Seamlessly integrate external systems with web services

With the Web Service task type, you can configure processes to post data to a web service as a SOAP message or to a parameterized query string, allowing Integrify to push data to other systems.

The result of the post can determine the path of a workflow. At any point in an Integrify process, customers can:

  • Push or pull data to and from external systems (Remedy, Salesforce, SAP, etc)

  • Instantly (or on a scheduled bases) confirm data receipt and pass back additional information

  • Spawn additional tasks in the Integrify® process based on successful data transfer

Select Configure Task and you will be presented with the following to configure the Web Service task:

In this example, we are going to enter a stock symbol into a form and then retrieve the stock quote and present the result into a 2nd form called ’SOAP 1.2 Result ’:

When configuring the Web Service task, we have made the following definitions:

The table below explains the options for configuring any Web Service task configuration:

Web Service Settings tab:

Attribute Options Required Description
Web Service URL Link Yes The URL from which to retrieve data
Post Type Http Post, Htpp Get, Soap 1.1, Soap 1.2 Yes Choose your Post Type based on the requirements of the web service you are connecting to.
Ignore Namespaces Yes/No Yes This will default to ‘No’. If Yes, the namespace attributes will be stripped from XML results for easier parsing
Use Proxy Yes/No Yes This will default to ‘No’.

Template Settings tab:

Attribute Options Required Description
Enter template for requests (soap xml, form post string or query string) Yes Query string, Post String or SOAP
Enter the xml format of the expected response Yes XML format of the expected response
Enter the xml format of the expected inbound post If the task is set to be posted back to, enter the XML format that will be posted

Query Parameters tab:

Here, you will enter your parameter to be mapped to a task in your process. See the example here:

Response Mappings tab:

Here, you will enter your Return Label , the Path and Data Type to be used.