequence has been implemented (back-end)



  • 1582: Versioning a process now also makes a version of the gojs process diagram



  • 1481: process copy/version optimizations applied



  • 1543: Request Detail is no longer Displaying Completed Tasks In the Wrong Order (HT-12970)


  • 1483: KPI Dial Display is now Stable and Consistent. Growth and shrinkage has been limited for usability.



  • 1317: Task Status can now be Used as a Prefill

  • 1497: Completed/Pending KPI’s Now Display on Request Detail Screen

  • 1506: The restrict view to role option within form prefills now functions and restricts the view of questions to specified Users



  • 1361: Clicking the Close button on a Searchbox results list no longer generates a script error

  • 1484: Flow View tab, request detail and task list is now refreshing after resetting task

  • 1494: PDF Merge no longer producing duplicates



  • 1388: There is no Registration issue when duplicate username is supplied as a username already exists message is now displayed

  • 1492: Now able to Delete comments on the New Process Editor

  • 1496: Report Data Export Menu no longer has Misspelled Labels

  • 1498: A Print button has been added to the top right of the Request Detail (HT-12896)

  • 1499: Chart Options tab is now displaying for Chart type Reports

  • 1504: Open task section no longer showing completed recipient tasks if the instance task is not completed

  • 1505: Completed forms section in Request Detail now excludes tasks configure to be excluded from Request Details



  • 1469: Reset Task pop up is now visible in process with wide design

  • 1500: Completed Forms Section now Showing the correct Completed By User and the completed Form Is no longer Blank When Opening (HT-12898, HT-12904)

  • 1501: Request Detail Task History - attachments names no longer replicating

  • 1502: Clicking the run task icon within a Request no longer takes you to a blank task tab (HT-12911)



  • 1480: Report Scheduler is now allowing multiple emails and no longer showing character limit

  • 1481: View My Tasks no longer showing requests for all published statuses (HT-12804)

  • 1487: Forms/Tasks no longer double load during request runtime

  • 1490: Request Detail - Report - no longer prompting for filters (HT-12886)

  • 1491: Report Editor - Filters tab is no longer showing for Custom reports

  • 1495: The View All Tasks option is no longer available to non-Admin users



  • 1486: Auto expansion of tasks in Task History is now functioning on the Request Detail tab (HT-12872)

  • Fix for security checks on form expansions



  • 1482: Blank Completed Forms - completed form link have been fixed (HT-12830, HT-12837, HT-12838)


  • Moved Request Detail to Vue from angular



  • 1464: Copying a report no longer boules the tab display

  • 1478: Fix intermittent display of form detail in task history


  • Added process SID to links/api dialog



  • 1426: Forms now submits normally if a container with a Grid has the “show when form starts” option unchecked (HT-12548)

  • 1468: The Start Rules dialog now expands the list of rules when you expand the dialog box to display the entire set of rules (HT-12816)

  • 1470: recipient reassignment screen now shows properly for non-admins when launched through task list in mange requests.

  • 1473: Forms in a copied request are no longer showing parent information (HT-12705)



  • 1371: The form rule “set answer w/ value” to blank now allows form submission normally

  • 1393: Report Designer - Task (Matching Iteration) no longer displays the wrong fields dropdown

  • 1474: Completed forms section is no longer missing from the request detail (HT-12806, HT-12807)

  • 1459, 1475: Report Designer - The custom query tab no shows properly on new and existing reports (HT-12760)



  • 722: The grid date no longer displays time within notifications

  • 1398: Any user can no longer copy a request when the “allow request to be copied” option is engaged

  • 1400: Manage Task function in reports no longer behave differently in Reports tab and in View My Reports

  • 1405: Users other than Requester/Client can no longer cancel requests

  • 1451: The reports links for use in dashboard buttons are no longer missing the left bracket before the report sid parameter (HT-12709)

  • 1452: The “current task” option for filters within task reports has been restored (HT-12725)

  • 1455: The Manage Requests task popups are no longer offset or offscreen

  • 1460: Options are no longer disabled via a report - manage request link

  • 1467: The Progress Indicator is now displaying when uploading attachments


  • 1266: The correct date/time format now displays in notifications (FR-12082)



  • 1447: The recipient icon in the task lists and flow view via manage requests are no longer missing on the support site

  • 1456: The Manage Request icons are now appearing on the Task List

  • 1463: Now able to assign roles at the process category level (HT-12773)

  • 1465: Emails from discussion comments no longer show undefined for discussion post name and id (HT-12777)


  • 1466: onSaveDraft is now available in form JS for custom validations



  • 1450: Fixed horizontal bar indicator when submitting a form to indicate processing.



  • 1381: Task Menus no longer cut off for Tasks at Bottom of Process Diagram

  • 1444: now able to scroll down in form configuration>Configure Task>Advance Settings>Fields to Capture/Prefill Settings (HT-12662)



  • 1446: improve scrolling functions in the flow view tab of requests (HT-12668, HT-12674)

  • improved scroll functionality for all configuration pop up windows in the process flow editor

  • fixed issue where copied requests embedded themselves under current request.


  • 1288: converted Discussions tab to vue in request views

  • 1289: converted Task management list tab to vue in manage request view



  • 1445: Multiple requests are no longer created by the same process if a form is the first task and the flow does not assign another task to the same user downstream (HT-12661)

  • fixed issues where printing of completed form (form view) was limited to open page

  • fixed routes to start a request from a dashboard button when not set to skip ‘start a request’ screen

  • dashboard buttons now respect skip start request screen entirely

  • new vue version of the links and api screen with QA codes in administration > processes > process detail.

  • request detail is no longer nested when cancelling a request

  • forms now release back to the request detail upon submission when no downstream task are assigned to the completer



  • fixed issues with scrolling to submit button on forms

  • fixed issue with permissions for non-administrative users where trying to read process details which was causing ‘blank forms’

  • fixed issue where printing of request detail was limited to one page

  • 1441 - fixed issue where printing of completed form (print view) was limited to open page (HT-12634, HT-12626)

  • forced links to requests and tasks from notifications to redirect to proper vue routes.

  • fixed issue where flow tab was not displaying in manage and monitor request if set to hide in process detail.



  • 1428: Save draft and Submit now does an insert/delete to the INSTANCE_DATA_EXT field records on data length changes (HT-12613, HT-12572)


  • All headers for Requests (View my, manage, monitor, task runtime), Form Admin, and Report Admin have been converted to Vue.

  • Request discussions, and request manage task list converted to vue.

  • Administration>Categories - Category Tree has been converted to Vue and Search/Filtered state is now saved when returning



  • 1404: Added new feature to PDF merge. Any field in a PDF Temple with a name that ends with “_forceBarcode” will use the free3to9 font



  • 1231: Configured page size is now respected from limits tab of a report.

  • 1368: The Administration>Reports>Category Tree has been converted to Vue and Search/Filtered state is now saved when returning

  • 1406: Manager/Monitor, My Requests, and My Tasks now return to page 1 after any filter change and enter key is enabled for all text fields in filter dialog



  • 1396: Filtered Members Dialog of a Role is now paging correctly


  • 1366: The Administration>Processes>Category Tree has been converted to Vue and Search/Filtered state is now saved when returning

  • 1367: The Administration>Forms>Category Tree has been converted to Vue and Search/Filtered state is now saved when returning



  • 1380: A horizontal scroll bar renders in the Process Designer when needed (HT-12446, HT-12516)


  • 1343: The Start A Request>Category Tree has been converted to Vue and Search/Filtered state is now saved when returning



  • 1363: The General Notification’s gear icon (task configuration) has been removed from the Tasks list since that task type has no configuration.

  • 1372: Process Editor - removed redundant scrollbars, fixed connector reverse movement, and the Tasks no longer display under Task list pallet when horizontally scrolling


  • 1376: The Search/Filtered state is now saved when returning to the Actions>View My Reports screen.

  • 1575: The ability to add a list of files that have been attached to a request in forms or generated by a task has been implemented



  • 1373: Selecting Save Draft multiple times on a form no longer creates multiple requests (HT-12383)


  • 1342: A new screen was created in Vue for Actions > View My Reports. The tree will remember expand/collapse state. and Search/Filtered state is now saved when returning

  • Improved display of forms in runtime to eliminate unnecessary scrollbar.



  • 1328: Process flow now refreshes when recipients or configurations are complete so indicators icons are updated/correct

  • 1370: Task fields now display while mapping Query Parameters to a Dynamic Assigner from the results of a Data Container



  • 1359: A logo endpoint to api-tenant has been added so now when calling the /api/tenant/logo it will return any logo that was uploaded into system settings



  • 1332: The Form Section options for “Show section header” and “show section outline for user” are now functioning



  • 1164: Non-Admins can no longer Delete Other Users Discussion Posts (HT-11264)

  • 1333: Selecting the Save Draft option no longer launches a Leave confirmation pop up


  • 1205: The title bar and selectable tabs (Process Flow, Tasks, Request Detail Config, KPIs, Process Detail, Run Request) have been converted to Vue

  • 1206: The Tasks tab has been converted to Vue

  • 1207: The Request Detail Config has been converted to Vue

  • 1208: The KPIs tabs have been converted to Vue

  • 1209: The Process Detail tab has been converted to Vue

  • 1210: The Run Request tab has been converted to Vue

  • 1338: The Process flow tab and request tabs have been converted to Vue



  • 1277: The Display Setting, “Only Show Task Tab (hide Detail, Flow, and Discussion tabs)”, is Now functioning (HT-12053)

  • 1327: The Complete If Selected option is now working on approval by email for the Approval Task

  • 1339: Expanding requests on the manage/monitor request page in Firefox no longer causes the request info to overlap other requests (HT-12269)



  • 1336: Contact and Groups can now be added to the Roles for Processes, Forms and Reports (HT-12260, HT-12265, HT-12268)


  • 1292: A New Role Detail editor in Vue has been created

  • 1293: A New Set Permissions editor in Vue has been created

  • 1294: A New Manage Role Management in Vue has been created

  • 1331: Scope_object/owner_obj to role permission links have been added which allows the object types to be displayed in the url

  • 1334: Roles, Permissions, and Levels being edited are defined and now display in the header bars - The buttons for these components have been consistently placed



  • 1262: Questions with no labels now display properly in parameter mappings


  • 1319: Instance endpoint to api-instance has been created



  • 1239: Form Rule subgroup buttons are enabled and functional and Form Rules are accessible by Users with only ViewConfig permissions with the Save button disabled

  • 1326: Dashboard tabs for other dashboards no longer appear for non-admin Users that only have permissions for one dashboard (HT-12193)


  • 1252: Save Draft is now available to call from form script

  • 1301: Chart Type Reports on Dashboards are no longer Limited to Primary and Secondary Colors for Display

  • 1325: An intForm.formState property has been implemented which now provides a representation of how a Form has been loaded for Preview, Runtime and Completed Forms



  • 1069: Options now use a persistent Vuex Store which now allows searches to retain their values when paging away then back (FR-10818)

  • 1311: The left nav Actions>My Requests, Manage Requests and Monitor Requests now use a persistent Vuex Store which now allows search filters to retain their values

  • 1312: The left nav Actions>View My Tasks now use a persistent Vuex Store which now allows search filters to retain their values



  • 1282: Fixed issue with report paging hiding some rows. Also expanded use to more custom queries. (HT-11753)

  • 1307: Fixed issue with custom encrypted connections failing when self-signed (HT-12137)


  • 1280: The Vue component for Administration > Reports > Add Report > New has been added

  • 1281: The Vue component for Administration > Reports > Add Report > Import has been added



  • 1278: The Vue component for administration > Processes > Add Process > New has been created

  • 1279: The Vue component for administration > Processes > Add Process > Import has been created

  • 1299: The header on the API page is now using the Integrify logo



  • 1298: The ability to set time in scheduled reports has been restored. (HT-12097)



  • 1284: API Tasks no longer failing when any prefill sourced from unanswered question on a form (HT-12066)


  • 997: Created a text area within Password Settings for adding custom messages informing Users of correct Password requirements



  • 1198: When importing a versioned process such as version 2, the version is now correctly represented in the Process Detail

  • 1226: Date format is no longer different between the front-end dashboard/reports and report admin (HT-11677)

  • 1241: Calendar Questions no longer accepts Invalid Dates and does not pass them into the back-end

  • 1242: A Form with hidden Grids is now able to be submitted without errors

  • 1251: Select lists containing parenthesis within a long label are now displaying within the body of task notification configurations

  • 1274: Report tofile api is no longer returning an Invalid Token message


  • 1250: GlobalDateOnlyFormat and GlobalTimeOnlyFormat has been added to system settings.

  • 1246: unanswered questions in forms no longer write to the DB



  • 1234: System Tasks successfully run in a Process and Guest Requests run normally

  • 1245: Dashboards are no longer able to be set with a negative order value, ie -1, -2

  • 1253: PDF generator task now flattens forms (HT-11830)


  • 1248: Token from /api/tenant/sessions/active call is no longer visible



  • 1214: The Date question type Date format is now rendering correctly for Guest Users

  • 1223: Existing Process Forms with empty Grids no longer fail on submission

  • 1225: The Aggregate label is no longer displaying in the Footer of a Grid within Task History, Completed Forms and Print View

  • 1227: Groups are no longer displaying as an option to add to Recipients via Manage Requests - only Contacts are displaying now

1/27/2022 Release


  • 1142: Multiple Attachments can now be added to a Notification (HT-11086).

  • 1194: Question Types with DB Query Parameters no longer fail on Form Save Draft.

  • 1196: Filtering the User’s list by “Active” Users via the “Active” User’s Toggle option now functions as designed.

  • 1200: Grids display now in the Request Details/Task History when the “Hide Unanswered Questions” option is turned on within a Form’s configuration and any of the Grid’s rows have values.

  • 1203: Password expiration takes User to new Password page, new User is forced to change Password on first login, and user Profile modification with “Forced password change on next login” checkbox checked is now also forcing password change for the User (HT-11548).

  • 1215: If both “Open web page in a new window” and “Open web page automatically” configurations are engaged within the Open URL task the configured website now correctly opens (HT-11604).

  • 1217: The “Submit” button enters a disabled state right after it is clicked, and re-enables if further User input is required (validation fails).

  • 1219: Fine grained permissions for Dashboards, Business Hours, Holidays, and Email Monitors are now supported for non-admim users.

  • 1221: Now able to edit Grid Select lists options.


  • 1103: Integrify Form Sections now collapse using JavaScript.

  • 1118: The “Replace User” option has been converted to Vue.

  • 1197: The Request Detail Data now displays the Client ID for Question Types that are configured without any Label.

1/14/2022 Release

Changes / Improvements

  • added retries when reading files to avoid false failures.

1/9/2022 Release


  • fixed attempts to insert ‘NNULL’ upon submission of empty questions.

1/8/2022 Release


  • improved performance of request prefill methods

1/5/2022 Release


  • 1193: file attachment questions are now visible in form print view

  • 1189: international characters are now saved with request data.


  • increased keepAliveTimeout and headerTimeout values to prevent potential timeouts

12/30/2021 Release


  • 1151: signature questions no longer prefill

  • 1179: ‘About’ link non longer displays permission denied to non admins.

  • 1183: buttons in sections set to read-only are now disabled.

  • 1187: ‘create new ids’ switch for process import now functions as intended assigning new process and task ids.

  • 1188: attachments can now be removed from attachment questions when long names are used.

  • 1190: Attempts to use invalid login credentials now return ‘invalid credentials’ to login page

  • 1192: consolidated swagger.yml files to improve api-instance efficiency


  • 1186: Change ‘allow comments’ to ‘enable discussion tab’ in process detail

  • 1191: added local cache support for serviceClients, and implemented in api-instance

12/21/2021 Release


  • 1129: The Request Management Flow tab is available even if the Flow tab configuration is toggled to Hide it

12/17/2021 Release


  • 1184: Nested Role Permission Memberships no longer cause duplicate Repeater Errors (HT-11430)

12/16/2021 Release


  • 733: “Current Task - Date Completed” is no longer a Notification Option

  • 1063: The “http://” verbiage has been removed from the description of the HostHeader setting within Gear Menu > System Settings > HostHeader

  • 1087: Moving a row within the Report Filter(s) into the first/top row will automatically remove the operator from displaying and also set the operator to ‘AND’

  • 1104: Form rules can now be used to clear the calendar UI on a Form

  • 1154: Users with ViewConfig permissions and not Edit permissions are no longer able to edit forms

  • 1157: A Form Section that only has Form Elements preceded by an empty Container, now renders at runtime

  • 1158: Backend Permission checks for Form Endpoints function correctly now

  • 1161: Report attachment type columns are now refreshing when paging through a report (HT-11256)

  • 1165: Discussion Post text is now wrapping (HT-11263)

  • 1166: User is no longer able to submit a form with a required signature without a signature by clicking on the Sign button first (HT-11258)

  • 1169: The Form Assigner Task is now Queueing Recipients

  • 1170: The Task dispatcher now uses the most recent completed data for task prefills in the case of processes that loop over tasks multiple times

  • 1171: The PDF Generator is now passing the correct instance of Data (HT-11296, HT-11297)

  • 1172: Navigation items that open into new tabs no longer load with a blank page if the new tab is opened while loading

  • 1177: Backend Permissions checks for Processes and Requests function correctly now

  • 1182: Database Table inserts of 1000+ rows no longer fail


  • 355: Email Monitors

  • 980: Nav Items are now links that can be opened into new tabs

  • 1112: Only Administrators are now able to see the Question Mark (?) Icon in the top Nav and have access to its menu

11/17/2021 Release


  • 1153: Chrome Browser no longer inserts cached username & passwords when Password Question is dropped onto a form

  • 1156: Open URL Task no longer Pauses Workflow when Submitted as Guest User

11/15/2021 Release


  • 1134: Reports configured to Hide in My Reports are properly hidden.

  • 1148: ViewConfig permissions granted to users at the form level are now properly respected.


  • 1105: General Notification task no longer shows delivery order drop-down

11/11/2021 Release


  • 1106: Task Request Detail now shows recipients in order when an order is configured for Recipients Individually and in Groups


  • 1066: Convert New Form dialog to vue

  • 1124: Spellchecking for Rich Text question type entries has been enabled

  • 1133: Table Create/Replace API End Point

  • 1139: Cache perms in .NET format/redis key when caching perms for Node apps.

11/03/2021 Release


  • 1110: Theme and Logo are updating correctly

  • 1123: Theme and Logo are no longer reverting to old defaults

  • 1144: Non-System Admin Users with ViewConfig permissions on Forms are no longer receiving a permission denied error (HT-11095)

10/29/2021 Release


  • 1137: Enabled Token refresh for Guest

10/28/2021 Release


  • 1128: Batch inserts no longer having submission issues

  • 1138: Fixed question mark encoding in form submit

10/26/2021 Release


  • 1094: The Field Help Icon now displays even if label exceeds width of the field

  • 1109: Prefilled Date is no longer replaced with Current Date even if prefilled Date validation rules are set for future dates only (HT-10944)

  • 1110: Color Theme is the same on top and bottom of screen now

  • 1113: Made FTP Push task completely system in nature. Removed all recipient assignment and interaction options from task

  • 1121: Images now resize properly for login screen


  • 1135: Form Save Draft and other updatable task types are now using the batch insert

10/22/2021 Release


  • 1132: All cached permissions from redis is now cleared when Users log out

10/20/2021 Release


  • 353: Convert Process Scheduler UI to Vue

  • 354: Convert Report Scheduler UI to Vue

  • 1102: Endpoints moved out of client and into scheduler

10/19/2021 Release


  • 711: The Request Priority column configuration option now renders priority colors correctly

  • 1115: User is now properly redirected to a task from an email link when logging in via SSO (HT-10957)

  • 1120: The Signature question type is no longer being passed to a prefilled form

  • 1126: An empty signature question type no longer renders an object in the print view of completed forms


  • 1085: Task Prefill Efficiency Upgrade

10/14/2021 Release


  • 1108: During the execution of the Excel Batch Task the “OK” button within the upload screen now becomes disabled after the first click so it can no longer submits multiple requests if clicked multiple times

  • 1053: Form Text now displays bulleted lists

10/07/2021 Release


  • 1076: Permissions given to a User for one Report at the Report level can no longer access all of the Reports within the same Category

  • 1100: Excel Import Task now completes successfully and contains error handling for failures and is reportable

  • 1101: Excel Batch Task now completes successfully and contains error handling for failures

10/06/2021 Release


  • 1009: Report filters set in the Dashboard designer saves back to the Report widget in the Dashboard

  • 1093: Using an Exposed Filter within a report now executes normally (HT-10928)


  • 928: New Back Button and Search functions normally

  • 929: Created the Search form function/handler/swagger in api-forms

  • 1088: The Build information is now listed in the About section under the Gear Icon

10/04/2021 Release


  • 1055: SSO now has a default TZ, locale and language settings

  • 1077: Mongo instance histories retention and clean out

  • 1081: Task mapping rework

9/30/2021 Release


  • 1049: Request Task Detail fields are no longer being overlapped by a banner when printing (HT-10704)

9/28/2021 Release


  • 1075: .NET Core v5 transition

9/27/2021 Release


  • 1074: Non-admin Users are no longer getting a permissions denied popup error when navigating to “View My Reports” (HT-10853)


  • 1070: A FeatureFlags module in commonLibs has been created

9/24/2021 Release


  • 727: Form Text no longer passes and overlaps the left margin in Print View

  • 950: The Old version Timezones are now rendering for Users in migrated Tenants when editing their Profiles including the option to select a New version Timezone (HT-10216)

  • 986: No longer able to add the “workflow/admin/users” or the “workflow/admin/categories” endpoints to a logged in non-admin User and access the list of Users or Categories

  • 999: Signature validation message no longer displays while signature is present (HT-10459)

  • 1006: The Browser no longer becomes unresponsive when opening the Manage Requests dialog box

    • The Dates and Timezone are now being saved within the Change Dates dialog box

  • 1007: Left navigation and top Menu items no longer scroll off the screen when scrolling down the process canvas

    • Tasks dragged onto the process canvas can now be placed down below the visible part of the process flow

    • Tasks can now be selected when the process canvas has been scrolled down

    • The Task Connectors can now be changed and moved around the process canvas without the need for the process canvas being scrolled to the top

    • The guide line (dashed line) no longer appears in a different position than the mouse pointer when connecting Tasks

  • 1050: The Dynamic Form Assigner Task no longer loses it’s Configuration when a referenced Task deleted

  • 1061: The taskData of undefined error message no longer occurring (HT-10734)

  • 1062: User attributes are no longer cleared by SSO login when there is no mapping defined (HT-10785)


  • 1005: Form Containers can now be addressed with Script

  • 1038: Guest User is no longer able to see the Top Menu and Left Nav

  • 1056: Users now have the ability to permanently pin down the Left Nav Menu and Bookmarks (FR-10716)

  • 1065: The Logo Area has a new size of 150x50 and also allows for variable bounding box dimensions and aspect ratio

9/14/2021 Release


  • 1037: The PDF Generator Task mapping of a Task Completer’s Username is now being rendered and mapped correctly on the generated PDF file (HT-10590)

9/13/2021 Release


  • 1052: The Default Theme Configuration within the System Settings is now functioning


  • 731: Custom Logos are now fixed with no more distortions on either home page or login screen (FR-8677)

  • 1054: A Custom Logo can now be uploaded

9/10/2021 Release


  • 993: Report Filters configured against Approval Choices using “Starts With”, “Ends With”, or “Contains” are now functioning Text Fields

  • 998: Report Filters configured against Select Lists using “Starts With”, “Ends With”, or “Contains” are now functioning Text Fields

9/9/2021 Release


  • 1003: Form Tasks no longer submit after clearing a Required Select List question type on them after being sent back for rework (HT-10460)

  • 1051: Links and QR codes execute processes normally for Guest Accounts

9/3/2021 Release


  • 1048: PDF Merge Tasks within a process no longer looses their configurations when the process is copied

9/2/2021 Release


  • 1044: The PDF Generator copies are no longer loosing their configurations when the original PDF Generator task is deleted

  • 1047: A Failure Status is now displayed in the Task History for the PDF Merge Task when the PDF Merge Form Configurations are excluded resulting in no file being generated

9/1/2021 Release


  • 1046: The PDF Generator and PDF Merge now fail when when a file name is missing from the PDF Generator Task Configuration and when files are excluded from the PDF Merge process

8/30/2021 Release


  • 1035: PDF Generator Task Configurations are no longer removed when other Tasks are deleted within a Process


  • 1041: Settings Endpoint and System Information links have been added via the Gear Icon

8/24/2021 Release


  • 1036: The Grid question type with pre-defined rows now renders after adding a row for Completed forms and Print view

8/23/2021 Release


  • 976: Grid Date on prefilled forms now render at run time

  • 1034: Forms containing Grids with pre-rendered Rows are now able to be submitted (HT-10562)


  • 1033: Portal and Stand-alone Links have been added for Non-legacy Dashboards

8/18/2021 Release


  • 1025: Attachments for the Grid question type, Excel Import files and Excel Batch files are no longer stored in a Temp directory

8/16/2021 Release


  • 987: Non-Admin Users are no longer blocked from initially viewing non-migrated reports (HT-10361)

  • 1011: Mapped fields no longer vanish if the PDF Generator Task template is updated

  • 1012: A Request ID variable that can be used in the completed PDF filename has been added to the PDF Generator Task

  • 1013: The PDF Generator Task can now have the Request ID mapped to a field on a PDF file

  • 1014: PDF Generator Tasks now retains mappings when copying

  • 1018: SSO no longer allows duplicate Usernames to be created when another User with the same Username is inactive

  • 1021: Process Attachments for old Processes no longer fail when downloading

  • 1022: Discussion Comments for old Requests no longer fail when downloading

  • 1023: Files downloaded from a Lambda function for old Requests no longer fail

  • 1024: Form Task Attachments for old Requests no longer fail when downloading

  • 1026: Files are now able to be downloaded from Grid Attachments on Completed Forms for new Requests

8/12/2021 Release


  • 1017: Task Display now updates the Task’s highlighted color after it is Reset via Manage Requests (HT-10487)

  • 1019: Pre-migration Image questions in forms no longer getting 500 error (HT-10530)

8/11/2021 Release


  • 994: Filters against Approval choices using the Operator “Is” or “Is Not” now appear as drop downs when executing from Actions>View My reports

8/10/2021 Release


  • 995: The Manager can now be removed from a User Profile

8/5/2021 Release


  • 991: Migrated Report files are now appended with -migrated

  • 992: Modifying a Report now updates the modified_date and modified_by in the report_50 table

  • 1000: Pre-Migration File Attachments to Forms are now downloadable (HT-10458)

8/3/2021 Release


  • 981: MediaWorks reports are now functioning normally with all columns rendering (HT-10334)

  • 988: PDF generated files and Attachment files are now displaying the correct file name when downloading from a notification

  • 990: Report no longer reloads from migrated file instead of from Mongo (HT-10425)

7/28/2021 Release


  • 958: Migrated Tasks that have file-based configurations are no longer missing files and mappings (HT-10293)

  • 974: Task are now displaying Recipients when Multiple Dynamic Assigners are used

  • 979: PDF Generator tasks now provides options for prefills within Notification configurations (HT-10396)

7/26/2021 Release


  • 966: Now able to update User (old and new) passwords

  • 977: PDF Generator and PDF Merge Links are now functioning

7/23/2021 Release


  • 952: Filter/Search option for Reports and Forms no longer calls the endpoint twice

  • 969: Reports function normally with no errors

  • 972: Attachments within Request Discussion posts can now be successfully downloaded from Requests created before the migration to v8

7/22/2021 Release


  • 956: Date filter shows Timeframe options in Report Preview and now during Runtime (HT-10295)

  • 963: Discussion Posts Attachments are now being saved in the correct location

  • 965: Report filters now render a Drop-down for Form Select Values (HT-10295)

  • 970: The Date Submitted and Last Updated columns are no longer displaying the same Start Date timestamp as the Last Updated column now displays the correct timestamp for My Requests

7/21/2021 Release


  • 879: Tasks no longer pass beyond the flow view window margin when viewing via Monitor Requests>View Request>Flow View

7/19/2021 Release


  • 962: The PDF Generator Task runs successfully to completion

7/15/2021 Release


  • 743: Grid values are now rendering on Completed forms and Print view after the Column name is changed


  • 822: User is returned to last Dashboard visited when Home button or Logo is clicked

7/14/2021 Release


  • 949: Recipient changes are now reflected without a refresh within the Actions>Manage Requests>Request Management - Task List (HT-10206, HT-10280)

  • 951: The Listed View for Processes/Forms/Reports resets the scroll position to the top of the page when switching between them

7/13/2021 Release


  • 945: The “Submit On Behalf Of” within the start screen of a process is no longer rendering a different search format magnifying glass when executing a process via Actions>Start a Request

  • 946: The Grid Date now renders normally within forms during runtime

  • 948: Modifications to Dashboard Permissions are now being honored

  • 953: Status column now displays Process Publish Status when browsing from Admin > Processes as well as via Actions>Start a Request

  • 954: The “Submit On Behalf Of” search option is now returning Users when executing a process via Actions>Start a Request

7/12/2021 Release


  • 932: The Set Recipients choice for Manage Requests now displays the assigned recipients within the recipient dialog area

7/09/2021 Release


  • 761: A hidden grid that is unhidden via javascript now renders values on completed forms and print view

7/06/2021 Release


  • 721: Copying questions within a form now displays the capture/prefill fields message

  • 745: Grid default empty date field no longer displays 01/01/1970 in the task history

  • 762: PDF Generator task type is now available

6/30/2021 Release


  • 764: Excel Import task type is now available

6/29/2021 Release


  • 876: Excel Batch Copy and Version options now functional

6/28/2021 Release


  • 763: Excel Batch task type is now available

6/17/2021 Release


  • 944: Added the ability to insert a Customer Logo to the pinned down Left Nav section

6/15/2021 Release


  • 894: Request Date Started, Last Milestone Date, and Date Completed are now displaying in reports

  • 933: Dashboard Report no longer missing data band

  • 937: Now able to import Reports as a Non-Admin User with correct permissions


  • 842: The ability to Pin down the Left Nav and Bookmarks sections have been added via a Pin Icon

  • 407: Users functionality - User creation and Update screens have been streamlined into one main entry screen

6/10/2021 Release


  • 931: Manage Requests context menu now available for all completed tasks within requests