Delegating your tasks
To set up a delegation so that someone else can receive and complete your tasks while you’re away from the office, use the My Profile tool. For this to be available, your administrator must have the delegation process running in production publication status, and you must have access to the Delegate my tasks process.
Select the shortcut icon next to Delegate my tasks, and you’ll see the following form.
The first field, Delegate User, lets you search for another user by name. Type part or all of the user’s name, and click the magnifying glass next to the first text box. You’ll see a list of users who match your search, and you can select a name.
Next, choose the date and time for when your delegation should start and end. During this period, any new tasks assigned to you will be delegated to the other user for completion. After the period ends, new tasks will be assigned to you.
If you set a time for your delegation to start and end, be aware this isn’t your local time, but Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), which is often offset by several hours. You can determine the current offset by looking up the difference between your local time zone and UTC. If you leave the hours field blank, the system applies the delegation at midnight UTC.
Any tasks assigned to you before the delegation starts will remain in your queue for completion.
In the last field, you can specify if you’d like to have only tasks in certain processes delegated. You’ll be able to specify multiple processes if needed.
To do this multiple times for different processes/users, start a new delegation request. If you want to delegate all processes to a specific user, leave this blank.
If you don’t select a specific process in this field, all tasks from all processes will be delegated to a user.
A completed form might look something like what’s shown below.
For more information, watch this video on delegating tasks.